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Paralyzed from the chest down


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  Bkizz said:
Man, physical therapy has really been kicking my ass lately and I hardly ever have the time (or energy) to get online these days. I just thought I'd give all you boys an update. I've been learing a ton here at Dodd and can get in and out of my wheelchair fairly well now. Today we focused on getting in and out of a car because I am dead set on getting the hell out of here for awhile this weekend! The doctors set my discharge date of October 7th so I will be heading home. But the best news of all is I have a place to go. Many of you know I couldn't go back to my 3 level condo and my other options wern't looking good. Anyway, my step dad has been trying to sell his condo in Dublin for a while and decided to take it off the market so I can live there for the time being. It has a full bath and beadroom on the first floor too!!!!! Best part is its rent free (thank god) since I still have my mortgage and a ton of other shit to pay for. That was the best news b/c I was really stressing about where to go.

Hey Brian:

I'm here in Hilliard as well and can help with getting your stuff from your condo to the new condo. You got my number and email on your PM. I'm sure if you give a date a bunch of the Ohio Riders guys and others will jump right in and at least make the move very easy in one quick step.

Just call or yell man - you can do this!!!

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  • 4 months later...

I think he started a new thread.. there might be one or two others floating around out there. Last I knew he was doing okay, just sorting out the details. Did he get his car rigged up so he could drive? What did he do for work beforehand? Can he/is he working?

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