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Ride for Freedom Sept 5 Cincinnati


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How come we didn't see these sorts of things when Bush and Cheney were crapping all over the Constitution? I mean has the Obama administration done anything yet that is actually anti-USC? Sure there are somethings to not like I just don't get the "SAVE THE CONSTITUTION" stuff.

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See, fusion, you just don't get it- it's actually 1983, the Cold War's still right on the edge of escalation, and everything that isn't actually made out of apple pie (or isn't a Republican) is automatically the RED THREAT!

Naturally, we didn't spend a trillion dollars in Iraq-- it's only big-government spending when Democrats do it.

Meh, politics as usual.


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+47 individual riders Confirmed in 2 days....this does NOT include serveral major riding groups who have confirmed........THIS IS GONNA BE A BIG RIDE......thanks to everyone......keep spreading the word and join in ................Show Our Support for What the Troops are fighting for.......( OhioLibertyRiders.com)

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+47 individual riders Confirmed in 2 days....this does NOT include serveral major riding groups who have confirmed........THIS IS GONNA BE A BIG RIDE......thanks to everyone......keep spreading the word and join in ................Show Our Support for What the Troops are fighting for.......(OhioLibertyRiders.com)

What troops fighting where?

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I know that Easy Rider Chillicothe is that weekend, but i nice ride through or to cincinnati for an important cause for a 30 minute ride for Patriots of this country would help......we'd love to have anyone and everyone.......ohiolibertyriders.com

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@ the pictures and post above........you must be in highschool still? or get your news from TV,,,,,,,I guess these are matters that you just dont understand....pretty sad........suuuure make it a race issue, that pretty typical for someone who has NO clue whats happening.......btw im hispanic and we ride with a mixed racial bunch! have a good day............oh you might want to know the bill for mandatory military service ( ie draft)passed the house of reps yesterday, so good luck riding on your way to Iraq.

--end the war!

--end govt intrusion into our lives

--peace for ALL here at home

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@ the pictures and post above........you must be in highschool still? or get your news from TV,,,,,,,I guess these are matters that you just dont understand....pretty sad........

Oh yeah you got me you happy little spammer you. Actually I sit at home all day sucking up welfare because I dropped out of school when I was 6.

suuuure make it a race issue, that pretty typical for someone who has NO clue whats happening.......btw im hispanic and we ride with a mixed racial bunch! have a good day

You're an idiot if you think the point is to make it a racial issue.

............oh you might want to know the bill for mandatory military service ( ie draft)passed the house of reps yesterday, so good luck riding on your way to Iraq.

Oh yeah I'm frightened. I'm ex-military btw, you? Oh and feel free to provide a citation since you're making the claim, a simple bill number will suffice.

--end the war!

--end govt intrusion into our lives

--peace for ALL here at home


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Because he's a cross posting spammer.

true story

@ the pictures and post above........you must be in highschool still? or get your news from TV,,,,,,,I guess these are matters that you just dont understand....pretty sad........suuuure make it a race issue, that pretty typical for someone who has NO clue whats happening.......btw im hispanic and we ride with a mixed racial bunch! have a good day............oh you might want to know the bill for mandatory military service ( ie draft)passed the house of reps yesterday, so good luck riding on your way to Iraq.

--end the war!

--end govt intrusion into our lives

--peace for ALL here at home

El jujo is hispanic... thanks for putting 1+1 together for us.

Post that bill you're talking about for MANDATORY military service that just passed, or else I'm calling bullshit on you and everything you spamming post. ORDN is for "non-spammers" only. Kind of like our drinking fountains.

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@ the pictures and post above........you must be in highschool still? or get your news from TV,,,,,,,I guess these are matters that you just dont understand....pretty sad........suuuure make it a race issue, that pretty typical for someone who has NO clue whats happening.......btw im hispanic and we ride with a mixed racial bunch! have a good day............oh you might want to know the bill for mandatory military service ( ie draft)passed the house of reps yesterday, so good luck riding on your way to Iraq.

--end the war!

--end govt intrusion into our lives

--peace for ALL here at home

You sir, are a moron. No need to tell us you're Hispanic, that is very evident in your English skills. Speaking of high school, did you just get on here to start shit, or what? By the way, television is still the number one provider of news.

Please inform me about this new mandatory military service bill. What is the house resolution number? It seems that EVERY news source, paper, tv, and internet have missed this story. Where is your intelligence coming, besides out your ass?

edit: damn I'm a slow typer...

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HR 1388: Service America Act (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-1388).....now thats a pretty nice title, isnt it....now as usual the devil are inthe detail.....remember the "stimulus" act? nothing more than a way to funnel trillions of dollars to the wealthiest banks, leaving YOU and I with rising unemployment and massive debt. I will post the specific passages that apply to you and me if your too busy to read the bill. Not too sure why yer hostile towards ME, we probably believe and want the same things...AND im not republican, I was opposed to Bush and I am opposed to the new leadership, under Obama.....got.a wake up and see that their both the same party. Yes, my spelling suck (too lazy to spellcheck)

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