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Mac vs. PC....computers geeks needed!!!


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the guy wants to do word processing, internet surfing, and minor picture editing (read: tech dumb = no professional editing), and there's this many ppl suggesting he buy a $1000+ Mac to accomplish this? You could do everything you just said you wanna do with a Netbook for $250.

Ahem, check the name of the OP again. ;)

Netbooks, a good way to strain your eyes. lol

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I actually remember when most of the major MAC software manufacturers decided to stop writing software for the MACs, because the market just wasn't there for making any money. They were all switching to writing the same software for PCs. I remember the Graphic Arts department at school going into a panic at the thought of having to switch it all over to PCs.

To fix this, Apple gave away computers to universities and schools, to get the market place back. (Example --> OSU flooded with free MACs) And I'm sure they wrote it all off as charitable donations. The result was students learning and growing up with MACs, not PCs. Ergo, they now prefer MACs.

So in other words, Apple/MACs died after the LISA - Apple 3 fiasco, but in a remarkable recovery, managed to stay in the marketplace. But only because the MacIntosh was a very neat and functional computer. If they had goofed that one up, they would have been gone.

In case you are wondering, schools that can't afford computers, which is just about all of them now, no longer have those MACs, they now have 2nd hand PCs, donated from other schools or purchased used in bulk. (parts are cheap and easy to find). So the next generation begins...

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Well....yeah. It's nice when you're Mac doesn't crash while running a graphics intensive process and you get ahead of it. Adobe Photo Suite is a big program :D

Like I said in my previous post, I am a graphic designer, I'm using Photoshop and Illustrator at minimum 8 hours a day, almost always switching back and forth between the two, using Bridge, Sometimes Indesign, a RIP software, and another vector based design program specific to the sign industry. My 2 main PC's never crash, The G5 Mac crashes almost every time I open it.

Back in the day, Macs ran graphics software way better. When Adobe started programming equally for for both platforms, that went away, so Mac lost that advantage.

I don't do video, so I can't speak for that, but I'll take a Windows machine to design with using Adobe over a Mac every time.

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The video editors at work use only Final Cut on MACs. With tons of add-ons and other stuff, of course. And I've seen plenty of MACs that wouldn't even let you start to install your software, because the system wasn't meeting the minimum specifications. I get the impression that MAC software pushes for yearly upgrades on software, and every other year for hardware. That's about twice as aggressive compared to the PC market place.

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I need to get a new computer in the next two weeks. I am completely clueless when in comes to tech stuff like this. I know there are several knowledgeable people on this forum when it comes to computer tech stuff. Can I please have some pros/cons/personal experiences as to what your preference is. I was originaly going to purchase another PC but one of my patient's last week had her MAC lap top with her and she let me play around with it a bit. She used to have only PC's but now she is exclusively mac b/c of their "performace" as she puts it. Help please! :D

And FYI....I usually only use my computer for internet surfing, writing papers, etc. Although I am wanting to get into some photography in the next year and will need some good compatible programming for that. I have a WII and PS3 so I don't game on my computer. I hope that helps.

shes not using her computer to build websites or graphic design. for everyday use you wont beat a mac out of the box.period

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shes not using her computer to build websites or graphic design. for everyday use you wont beat a mac out of the box.period

Dude, you crack me up. When you like something, you really like it. If you don't like it, you really fucking hate it. Seems like no middle ground. I like it.

Nothing wrong with standing behind what you believe in. I'm too lazy to love passionately or hate fervently.

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Dude, you crack me up. When you like something, you really like it. If you don't like it, you really fucking hate it. Seems like no middle ground. I like it.

Nothing wrong with standing behind what you believe in. I'm too lazy to love passionately or hate fervently.

thats a pretty fucking good assumption of me. actually true. back to the topic, macs fucking rule pcs..lol

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MAC has 3% to 6% of the US market share of computers. Lower in industry, and higher at home. Numbers vary according to whose lying statistics you look at. Apple currently tries to count the iPhone as an OSX operating system sold, and claims 10%. Canada shows 10%, one of the highest. China of course, can't make MAC clones, (no one can, it's not allowed), so they are nearly 0% MAC.

These numbers do not count second hand or used computers (most are PCs), computers built from scratch (none are MAC), computers running Linux or other operating systems, or computers running bootleg operating systems (most are not MACs).

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1) Get a PC.

2) Install Ubuntu on a second partition.

3) ????

4) Profit!!!

Really, though, get a nerd to set up the dual-boot stuff for you and show you how to get around in Linux, and then you'll be set.

Use the insanely reliable Linux side for the daily crap (browsing, music, photos, etc), and never have to worry about all the dumb stuff that happens to Windows. When you need a Windows proggie, just reboot, and there you are, and it's the real thing, not an emulator on a Mac.

Best of both worlds.

(Shit, there I went Linux-nerding-up the place. Really, no neckbeard here, I shaved, honest!)

/facepalm :p

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I saw this thread the other day and just now got the mental bandwidth together to open the thread.

I read the first 3 pages and page 12 and 13 and it's exactly like I figured it would be. This is like discussing politics or religion.

I own a MAC mini and a bunch of PCs and have run Linux for some proprietary applications (mythTV in particular). I also work on Cisco Switches for a living. So...you could say I'm one of the tech nerds.

No less, I think the question is more a matter of how much you want to spend. With out seeing your current laptop I'd still be willing to bet that the cheapest new PC laptop would still be a huge improvement. However, if you've got cash to burn and you're into shiney things. The MAC may be a little more friendly to your type of computing. That and they are very fashionable. I won't lie, I bought my Mac mini partly because I thought the form factor was so cool. Either way, you're going to pay substantially more for a MAC of equal "performance" to a PC. (the girl that told you she likes her MACs performance doesn't have a clue either BTW) Since Macs have gone to intel processors it's pretty easy to make an apples to apples comparison of the hardware you are buying. IE CPU type and speed, memory, hard drive and so on. You may not know what they are but in most cases more speed or size is better. I do agree that the Macs are usually of better construction but not to the point where you really run into reliability issues with your Dell or HP. If you get a PC just stick to a major brand that is cheapest for the best components.

So to recap a little of what's been said

Mac - expensive but user friendly and new and cool looking OS and actual computer

PC - cheaper but familiar

Linux - seriously?

Lastly, whoever suggested linux.... you're out of your mind. Just my personal opinion. Yah, linux is easier to use than it used to be, but to say hey girl that says she is clueless why don't you dual boot linux and Windows so you can see how awesome linux is. Come on, just because linux is your religion doesn't mean it's for her.

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Thanks guys I do really appreciate all the input aside from the "my computer is better than your computer". LOL. Now that I've gotten some info I'm just gonna try some out, do some research, and pick what I really like. On an off note....I wasn't attempting to offend anyone with the "computer geek" comment. I'm a medical geek and not ashamed to say so. It's just what you love. :)

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Linux - seriously?

Lastly, whoever suggested linux.... you're out of your mind. Just my personal opinion. Yah, linux is easier to use than it used to be, but to say hey girl that says she is clueless why don't you dual boot linux and Windows so you can see how awesome linux is. Come on, just because linux is your religion doesn't mean it's for her.

Nah, Linux isn't my religion (I'm an atheist, for the record). It is, however, pretty damned simple once it's set up. I wasn't suggesting she try to self-compile all her own stuff or anything.

My wife is an idiot when it comes to computers, and she does just fine with her Ubuntu laptop- click firefox, browse the interwebs, repeat. Pratt may not be that great with computers, but she's educated and not an idiot-- she could figure it out pretty readily.

And the dual boot just means that when you turn it on you can select which thing you wanna load. When I'm just browsing the internet and listening to music, I hang out in Ubuntu for the speed and stability. When my classes force me to use Visual Studio, I reboot, do whatever I need, then go back to Linux.

I really hate being "that linux nerd" that always shows up in computer discussions, but the truth is that it really is nice for the simple stuff.

TL: DR--

Nothing wrong with letting her know all the options. She says she wants to browse the internet, write papers, and mess with photos. Ubuntu is a perfectly valid option for those-- those things come pre-installed and require none of the irritating terminal stuff that can make Linux a pain.


Edited by Aerik
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