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"Sons of Anarchy"


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Did you see the probee's shirt? Seriously, a 1%'er wearing a striped rugby shirt or whatever the hell it is? I was commenting on that as we were watching. I wouldn't let those guys be prospects in my club, and i don't even have a club...lol

Yeah... I noticed that too

That's why I say... There's gotta be some point to all that, 'cause I can't believe the casting director or costume person is that freakin' stupid

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Ok the tat on the sup was a skull, My love, and rock and roll with a few music notes. I wasn't able to pick out anything relating to am MC. I say kill em all in Belfast, then get home and take care of more business.

Haa... I went back & paused that too ;)

She's obviously not as straight laced & squeaky clean as originally thought

Perhaps her "colorful" past is the reason she keeps looking out for Tara. Maybe she used to be an "old lady"??

Loved the Irish string guitar ditty they were playing during the opening segment... Watching it again for like the 10th time now just so I can listen to it some more

Lotttts goin' on in this episode!

Chibbs has sworn to kill Jimmy, so how's Jax pull his deal with Stahl off, & bring O'Phelan home alive?? Is the deal even gonna be any good anymore now that Stahl's woman checked her cell phone & probably knows it was Jax (unless he used a disposable)

Stahl & Jax almost sounded like friends/lovers the 2nd call, when she asked if he was OK after the day's bombing :lol:

Obviously McGee was supposed to die right along with SAMCRO in the barn, & we know for sure now O'Neill's dirty

Gemma's obviously finally figurin' out she needs to keep her eyes on Jax & Trinny

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you pretty much summed it up Fonzie. It was a much more exciting episode than the last. Definitely got me excited. (but then again I'm a married man with two kids so the last wind storm we got had me blushing too).

While ont he subject, maybe I'm a pervert, but anyone else notice that they usually say TV-MA (LSV) for Language, Sexual Content, and Violence, but for yesterday it was only (LV). Yeah...I'm a perv...

Jax didn't argue too much with Chibs on the death sentence. Will be interesting to see what happens. I understand why Fiona didn't want Gemma to kill Jimmy, but why not at least tie him up for the boys to "question"?

Wonder what McGee will be sayin to O'neill. CAn't believe he'd be OK with all this.

Is Gemma really going to let Jax tap his half-sister rather than spill her secret? Seems better to nip that in the bud unless she is hoping they leave before anything happens.

Stahl is going to get written out. Not in enough scenes to keep her character interesting. Liked her tat on her shoulder though.

Loved Hale's political BS commentary. Appropriate for yesteday's election day nd politicians in general. Can't believe he was stupid enough to get taped. If it was me, I'd a grabbed that phone out of her hand so fast and smashed it to bits. Bet Unser persues Hale on the info he found and will get killed by Hale.

Like Meanie said. "Kill em all in Belfast". Good shit.

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McGee is going to be fucked, that's for sure. I wonder what was in it for him with the army for doing all of this? It can't just be money. I'm not sure someone would kill off all of their best friends for just money.

Why wouldn't Gemma let it happen? Think about it, the only REAL issue with that scenario is if they generated offspring. The actual sex wouldn't be bad at all as long as Jax never new about it. Fucked up because we all know, but it wouldn't be anything strange to him...just some other chick.

Stahl has to come back into play more than she is now, because she's getting pretty boring, but then again so was Darby until recently.

Hale is a douche bag. I hope Salazar kills that fucker.

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HOLY CRAP! Was just lookin' up some stuff about the show, & saw some shots of Opie (Ryan Hurst) from some of his other work, with short hair

And I keep thinkin'.... "Man he looks familiar... I know this kid. What have I seen him in before??" I can see his other character in my head, but can't place it/him

Then as I'm scrollin' down his IMDb page... I see it

He was Bertier (the kid who ends up paralyzed at the end of the movie & ended up best friends w/ Julius) in "Remember the Titans", which I've seen about a 100 times with my kids

Never even realized it was him with the scruffy look & no southern accent



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Just found the "SAMCROpedia" while I was trying to look up some stuff about McGee. Odd... Couldn't find him listed in the IMDb page, even though they had every minor character to ever make the screen??


**Scratch that... Just found him on the bottom of IMDb. They don't have his character name listed, which is why I kept missing him

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Nope he wasn't in it, but I'm sure we're going to see him again. Even if it is just a quick clip of his unconscious body being thrown in a barrel of gasoline and styrofoam then lit on fire....or maybe just shot in the head. Could go either way.

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Anyone watching?

Some people I know like it....... Others have said it's a soap opera with leather vests :dunno:

Well yeah it is, but they also run a porn ring so every now and then you get to see some half hot chicks :D

I thought last season was better to much B.S. in this season. Just beat some azzes and shoot someone for gods sake. This season blows.

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I thought last season was better to much B.S. in this season. Just beat some azzes and shoot someone for gods sake. This season blows.

Gotta agree with that. The show has jumped the shark. Its like watching porn without the sex.

Still watching to see if Jax bangs his sister though. :D

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Best episode of the season. Only two left sucks. Is jacks going to give up his son?

sneak peek sure made it sound like that. I know he is going through some personal moral struggles. All the more reason to to quit your life long before giving up your own flesh and blood.

The whole kidnapping Tara thing is lame.

Fr Kellen is a hypocrite. Killing people, leader of the Army, and kidnapping babies. But he has to keep a promise to JT? not buying it. I'd have been hard pressed to not have maimed the Fr. and shot the hinchman.

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Awww... Isn't that sweet? Clay gave McGee's old lady his O9 patch

What a teddy bear he is... After throwin' her old man off a roof 'n all ;)

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