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UN suggests new world currency


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ZOMG the sky is falling... okay I figured I'd mention it before anyone else did.

Seriously tho'... this disturbs me and spells nothing but bad things for our future economic policies.


I read that, then I see this story... and we wonder why other countries want different currencies and the IMF other than the dollar.


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"meaning central banks would be forced to intervene and either support or push down their currencies depending on how the rest of the world economy is behaving."

i want to know who is in charge of this little fact or who determines when this action takes place. holy shizzy!!! possible one man or a few in charge of the uni-coin?

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ZOMG the sky is falling... okay I figured I'd mention it before anyone else did.

Seriously tho'... this disturbs me and spells nothing but bad things for our future economic policies.


I read that, then I see this story... and we wonder why other countries want different currencies and the IMF other than the dollar.


Your second link answered your first question.

Our future economic policy is "print more worthless money". The dollar is shit these days on the world market in terms of buying power.

In the mid 90's the company I worked for imported machinery from Italy and German. At that point in time I could buy 1.83 DM for a dollar. Things were great - there were 30 people working there making good money. Soon after, Germany went to the Euro and now I could buy 1.00 Euro for a dollar. Problem is, my pricing ended up being based on 1.00 DM = 1.00 Euro also. My company's buying power was cut in half. Its even worse today - right now your dollar only gets you .69 Euros. I got out in 2000 when the getting was good. There are currently 9 people working for that company now.

Its only gonna get worse - wait till we start paying for health care for everyone!

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I wish I could just print more money and raise my debt to income ratio without defaulting on anything. Everyone is saying "ohh we're coming out of the recession!" I think we've just temporarily inflated the market (printing money, bailouts, stimulus, etc...) and this is the calm before the storm. I'm afraid the worst is yet to come... This is definitely some writing on the wall.

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Your second link answered your first question.

Our future economic policy is "print more worthless money". The dollar is shit these days on the world market in terms of buying power.

In the mid 90's the company I worked for imported machinery from Italy and German. At that point in time I could buy 1.83 DM for a dollar. Things were great - there were 30 people working there making good money. Soon after, Germany went to the Euro and now I could buy 1.00 Euro for a dollar. Problem is, my pricing ended up being based on 1.00 DM = 1.00 Euro also. My company's buying power was cut in half. Its even worse today - right now your dollar only gets you .69 Euros. I got out in 2000 when the getting was good. There are currently 9 people working for that company now.

Its only gonna get worse - wait till we start paying for health care for everyone!

Just wow! That's some drastic change there!

I hear the presses are running as fast as they can at the US mint..... THAT will make things better!

One of my favorite quotes (not sure of the source, I think I heard it from our pastor) "money does not fix a money problem." Give someone with a spending problem more money, and they will spend more money!

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Has anyone called dibs on blaming this on Obama yet? Am I late to the party?!?!

I think it would be the past couple presidents from what I can tell. GW surely did a good job of starting us down this road, now Obama is twisting the throttle to get us further, faster!

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