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Northeast group ride 400 mile loop 08-02-09

Uncle Punk

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The morning started OK, but as we got closer to Millersburg we hit rain and got pretty soggy. Just after Doomking split off we met Big Speasy at a gas station in Millersburg. It was raining pretty heavily and we debated calling it a day. After a quick radar check and some weather recon from a guy on a cruiser we decided to press on. About 5 miles past Millersburg the rain stopped. We kept the pace pretty mild until we made it to dry roads.

The 2nd half of the day was MUCH better, the sun came out and we picked up the pace for 26, 536, & 255. Then we REALLY picked up the pace on 800 as we headed back North.

Despite the iffy start it wound up being a good day of riding. I finished with a little over 450 miles for the day.

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The morning started OK, but as we got closer to Millersburg we hit rain and got pretty soggy. Just after Doomking split off we met Big Speasy at a gas station in Millersburg. It was raining pretty heavily and we debated calling it a day. After a quick radar check and some weather recon from a guy on a cruiser we decided to press on. About 5 miles past Millersburg the rain stopped. We kept the pace pretty mild until we made it to dry roads.

The 2nd half of the day was MUCH better, the sun came out and we picked up the pace for 26, 536, & 255. Then we REALLY picked up the pace on 800 as we headed back North.

Despite the iffy start it wound up being a good day of riding. I finished with a little over 450 miles for the day.

how was 536 what did you think of it?

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how was 536 what did you think of it?

I've ridden 536 quite a few times. Honestly, it's not one of my favorites. It's was in good shape. I don't recall any gravel or debris, but it does have those annoying 'speed bumps' before some of the curves.

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Made it home safe just needed a nap.

427 miles, moving 7:44 with average moving speed of 55.1, total trip time of 9:33 with an overall average speed of 44.6

Doomking meet Tpoppa and me at the CircleK with the roads somewhat damp and intermittent drizzle. We decided to give it a go with the hopes that the rain had already passed through. Wrong, it came down pretty good once we got close to Millersburg. Doomking turned around just about 500 feet before we made it to the Speedway on the south side of Millersburg to meet Big Speazy. Tony filled in the rest of the ride report as accurate as necessary.

Big Speazy did a good job keeping up and I thought it was cool of him to decide to head out in the rain with us. I hope he is glad he decided to go on with us to discover some new roads he hadn't been on before.

We kept to the original route I had planned for Big Speazys sake. Tony and I have both been on 536 and while it's challenging it’s not my most favorite road. We probably would have taken a different route if it would have been just the two of us but I'm glad we went across 26. I haven't been on that road for a couple of years and it's in much better shape. We did get to do 255 and I love that road, it’s not as clean as it was when it was first paved but its still fun.

Fuck you non hacking Nancys who couldn't get wet. The road is boring to Millersburg anyway and we only missed about a half hour of the good roads at a hard pace. We missed another half hour to 45 minutes where we weren't sure what pace to set because of damp spots. I made it home by 6:00 with my bike a little dirty but had a good day riding. You guys are dead to me in this thread you bunch of posers.

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Made it home safe just needed a nap.

427 miles, moving 7:44 with average moving speed of 55.1, total trip time of 9:33 with an overall average speed of 44.6

Doomking meet Tpoppa and me at the CircleK with the roads somewhat damp and intermittent drizzle. We decided to give it a go with the hopes that the rain had already passed through. Wrong, it came down pretty good once we got close to Millersburg. Doomking turned around just about 500 feet before we made it to the Speedway on the south side of Millersburg to meet Big Speazy. Tony filled in the rest of the ride report as accurate as necessary.

Big Speazy did a good job keeping up and I thought it was cool of him to decide to head out in the rain with us. I hope he is glad he decided to go on with us to discover some new roads he hadn't been on before.

We kept to the original route I had planned for Big Speazys sake. Tony and I have both been on 536 and while it's challenging it’s not my most favorite road. We probably would have taken a different route if it would have been just the two of us but I'm glad we went across 26. I haven't been on that road for a couple of years and it's in much better shape. We did get to do 255 and I love that road, it’s not as clean as it was when it was first paved but its still fun.

Fuck you non hacking Nancys who couldn't get wet. The road is boring to Millersburg anyway and we only missed about a half hour of the good roads at a hard pace. We missed another half hour to 45 minutes where we weren't sure what pace to set because of damp spots. I made it home by 6:00 with my bike a little dirty but had a good day riding. You guys are dead to me in this thread you bunch of posers.

Glad you made it back safe and that you found some dry roads! Father in-law is having kidney failure and not doing to well. Be on the next one though!

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hey I'm dry too... and i was wearing blue jeans. haha thanks U.P. for the ride, even though I slowed your asses down with my 500.

...or maybe it was that you didn't want to be seen with such a sexy bike as that. :lol:

You did a great job keeping up I am impressed with your riding skills with this being your first street bike and having no dirt bike experience. I don't know why you didn't wreck though because some people seem to think if two or more people get together and ride someone has to go down.

I like to ride quickly on these back roads but never out of control when it was wet or damp we kept the pace slow and never had to wait for anyone, I don’t know why some would think we would have ridden otherwise especially after they have ridden with me before.

536 is relentless with curves but how did you like 255? You don't need to go all the way to Tennessee to find good roads. If you want to go out exploring on your own just ask me or Tony and we can give you some other roads that you might find just as much fun as yesterdays.

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No one is saying you would ride recklessly UP. SRSLY? It's a personal preference of mine. I don't do it because bad things can happen just braking at a stop sign or having your helmet fog up. Some people don't care. I happen to care..and I don't have any rain gear so I choose not to do it. Like I said before...I'd rather stay home and safe than try to prove someone wrong because he called me out on the internet.

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536 is relentless with curves but how did you like 255? You don't need to go all the way to Tennessee to find good roads. If you want to go out exploring on your own just ask me or Tony and we can give you some other roads that you might find just as much fun as yesterdays.

Both of those were sweet roads, I immediately got home and went "I wish my camera mount was on so I coulda got some vid of those roads for dad." but that gives me more reason to go down another time right?

Tennessee is more for a visit to a friends, not as much riding, but I had planned on riding somewhere just to get out and explore on the way. A much needed vacation from the bank.

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You should bring your dad the next time we go riding that Super Blackbird would love to see these roads. I had a CBR1100XX several years ago and really like those bikes.

I understand just visiting Tennessee I used to take my bike down there for visits before I lived down there for a while. This was before the internet and I didn't know about Deal Gap at the time. I only lived about an hour and a half from it.

My pants dried you quickly after it stopped raining how long did it take for yours to dry out? When the roads got dry and we could ride I forgot all about them being wet at all. I guess you had a good time even without rain gear.

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I didn't really feel wet much after the rain had stopped... the heavier stuff i leaned over to cover my jeans, so really only my shins got hit with the road wetness. so really it wasn't much of a problem.

my gloves on the other hand felt wet until after the first gas stop.

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I forgot about the gloves, I brought two pairs and the wet ones are probably molding in my bags right now. I did get to put a cover on the baby though so the little creepy action figure could stay dry.

One of the reasons we were able to do this many miles even with the rain in such a short time was these two guys decided they didn't need to stop for lunch. No whining or complaining just man up and ride. None of this I want to go to the Ivy, I have to eat, slow the ride down bullshit.

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