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Girl abducted in 1991 found!


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Holy shit! That was the year I graduated from high school. How the hell do you make it to 29 and not recall what happened, and report it yourself? Not saying any of this taking so long is her fault, but what the hell has she been through or where has she been to appear healthy and not find her way back home sooner? This should be some good info!

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She had two children by this animal. Always glad to hear when someone's found and the perps are incarcerated!

This is one reason i think castration can be VERY useful! Sex offenders are one of the worse kind in my book. I just dont understand some peoples thought process, or lack there of.

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Can you imagine the struggle this family will have from this point forward? Dealing with what has happened, the children, no matter how great, a constant reminder to the family and any future romantic interests of the victim. Dealing with children that age who have never been educated and have lived with a wack job like that..... This families stress is about to go thru the roof. They will never recover completely from this. I feel for them all.........

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it is crazy how people can be so sick in this wourld, and its like she just stayed there willingly....like it was normal to live in a shed

At 11 can you imagine what she was thinking. I'm no expert with the mind, but I can imagine that one's ability to really mess with her is paramount at that age.

Then after repeatedly raping her, I can't imagine what was going through her mind. Sure she's old enough to remember, but something so graphic and violent could surely alter normal thinking. On top of that, at 11, being abducted you aren't as willing to try to escape, the mind games being played by the abductors could have created this image that they were the good people and she doesn't want to leave them, etc. After so many years that's what she believed...

I've never been in a traumatic experience so I can't even begin to know what happens to the mind, but I'm sure that there is an explanation for her not escaping sooner or feeling that living in a shed, indeed was normal life.

She's got two kids, 11 and 15 who have never been to a doctor or went to school. Imagine what is happening in their minds. This is a happy ending, but the beginning of a long road of therapy and recovery.

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At 11 can you imagine what she was thinking. I'm no expert with the mind, but I can imagine that one's ability to really mess with her is paramount at that age.

Then after repeatedly raping her, I can't imagine what was going through her mind. Sure she's old enough to remember, but something so graphic and violent could surely alter normal thinking. On top of that, at 11, being abducted you aren't as willing to try to escape, the mind games being played by the abductors could have created this image that they were the good people and she doesn't want to leave them, etc. After so many years that's what she believed...

I've never been in a traumatic experience so I can't even begin to know what happens to the mind, but I'm sure that there is an explanation for her not escaping sooner or feeling that living in a shed, indeed was normal life.

She's got two kids, 11 and 15 who have never been to a doctor or went to school. Imagine what is happening in their minds. This is a happy ending, but the beginning of a long road of therapy and recovery.

Very true. Since she was abducted at age 11 the likelihood is that her mindset is still at around a 17 y/o mind. There is no way that her mind was able to fully develop into a 29 y/o's mind. When being kept in a shed like that, away from all of civilization, she has to have a very low level of intelligence and maturity. The children, they dont know anything other than the backyard/shed. Very difficult situation that will take a long time to recover from. Im sure they will never fully recover. :nono:

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I read this at 3 am. I couldn't believe this, it truly is miraculous.

Castration is too lenient. I have better ideas, like involuntary sex changes followed by a brute force hysterectomy performed by kimbo slice. Or better yet, someone as sick and demented as yours truly. :)


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