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Seriously? An Obama Flag? WTF?!?!


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I cannot believe I am actually seeing this. No one's face should be there on the American Flag. Especially not this numnut.


Buy your Obama flag today


How do you top a Nobel Peace Prize?

With your own national flag.

Yes, the Obama flag is available on eBay for only $4.99.

Someone in Kokomo, Indiana, has already displayed it.


Some people are upset.

Pamela Geller wrote: “Even the most broken brained Democrat in America must be repulsed by such a visual. There is something terribly terribly wrong with this. It’s an Obamanation. Skin crawling.”

I say make a buck off Obama’s stooges. The guy peddling this paraphernalia is an entrepreneur. Give the man a break. He knows the market. He sells U.S. Marine flags as well.

Just don’t fly the Obamanation flag at the Oaks Apartments at 1440 Geary Circle S.E., in Albany, Oregon.

Even showing a flag decal on a car could get you evicted. My previous post

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If there is someone willing to buy something, some asshole will make it and sell it, whether it's a good idea or not. I think I've established on here that I'm pretty damned liberal, and I for one would never deface this country's flag in such a cheap way.

Of course, I also disapprove of the flag shirts country singers love to wear, or the made-in-China flags people stick on everything. And the Texan habit of displaying the state flag more prominently (and often) than the national flag. And any display of the confederate flag (advertising support for an act of treason makes you an asshole). So maybe I'm just kind of old-fashioned when it comes to my country's symbols.

EDIT: A little research shows that Obama is not making these flags-- some douchebag named Dave is, and he apparently screen-prints a fucking flag for just about anything he thinks he can turn a dollar out of. But, of course, give it 24 hours and Glenn Beck will be saying that Obama has been mass-producing them in secret for his planned takeover and abolition of the constitution, blah blah blah.

From the guy's eBay store:




I'm inclined to think the Shriners, Masons, and several other organizations may have a case to sue this guy, actually, given his use of their various logos.

Edited by Aerik
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That was prolly on the lapel pin he started wearing.

I almost lol'd on that one!

If there is someone willing to buy something, some asshole will make it and sell it, whether it's a good idea or not. I think I've established on here that I'm pretty damned liberal, and I for one would never deface this country's flag in such a cheap way.

Of course, I also disapprove of the flag shirts country singers love to wear, or the made-in-China flags people stick on everything. And the Texan habit of displaying the state flag more prominently (and often) than the national flag. And any display of the confederate flag (advertising support for an act of treason makes you an asshole). So maybe I'm just kind of old-fashioned when it comes to my country's symbols.

I wouldn't say old fashioned, just patriotic.

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Of course, I also disapprove of the flag shirts country singers love to wear, or the made-in-China flags people stick on everything. And the Texan habit of displaying the state flag more prominently (and often) than the national flag. And any display of the confederate flag (advertising support for an act of treason makes you an asshole). So maybe I'm just kind of old-fashioned when it comes to my country's symbols.


:lol: I like that. I'll have to remember it.

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We have a pop star as a president. T-shirts, mugs, flags... I mean check it out.


This is kinda "black pantherish" if you ask me.


But then again they have a "fist bump" shirt as well. So who knows.


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Minor detail... but this is the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia. It's not a Confederate States of America flag. It's become the defacto "confederate" or "rebel" flag over time. Mostly because it looks nice and it's a favorite among all the various flags used by the Confederates. It didn't gain prominence of usage even during the civil war till toward the end of combat hostilities.

Unique battle flags are carried by various army groups so they can be identified at a distance on the battle field. There were also two Confederate Naval flags (The Second Confederate Navy Jack, 1863-1865 and the Naval Ensign) that were the same similar design, only the Naval Ensign was square. And actually predate the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia, I think. As well as the Naval Ensign flag was sometimes used as an Army battle flag. Confused yet?

Now the question, at what point is the design of a flag that mocks the American Flag considered to be a disgrace to the American Flag it is mocking? And what would the proof and penalties be for that?

I pretty much have no problem with the display of a battle flag. If it is honoring the soldiers that fought for it. But I do notice that very seldom does the actual flag of the Confederate States of America get displayed.

So this begs the second question, does that Obama flag represent the Obama Army or the Obama Nation? Or both? Is it a battle flag or a national flag? Or both?

Or is it just a decorative flag that gets displayed on Obama Day.. oh geez, did I say that out loud?

Edited by ReconRat
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I really hate our president or is it what he stands for? Gawd, I'd never worship another human being. He is nothing special to me and he hasn't DONE SHIT for America! Atleast he hasn't yet, so I don't know why so many damn hippies and racists are in AW over him. :nono:

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I really hate our president or is it what he stands for? Gawd, I'd never worship another human being. He is nothing special to me and he hasn't DONE SHIT for America! Atleast he hasn't yet, so I don't know why so many damn hippies and racists are in AW over him. :nono:

History will determine the meaning, marketing will sell it, and the American people will live with it's result as usual.:(

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Yeah id torch it too...even if it wasnt mine....Also, Id like to nominitate myself for the next Nobel Peace Prize I will occasionally do a good deed to help others from time to time...pretty sure thats more than anyone can say obama has done....

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any display of the confederate flag (advertising support for an act of treason makes you an asshole)

I might have established that I'm conservative and yet I have the same take on people displaying that flag as you do, dumb assholes. However I have this opinion for entirely different reasons. I find it somewhat admirable that the people involved took it upon themselves to push back against the government. I understand your take on it being an act of treason since that is factual by some standards. Our founding fathers expected us to have a revolution when the government gets out of hand. Our own revolutionary war was an act of treason also but I'm happy with the results of that act of treason. I can only think loser when I see someone displaying that flag. I cannot understand why people would want to fly a flag of a losing side. Proud to be a loser? I just don’t get it.

Now I would understand if the southern states had been successful the northern states still flying their flag. It had a history, had been successful in establishing its own country with a rich past and legacy. The southern states and their sympathizers never established anything to be proud of except to display idea of independence with a poor outcome.

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Our founding fathers expected us to have a revolution when the government gets out of hand. Our own revolutionary war was an act of treason also but I'm happy with the results of that act of treason. I can only think loser when I see someone displaying that flag. I cannot understand why people would want to fly a flag of a losing side. Proud to be a loser? I just don’t get it.

Now I would understand if the southern states had been successful the northern states still flying their flag. It had a history, had been successful in establishing its own country with a rich past and legacy. The southern states and their sympathizers never established anything to be proud of except to display idea of independence with a poor outcome.

True, most revolutions could be considered acts of treason. The confederates, however, carried out their act against MY country, which would make them assholes to me even if my great-great grandparents weren't slaves. Assholishness is subjective, after all.

Having spent a fair amount of time in the south, it still surprises me how much they brag and hold a grudge over a fight they lost 150 years ago. Then again, these are people who can speak an entire sentence without letting their lips touch. :p

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I cannot believe I am actually seeing this. No one's face should be there on the American Flag. Especially not this numnut.


Buy your Obama flag today


How do you top a Nobel Peace Prize?

With your own national flag.

Yes, the Obama flag is available on eBay for only $4.99.

Someone in Kokomo, Indiana, has already displayed it.


Some people are upset.

Pamela Geller wrote: “Even the most broken brained Democrat in America must be repulsed by such a visual. There is something terribly terribly wrong with this. It’s an Obamanation. Skin crawling.”

I say make a buck off Obama’s stooges. The guy peddling this paraphernalia is an entrepreneur. Give the man a break. He knows the market. He sells U.S. Marine flags as well.

Just don’t fly the Obamanation flag at the Oaks Apartments at 1440 Geary Circle S.E., in Albany, Oregon.

Even showing a flag decal on a car could get you evicted. My previous post

It's the United States of Retards Who Voted for Obama flag!

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Most people will think thats just something off of an Affliction Tshirt. :rolleyes:

I actually looked it up to further my education! Thank you :D I really had no clue, once i read about it a small bell rung in the back of my head but, I know a bit more now.

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Having spent a fair amount of time in the south, it still surprises me how much they brag and hold a grudge over a fight they lost 150 years ago.

This boggles my mind as well. I too spent time down there, an entire decade. And if I hear some country bumpkin from some southern town that's community park is also a national swamp tell me "the south will rise again!" I think I might shoot him and his mother in the face with my penis. It simply amazes me that there are still modern-day neanderthals that think the "freedoms" the south stood for are legit. "A man just wants to be free", and uh, well, own other men and women. Yeah. Go get fucked ya hick.

Q: What must every dentist south of the Mason/Dixon line have?

A: A second job.

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I sure wish we could all just get along. Yea, that's realistic.

If if was an Obama supporter, that kind of crap would be embarrassing.

I've been around a while and been worried about where we were going as a country before, but now, it is absolutely nuts, and getting worse.

We have been invaded and if you speak against ILLEGALS, people call you a bigot or a racist.

What the hell is going on?

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Just more evidence of people pinning their hopes on a man instead of a plan.

Honestly, this kind of blind devotion to politicians never ends well for them. Devotion gets you elected. being a good public speaker gets you elected. being the 'savior' of the underpriveleged gets you elected.

but all his promises are either going to go un-fulfilled, or they're going to demolish our economic structure in the process of being fulfilled.

I'm not even worried about Obama's presidency anymore... 90% of his 'accomplishments' in office will either be un-done in the 10 years following his presidency, or they're going to go down in history as some of the worst political decisions ever.

it's not that I think Obama is an asshole, or a moron - but I think his supporters over-hyped him a TON, and there's simply no way for him to live up to the expectations. I think the Democratic party convinced him that being President would somehow be easy with a supermajority in congress. All it's really proven is that even the Democrats can't agree on a lot of issues.

The flag is ridiculous, and I'm sure Obama would be the first to say so. When he promised "hope and change," I'm betting he didn't count on being idolized.

the Icarus pic is probably the best 'comment' i've ever seen about Obama, except I think his downfall is going to be beyond his own ambition. the more people build you up, the further you have to fall...

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Does anyone here think Obama was ready for the presidency? Who thinks he has the experience necessary to run the COUNTRY? I know there were enough people fooled into believing that he was, marketing can be really terrible! Too many people voted for him on his promise of change. I don't really remember hearing very many specific changes that he was going to make in his campain. It turns out that it's more of the same old crap. Politics is nothing more than a popularity contest gone bad! The sad thing is that neither side had a candidate worth voting FOR. I simply voted AGAINST Obama.

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