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Pickup lines for talk like a pirate day.


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1.) I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon

2.) Pardon me, but would ya mind if I fired me cannon through your porthole

3.) Well blow me down

4.) Prepare to be boarded

5.) You’re drinking a Salty Dog? How’d you like to try the real thing?

6.) That’s some treasure chest you’ve got there

7.) Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?

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I must be huntin' treasure, 'cause I'm diggin' yer chest.

You're just the tasty wench I've been keeping me eye out for!

Hey, sexy -- how about a Jolly Rogering?

Ya certainly put the shiver in me timber.

See this hook? Variable speed with five alternate attachments, Baby.

WOW! I bet we could fit SIXteen men on that chest!

Me skull and crossbones arn't the only thing I plan on raisin' tonight.

Do ya' mind if the parrot watches?

Nice poop deck on ya, lassie. Care fer a swabbin'?

Avast, me pretty! Strike your panties and prepare to be boarded.

So you're the new cabin boy, eh?

Do you have the latest copy of Windows XP with cracked product activation? (software pirates only)

Yo, ho! Bottle of rum?

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you free on Saturday?

Is there an 'X' on the seat of your pants? Because it appears that there's wond'rous booty buried underneath!

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