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Open Carry at an Obama rally

max power

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Was working an armed site few yrs back when ol' W came to town. When he was on his way, advance team rode down and stopped to talk to me. Asked for I.D. etc. Not being jerks or anything. Simply asked that when they come by I don't make ANY move or gesture near weapon. Understandable I guess. and since they were polite I complied. That and the Sniper team I knew was on a building nearby with an itchy finger.

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I understand the concept of standing up for your rights, but this sort of action is what feeds the lideral agenda to make laws stricter and deminish 2nd ammendment right overall. To have the right to bare arms is one thing to flaunt your right to bare arms is another.

Example, it's not against the law in some places to have a muffler as loud as you want, but it makes people hate them when they don't agree with the reasoning behind it.

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These folks never came near the President. Yes, they were 'outside' the Town Hall or whatever meeting his was having, but they were never allowed 'on-site'. Any where the Secret Service is protecting the President is considered a federal 'site' and open carry, or carry of any kind is not allowed.

They got their point across...but best believe they were being closely watched.


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Not bad at all. Glad they weren't harassed for it.

more like amazed.

i just think it's sad that in america people think a person legally carrying a firearm is worth an interview. just shows you how conditioned people are to thinking anyone with a gun is going to commit a crime.

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I understand the concept of standing up for your rights, but this sort of action is what feeds the lideral agenda to make laws stricter and deminish 2nd ammendment right overall. To have the right to bare arms is one thing to flaunt your right to bare arms is another.

Example, it's not against the law in some places to have a muffler as loud as you want, but it makes people hate them when they don't agree with the reasoning behind it.

it's really not any different than trying to raise awareness for other publicly frowned upon things. in the end it's just trying to show people that carrying a gun around is nothing weird or malevolent, it's just american. if every day you saw 4-5 ppl open carrying a firearms and being friendly and just living life normally, it'd just come to be accepted as a normal part of social life.

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PHOENIX, Arizona (CNN) -- A man toting an assault rifle was among a dozen protesters carrying weapons while demonstrating outside President Obama's speech to veterans on Monday, but no laws were broken.

come on CNN. if it doesnt have selective fire, then it isnt an assault rifle.

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Well....if you read the posting on the forum link they contacted the local PD and had personal escorts throughout their time there. There were also several secret service guys assigned to them.

I have no beef with their actions whatsoever. The sheeple today have been conditioned to run in fear whenever they see an openly carried weapon.

People need to change, not our constitutional rights....period.

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more like amazed.

i just think it's sad that in america people think a person legally carrying a firearm is worth an interview. just shows you how conditioned people are to thinking anyone with a gun is going to commit a crime.

I agree, it's a shame.

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