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So I almost killed two little girls today...


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Props to you for being alert man!! I have more sympathy for the driver than the kid.

As a child we were well advised (beaten half to death) by our parents for playing unsafely near roads... Kids should be watching for traffic, not the other way around. And parents should take the beating when they don't. Vehicles have right away in the road, kids in the yard, and both should stay in their damn places.

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I grew up in Germany. When I was around 13 my friend and I wanted to cross the Autobahn by foot. As we walked up the railing the cars zoomed by, it was incredible. We could feel the wind produced by the cars. I almost s**t in my pants. We turned around and took the long way!

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I grew up in Germany. When I was around 13 my friend and I wanted to cross the Autobahn by foot. As we walked up the railing the cars zoomed by, it was incredible. We could feel the wind produced by the cars. I almost s**t in my pants. We turned around and took the long way!

Good decision ;)

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