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Tip: Don't crash like I did


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You know that's right! :) Hell I just crashed my computer last night.. :D

I wish my crash count was really at ZERO.. :D not even close..

:lol: That's what I told her, and then make me a sandwich.. :D

:lol: Damn straight. Glad to hear your ok Sara. I'm a pervert...but if i was Zero...i wouldn't have any problem helping you ice things. :p

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Sara, we've all been there at one point or another..... I got mine out of the way early too. You'll think about it and learn a lesson to take away but really it's all about seat time and gaining experience.

Glad you're relatively ok and hope your ankle doesn't continue to hurt. Get back on that bike and try, try again!

Edited by SchmuckGirl
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zerocrash and onecrash.....kidin kidin.....hope zero is taking good care of you....

:lol: that's histerical!! I should totally change my name to onecrash :lol: He is a gem and taking perfect care of me!!

quit acting like a girl and man up :rolleyes:

Hey now....DUDE (lol) Come on...I got back up and kept moving...beside it was my very first crash....AND like I said in my initial post, I'm planning on riding tonight if I can get the swelling in my foot to go down...give a girl some credit, I've only been riding for a week

Good on ya for not saying fuck it I quit


poor thing.


What kind of boots were you wearing BTW?

They were on sale at the Pony...the brand is Highway One, they're more of a touring boot, but I'm on a budget....and at least I had them, before those I was riding in tennis shoes, I would have snapped my ankle had that been the case.

***Again, everyone, thank you so much for being so kind and supportive. I know it was not a big serious crash but I still appreciate the concern!!***

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Next time you get a little extra $$$ upgrade those boots. Everyone's wreck is different but many of us gear heads can tell you how important boots are. I expect that after this you already know!

My get off was only about 50-60mph but despite the bike going down ON my foot, the Sidi's didn't give one bit.

Too bad you don't wear a guys size 12 boot, I have some white offroad A* boots just sitting around.

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Too bad you don't wear a guys size 12 boot, I have some white offroad A* boots just sitting around.

Haha, yea, too bad...in men's I wear a size 8, 12 would be a bit big. Zero has already said I need better boots. He's pretty much on your side with that. He's a gear guy too, lucky for me, otherwise my crash could have been way worse!

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I should totally change my name to onecrash

If you do that, then the rest of us will have to change our names to either gonnacrash, or gonnagreashagain.

Glad to hear you're okay. I know this sounds dumb, but I believe to to a degree, a crash can inspire more confidence once you get back on the horse, as you now know what it's like. You survived it, and know why it happened. So, you don't do it again, and don't get nervous next time you are in a similar situation.

Now go make zero's san'wich, girl! :D

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Aw, thank you...that's so sweet. Are you coming to the BIG bike night tonight? I'd love to meet you...have some girl talk etc. :)

No, I am not riding my bike yet. LOL

Want to take my course which starts tomorrow evening first.

Where it the bike night at?

Thursdays they have Bike Night at Conways in Marysville. 50cent wings and low cost drinks

Conways is right off of 33 where the Bob Evans used to be. We have gone there a couple of times.

Crappy weather tonight though.

Soo.. where is the bike night tonight that you're speaking of?

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Glad you and your bike are okay... Sounds like you've learned the cardinal rules of rain riding the hard way. 1) Stay out of the center of the lane, 2) Careful on the road stripes (tar in the cracks is slick too), 3) Be smooth in everything, especially the brakes.

Heal up quick, and jump back on that thing!

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