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Noob from Columbus


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Hello All,

I was following this forum for a while. I just got me my first "real" bike and like to learn as much as possible. I'm about to sign up for the MSF course. Yeah I know the kawa zzr600 isn't the perfect beginner bike. I will be easy on the throttle! I don't have a death wish :D

I hope I can talk them into letting me use my own bike for the MSF course (500cc limit). What do you guys think?

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You'll have no luck in using your bike in the MSF.

And +1 to using theirs. They have an advanced 1/2 day class you could prolly take next year. You use your own bike in that one. You have to have your endorsement for a year to get into that one. Something to look forward to I guess.

Welcome to the site.

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I hope I can talk them into letting me use my own bike for the MSF course (500cc limit). What do you guys think?

If I remember the only way you can use your own bike if it has been modified because of a disability. If you can ride a regular bike (left clutch, right throttle and front brake blah blah blah) then you have to use their bikes. And like said earlier, if you drop theirs, no biggie.

BTW :welcome:

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Thanks Guys for the advice!! I'll use their 250.

I signed up for the course but their schedule is full, the next free class is not till September some time. Don't know about the open door policy... don't want to waist my time :( So in mean time I'll continue to roam my dads lawn till my protection gear gets delivered, then I'm off to the parking lot with the MSF Guide. I'm very very excited !!!! :p

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