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I'm a victim of racism (I'm white)


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never thought I'd say that but today I had a very crazy encounter with a very angry black guy :rolleyes:

I work at a friend of my uncles used car lot for some extra spending cash.

well today this guy about 20 comes in (he's black) and wants to test drive a buick road master we have.

so we go up the street and he pulls into a mechanics shop.

he wants the guys to look it over for him. which is totally fine.

the 2 guys at the shop are also black.

they start looking the car over and all is fine between all of us etc at this point. until they want to pull spark plugs out of the engine and I said fuck no you aren't.

that's when the shop owner starts calling me a racist white mother fucker and I think a black guy can't do shit etc, thowing and kicking shit also. going on and on why I'm a m/fer and he hates white people because they think they are better than him etc.

talk about a racist! that dude needs to step the fuck back and listen to his own crazy ass for once.

needless to say I was pretty shocked and didn't really know what to say. but I thought I was going to get into a fight with him over it.

does he think I'm fucking stupid to let someone pull spark plugs out of my car for someone to look at?

so after they get done, the kid test driving the car asked me if I was ok etc.

he was as much in shock as I was.

it was just one crazy odd moment for sure.

I've never been talked to like that for something I've never done.

I just hope the guy thinks about what he said etc so he realizes how ignorant he was. :rolleyes:

until then, I'm plotting my revenge on his shop:D

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busa's are a black guys bike LOL

in seriousness, I always treat everyone I meet with respect. I never said anything to this guy. he just went off for no reason.

I really wanted to jump back down this guy's throat but I was standing there with 4 guys to 1. so I just kind of stood there like I didn't care and kept my mouth shut.

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I was in the west side of dayton today, saw a tahoe on dubs with a couple younger black guys and it had a "john mccain" sticker on the bumper. I thought that was funny... now thats not a racist comment because if you look at Obama's approval numbers amongst blacks its approximately 97% (rassmussen reports).


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im gonna put 26's on my gixxer

Make sure you put these on too so your shit is FO REALZ!


it's all cool to crack little joke etc but just think what would happen to a white guy if he said to a black person what he said to me. it would be all over the news, the shop would be shut down, he'd have fines to pay, etc etc.


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I hate black people

until then, I'm plotting my revenge on his shop:D

i heard that setting two sticks on fire on his yard was a real tongue in cheek way of saying, "I H8 U 4 evaR"

configured in this arrangement:

cue benny hill theme


notice the shoes. that's where the bikini girls are from (with cankles... it was short notice, ok?!)

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i heard that setting two sticks on fire on his yard was a real tongue in cheek way of saying, "I H8 U 4 evaR"

configured in this arrangement:

cue benny hill theme


notice the shoes. that's where the bikini girls are from (with cankles... it was short notice, ok?!)

That is not a "cross" it is a lower case "t" for trust and tolerance

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