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Man talk about CRACK DOWN..


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That's fucking BS.

I hate knee-jerk reactionary crap like this... Nevermind that this is largely in response to people speeding through residential neighborhoods leading up to the Gap... Don't put the patrols there... That would be silly.

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I talked to them today and yea its whats happening..There doing it threw the month of aug...And only on the weekends is what i was told.

I too have heard this confirmed by some Gap regulars... I've also heard patrols were heightened during the week, but the weekend was redonkulous.

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Whether you believe it or not it's happening and that video is real. Tail of the Dragon (who produced that video) is a highly regarded company and advocate of the area. Trying to educate the public while keeping riders informed of what is going on is what they do because their business is based on tourism. Deals Gap is a huge motorcycle tourist destination. Tens of thousands of riders and cars frequent the area annually and hold rallies every weekend down there. Myself included.

It's ugly down there (read www.dealsgap.com, www.killboy.com and www.tailofthedragon.com for everything going on) and I'm sad by this because my Women's Sportbike Rally is in two weeks down there. I've taken everything pertaining to the rally out of Tennessee. It's a bummer but thankfully there are tons of other roads to ride in the region and we can play on the Dragon when the cops are done for the day. Plenty of riding to be had after 7pm. ;)

It'll be interesting to see how many women get tickets that weekend. No crying to get out of it this time I presume. LOL

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I guess everyone is missing her (gsxrnurse) point. She is saying although it may be very bad the video is not continuous (as different cars magically appear in front of the rider). SOOOOO she was thinking that maybe you should try and talk to someone down there, which some of you have done.

This maybe be far fetched but sometimes I think that police and govt agencies monitors internet forums to find out about illegal events so they can stop them before they occur and sometimes they try and start rumors to discourage people from participating in the first place. What if the THP made a video like that and staged all of the cars probably would discourage a lot of people?

So double check before you believe everything on the internet.

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Whether you believe it or not it's happening and that video is real. Tail of the Dragon (who produced that video) is a highly regarded company and advocate of the area. Trying to educate the public while keeping riders informed of what is going on is what they do because their business is based on tourism. Deals Gap is a huge motorcycle tourist destination. Tens of thousands of riders and cars frequent the area annually and hold rallies every weekend down there. Myself included.

It's ugly down there (read www.dealsgap.com, www.killboy.com and www.tailofthedragon.com for everything going on) and I'm sad by this because my Women's Sportbike Rally is in two weeks down there. I've taken everything pertaining to the rally out of Tennessee. It's a bummer but thankfully there are tons of other roads to ride in the region and we can play on the Dragon when the cops are done for the day. Plenty of riding to be had after 7pm. ;)

It'll be interesting to see how many women get tickets that weekend. No crying to get out of it this time I presume. LOL

Hey steph Ron and nancy gave me the info ...I just maybe down there thats weekend (MAYBE) Where the hell is mikey at..

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This is why I bought my KY property ..


LOL!!!! ;)

shittygsxr, I know and I understand what you guys were saying about don't believe everything you see on the internet. I am one of those people who needs proof before I'll believe something. In this case, however, I have known Ron & Nancy who own Tail of the Dragon personally for over four years now. You can go down to the Dragon visit their booth and say "Stephani from Ohio sent me" and they'll know who you're talking about and you don't even need my last name. That is why I know the video is authentic. Yes, it's not a continuous feed but that is because the Dragon is 11 miles long and no one wants to watch a video at 30mph of it. They were just trying to point out the overkill for 11 miles of road which is what they did with that video.

I do think that is a good point about agencies possibly posting false information to ward off visitors. I still don't believe it is the right solution to the problem though. Working with us instead of against us is why so many people are up-in-arms when there are many alternatives to how they could be dealing with it.

Rod, that would be great if you were down there the weekend I am there. I think we should just ride up to the boarder from the Crossroads and turn around and come back over and over again not crossing into Tennessee...that might be fun(ny) watching the cops watch us not being able to do anything about it! :D Plus, it's 55 of that side of the road. Woot!

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