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Paralyzed from the chest down


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Yea, I'm still in intensive care but I did get a computer so thats been nice. I'm all drugged up now and my back still hurts.I am only 25 with no kids yet...but now I'm not sure if that will happen. I just need to get into rehab.

I am glad you are alive. My parents and I are praying for you.

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Wow, your story saddens me greatly man. I hate that this happened to you. Keep your head up and fight the good fight. Keep looking ahead and living the best you can. My thoughts are with you strongly man. Embrace that you're still alive and know that MANY people care for you, even the ones that never met you like myself.

Best wishes,

Nick G. :cheers:

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Hey Brian! Glad to hear you are still with us. Let us know where you are and if you need anything. It was a pleasure meeting and riding with you. I'm praying that wasnt our only time and you'll get back on your feet and ride again. God Speed and God Bless you and your family.

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Bkizz I can actually say I know what your feeling or not feeling at this time. I shattered Cervical #7 and now have 6 and 7 fused together. I couldn't move or feel anything from the nipple line down and only had gross movement of only my right hand. Just enough to trigger a paddle which was my call light. I didn't severe my spine but I have what is called central cord syndrome.

So your first post was a little vague did you break your back/neck and the spinal cord was not severed? If so that is a good sign. Have the doctors talked to you about something called spinal shock?

If you need any questions answered I can possibly help you out. I spent close to two weeks in the ICU and over 4 month in rehab but I'm back on the bike and riding ok for a cripple. ;)

Biggest thing is to keep your spirits up and remember your mind will tell your body how to go.

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Life is precious... I pray for great healing and a fast recovery. I know sometimes words are just words and not meaning, but a lot of people here do care and are praying for you man. Let us know if there is anything we can do. Much love from a fellow rider...

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Bkizz I can actually say I know what your feeling or not feeling at this time. I shattered Cervical #7 and now have 6 and 7 fused together. I couldn't move or feel anything from the nipple line down and only had gross movement of only my right hand. Just enough to trigger a paddle which was my call light. I didn't severe my spine but I have what is called central cord syndrome.

So your first post was a little vague did you break your back/neck and the spinal cord was not severed? If so that is a good sign. Have the doctors talked to you about something called spinal shock?

If you need any questions answered I can possibly help you out. I spent close to two weeks in the ICU and over 4 month in rehab but I'm back on the bike and riding ok for a cripple. ;)

Biggest thing is to keep your spirits up and remember your mind will tell your body how to go.

reading things like this makes it kinda hard to loose hope.......

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Sorry to hear this. I can't imagine what you are going through. Good luck with everything. You have a positive attitude and outlook on things, one that I don't know if I could have had the same happened to me.

Keep that attitude. Prayers for you.


I admire your attitude.... Don't lose it!!

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