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Cyclist hit by WHAT thrown from a car???


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I ride a road bike that can do 25-30mph so since I was on High St in the 25mph section I was actually doing the speed of traffic, not that there was much since it was 3am. But the drunken college idiots thought it would be funny to throw them anyways. They were lucky i didn't catch the ball bouncing down the street in front of me or else it would have ended up back in their car via their windshield.

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They wouldnt have got you if you were on the sidewalk. You are lucky they didnt run you over riding a bicycle on High st. @ 3am. You got a death wish?

When I become Emperor, one of the first rules will be "No riding bicycles on the street except where there are bicycle lanes. If you ride outside those lanes, motorist are allowed to pummel you with golf balls." That will be right after I turn the Highway Patrol into the AAA.

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They wouldnt have got you if you were on the sidewalk. You are lucky they didnt run you over riding a bicycle on High st. @ 3am. You got a death wish?

When I become Emperor, one of the first rules will be "No riding bicycles on the street except where there are bicycle lanes. If you ride outside those lanes, motorist are allowed to pummel you with golf balls." That will be right after I turn the Highway Patrol into the AAA.

:lol: I like this. When can you start your new emperor job?

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Max if I ride on the sidewalks I'll end up running into pedestrians or wiping out b/c of the shit pour conditions of the concrete. I go 25mph on my bike, I need good surfaces to ride on that don't have peds walking blindly out of shops. If you're in your car on campus, or if you're in a bus, I'm passing you.

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Max if I ride on the sidewalks I'll end up running into pedestrians or wiping out b/c of the shit pour conditions of the concrete. I go 25mph on my bike, I need good surfaces to ride on that don't have peds walking blindly out of shops. If you're in your car on campus, or if you're in a bus, I'm passing you.

+1... I don't ride bicycles that often, but when I do I about pummle every pedestrian on the sidewalk bc they're texting or there's three of them side by side taking up the ENTIRE sidewalk :nono: ... I think if you ride your bicycle faster than the old ladies drive down the road, you're good to go.

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^I totally ride faster than the old ladies in their cars, I even out accelerate some cars at lights. If you're on a mountain bike though get the F*ck off the street b/c you can't even ride fast enough to go in a straight line, you just swerve back and forth, however, if you have a road bike the sidewalk is suicide.

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