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Breaking news: fatality on Broad St, motorcycle involved


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that sucks :(

hopefully someone chased them down and got a plate number or something?

if i saw someone hit someone and take off, id definitely follow them.

It would be a toss up for me, stop and help or chase the other guy down.

I think helping might be my first choice, I dunno, hope I never have to choose.

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From experience, unless a witness stops- nothing will be done (obviously not a fatality here, but my crash was caused by a non-stop car- and I got the license plate). I will not hesitate to chase a person down, and I do have an issue or two- I could use a good excuse to resolve them in a less than constructive way. Just sayin...

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I'm there with you on the stop or chase; I'm pretty sure I'd stop though.

RIP to the fallen rider. :(

The other cagers will stop and help, you owe it to the rider to follow the bastard that hit him since you have the most capable pursuit vehicle.

and RIP.

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