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Ohio Patriot Guard Riders Mission Updates


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  Likwid said:
Yah that's him, I'm on my mobile so I couldn't scan the entire topic.

Let me know if the PGR does something, I'd ride for it. Not a lot of protesters around here though.

No big deal not scanning for it. I happy to help you out with it. I hope you can ride for it. It is a very humbling experience but amazing beyond belief. If I am able to, I'll ride up and meet you there. The only thing really requested is to have a 3x5 American Flag and pole, but if you don't it isn't a huge deal.

Go here to sign up if you'd like. http://ohiopgr.com/join.html

This is the info I have at this time:

Confirmed Mission

Honorable Escort:

Information Pending

Visitation :

27 March 2010


28 March 2010

This information is tentative, please stay posted to this thread for final Itinerary .

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

Patriot Guard Riders

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Thanks bud, I registered on the national site but the ohio register form wasn't loading on my phone so I'll have to do it tomorrow.

I don't have a flag (other that my grandfather's from his funeral) what about dress requirements?

The service is at a high school btw

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  Likwid said:
Thanks bud, I registered on the national site but the ohio register form wasn't loading on my phone so I'll have to do it tomorrow.

I don't have a flag (other that my grandfather's from his funeral) what about dress requirements?

The service is at a high school btw

Whatever you ride in. There are guys in full fatigues, full leathers, jeans, whatever. You can usually get a flag for a few bucks at wall-mart. And anything can be used as a pole. I had used a shower curtain rod haha. I do wan't to pick one of these up if I can start doing more of these missions. http://www.flagpoletogo.net/store/product_info.php?cPath=27_21&products_id=28

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I'll look in the basement again, I'm betting I could mount a pole to my saddlebag brackets.

Aren't most of the PGR events meant as "bodyguards" basically? I imagine if there's a service most just stand at the entrances? I really have no idea.

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  Likwid said:
I'll look in the basement again, I'm betting I could mount a pole to my saddlebag brackets.

Aren't most of the PGR events meant as "bodyguards" basically? I imagine if there's a service most just stand at the entrances? I really have no idea.

That's basically it. The PGR will post themselves with flags as "filler" between the family and protesters so the family and friends of the loved one don't have to deal with the protesters. While the fallen is being transported, the PGR will lead in case anything happens on the road, they are there to neutralize any problems that could arise. And if you can mount a pole to your bike and ride with the flag, that is a big plus. They will usually put you at the very front of the PGR riders in that case. Oh, and if you can't ride a bike for whatever reason, cages and walkers are welcomed just the same.

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Confirmed Mission

PO2 Ronald L. King, 67

Montpelier, Ohio

US Navy Vietnam Veteran

USS Iwo Jima 1965-1968


Wilson- Geesey Funeral Home

335 Empire Street

Montpelier, Ohio 43543

23 March 2010@ 14-1600 hrs & 1800-2000 hrs- (2-4 PM & 6-8 PM)


Wilson-Geesey Funeral Home

23 March 1300 hrs-(1 PM) - 1700 hrs (5 PM)


St Paul's Methodist Church

402 Broad Street

Montpelier, Ohio 43543

24 March 2010@ 1100hrs-(11 AM)


St Paul's Methodist Church

24 March 2010@1000 hrs-(10 AM)

District # 1 Captain Jon Williams is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions and remember to bring your 3x5 American Flags. If you go to the visitation please if the ride captain has not made it there someone, step-up and stand the flag line.

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

Patriot guard Riders


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  chevysoldier said:
I'm gonna try my best. I gotta get the bike running first. And find a baby sitter....

Dont think I can make this ride....... But I can help you out with your sitter problem if you still need that man. The birthday party I mentioned in the other thread is for a 4yo and about 10min from your house. The wife and I will be there with our lil one. We can take yours along too no prob.

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Welcome Home

CPT Matthew Thompson

Toledo, Ohio

Returning from Saudi Arabia

Welcome Home Location:

Commodore Perry VFW

2231 South Avenue

Toledo, Ohio 43609

27 March 2010 @ 1330 hrs-(1:30 PM)


Commodore Perry VFW

27 March 2010@ 1230 hrs -(12:30 PM)

Captain Thompson has prior service in Afghanistan, District # 1 Ride Captain Frank Harris is assigned this mission. Please follow his instructions and remember your 3 x 5 American Flags. Dress per the weather conditions.

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

Patriot Guard Riders

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Confirmed Mission

Sgt Richard Tobias, 87

Toledo, Ohio


WWII/Korean War Veteran


H.H. Birkenkamp Funeral Home

3219 Tremainsville Road

Toledo, Ohio 43613

27 March 2010


H.H. Birkenkamp Funeral Home

27 March 2010@ 1500-2000hrs-(3-8 PM)


District #1 Captain Jon Williams is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions . Remember your 3 x 5 American Flags.

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

Patriot Guard Riders

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Confirmed Mission

SSG Richard J. Jordan, 29

Cincinnati, Ohio

1st Battalion,36th Infantry Regiment,

1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss, TX

Casualty of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Died 16 March 2010

Honor Escort Staging :

Delta Air Elite Center

2042 Tower Drive

Erlanger, Kentucky

25 March 2010@ 0900hrs -(9 AM)


Allen Temple AME Church

7030 Reading Road #316

Bond Hill, Ohio 45237-1755


27 March 2010@ 1000hrs -1100hrs-( 10-11 AM)


27 March 2010@ 1100hrs


Allen Temple AME Church

27 March 2010@ 0900hrs-(9:00AM)


Crown Hill Memorial Park

Following the services

SSG Jordan lost his life in a vehicle roll-over in Mosul, Iraq. Please keep his wife and two daughters and the rest of his family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.

Ohio State Captain Bob Woods/ District # 7 Ride Captain Mike Hamilton are assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow their instructions and remember your 3 x 5 American Flags and dress per the weather conditions. In the event of inclement weather please use your own judgment on how you get safely to the mission.

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

Patriot Guard Riders

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Final Itinerary

Confirmed Mission

GySgt Robert L. Gilbert II ,28

Richfield, Ohio

2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion,

Marine Special Operations Regiment, US Marine Corps Special Operations Command,

Camp Lejeune N.C.

Casualty of Operation Enduring Freedom

Wounded 08 March 2010 Died 16 March 2010

of wounds sustained in Badghis province, Afghanistan

To the family and friends of Gunny Gilbert , please accept my sincere condolences on your tragic loss.

Honorable Escort Staging:

IX Center Corporation

IX Center Drive

Cleveland, Ohio 44135

23 March2010@1300hrs-(1PM)

Visitation :

Catavolos Funeral Home

3653 West Market Street

Fairlawn, Ohio 44333

27 March 2010@1400-2000hrs-(2-8PM)


Funeral Home

27 March 2010@1300hrs-(1PM)


Revere High School

3420 Everet Road

Richfield, Ohio 44286

28 March 2010@100hrs-(10AM)


Revere High School

28 March 2010@0900hrs-(9AM)

Interment: Brimfield

District # 3 Captain Ralph Bago is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect, please follow his instructions and remember your 3 x 5 American Flags. This is a long Visitation so please relieve your fellow PGR members on the flag line.

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

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Confirmed Mission

SPC Jacob Courie, 24

Akron, Ohio

US Army Reserve


Schlup- Pucak Funeral Home Inc.

788 Kenmore Boulevard

Akron, Ohio 44314

01 April 2010@ 1500-1900hrs- ( 3-7 PM)


Schlup- Pucak Funeral Home Inc.

01 April 2010@ 1400hrs- (2 PM)


Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery

02 April 2010@ 1100hrs-(11 AM)

Honorable Escort Staging to Rittman:

Schlup- Pucak Funeral Home Inc.

02 April 2010@ 0900hrs-(9 AM)

If you are not riding in the Honorable Escort please be at OWRNC Rittman at

1030hrs -( 10:30 AM) and get the flag line in place.


Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery @ Rittman

SPC Courie was home on leave and is a victim of a violent crime.

District # 3 Captain Ralph Bago is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions and dress per the weather conditions. Remember to bring your 3' x 5' American flags

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

Patriot Guard Riders

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DOD Identifies Marine Casualty

The Department of Defense announced today the death of a Marine who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.

Lance Cpl. Randy M. Heck, 20, of Steubenville, Ohio, died March 28 from a non-hostile incident in Djibouti, Africa. He was assigned to 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, N.C.

This incident is under investigation.

For additional background information on this Marine, news media representatives may contact the II Marine Expeditionary Forcepublic affairs office at 910-451-7200.

U.S. Department of Defense

Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)

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Welcome Home

Monclova, Ohio 43542

983rd Engineer Battalion

US Army

Returning from the Sandbox

Welcome Home Location:

HQ 983rd Engineer Battalion

9825 Garden Road

Monclova, Ohio 43542

02 April 2010@0900-(9 AM)


HQ 983rd Engineer Battalion

02 April 2010@0800hrs-(8 AM)

District # 1 Captain Jon Williams is assigned this Welcome Home mission. Please follow his instructions. Remember your 3 x 5 American Flags.

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

Patriot Guard


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Confirmed Mission

SN Francis Schumm, 84

Columbus, Ohio

US Navy

Korean War Veteran


Jerry Spears Funeral Home

2693 West Broad Street

Columbus, Ohio 43204

05 April 2010@ 1700 - 2000hrs-( 5-8PM )


Jerry Spears Funeral Home

05 April2010@1600hrs- (4 PM)


Jerry Spears Funeral Home

06 April 2010@100hrs-(10 AM)


Jerry Spears Funeral Home

06 April2010@0900hrs-(9 AM)


Sunset Cemetery

6959 West Broad Street

Galloway, Ohio 43199

District # 5 Ride Captain Pete and Donna Miller are assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions. Remember your 3 x 5 American Flags and dress per the weather conditions. If the weather is warm make sure you drink plenty of water and stand with your knees at a slight bend.

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

Patriot Guard

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Welcome Home

Sharonville, Ohio

961st Engineer Company

US Army Reserves

Returning from the Sandbox

Welcome Home Location:

961st Engineer Company HQ

11880 Mosteller Road

Sharonville, Ohio 45241

03 April 2010 @1030hrs-( 10:30 AM)

Staging Location:

961st Engineer Company HQ

03 April 2010@0930hrs - ( 9:30 AM )

Members of the 961st are returning from the sandbox. District #7 Ride Captain Mike Hamilton is assigned this Welcome Home Mission , please follow his instructions . Remember your 3' x 5' American Flags. Dress per the weather conditions.

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

Patriot Guard Riders

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Welcome Home

Dayton. Ohio

961st Engineer Company

US Army Reserves

Returning from the Sandbox

Welcome Home Location:

Bob Evans Restaurant

7400 Miller Lane

Dayton, Ohio 45414

03 April 2010 @1000rs-( 10AM)

Staging Location:

Bob Evans Restaurant

03 April 2010@0900hrs - ( 9AM )

Members of the 961st are returning from the sandbox. One of these men is SFC Jarrod A. Boyd, his wife Aime' and their daughter Audrey will be waiting at the Bob Evans with us to welcome him home.

SFC Boyd has served tours of duty in Afghanistan and two tours in Iraq, this will be his first

SUPRISE WELCOME HOME. The last time he saw his daughter ,she was two to four weeks old.

District #7 Ride Captain Clarence (CJ ) Spencer is assigned this Welcome Home Mission , please follow his instructions . Remember your 3' x 5' American Flags. Dress per the weather conditions.

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

Patriot Guard Riders

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Welcome Home

Monclova, Ohio 43542

983rd Engineer Battalion

US Army

Returning from the Sandbox

Welcome Home Location:

HQ 983rd Engineer Battalion

9825 Garden Road

Monclova, Ohio 43542

03 April 2010@0900-(9 AM)


HQ 983rd Engineer Battalion

03 April 2010@0800hrs-(8 AM)

District # 1 Captain Jon Williams is assigned this Welcome Home mission. Please follow his instructions. Remember your 3 x 5 American Flags.

Bob Woods

Ohio State Captain

Patriot Guard

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