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corperate america


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Thats ridiculous! Why is everyone so sue happy all the time. I dont get it.

EDIT: I just put a complaint into Monster. I think it is asinine that they can/will do something like this. I hope the case is dropped.

Edited by alab32
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I don't drink monster, but I do ride Kawasaki, and I can't give that up... But in all seriousness, what else does Hansen make so I know not to buy it? I'm gonna go find a shop here in Az that sells that Vermonster so I can support the cause, b/c apparently they sell it here according to ABC.

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Just a counterpoint (Jane you ignorant slut), if we knew all the things that all the companies we buy products from did, our houses would be empty. When you see what Edison did to Tesla how can you allow electricity in your home? When you see what Delco did to all his potential competitors, how could you ever own a GM product? Business is cruel just like life and I'm just a consumer. Trying to organize a boycott that wouldn't make a dent anyway is a waste of even the smallest of my resources. I can only help to change events and practices that are closest to me. I've got my poncho on so let the tomato tossing begin.:D

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Oh please, corporate America is bad. If this guy had been successful with out Monster being there first and had risen to the level of their success he would be going after them with a cease and desist order. You protect yourself in the business world or you don't last long, using your money the right way gives you staying power. Monster will lose the case if it would be decided on its merits but that isn't going to happen. If it's a viable product with a good value, change the name move on and make some money. If I wanted to brew OHMonster he would be all over me.

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I like that guy. I can respect someone stubborn enough to go bankrupt on principle. If more people had the spine to fight these type of law suits, they wouldn't happen nearly as often.

Like he said - he WILL win an infringement suit; but he can't predict how long it will take. Hell, i'd give the guy a business line of credit just to fight the suit. Monster energy drink will end up footing the bill eventually.

I've always preferred Rockstar anyway. My letter to Monster will thank them for their support of 2-wheeled motorsport, but regretfully inform them that I can't support their product until this bs stops.

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That shit will kill you anyway. (it gave my goofy cousin kidney stones. Its all he drinks)

Ive been boycotting it all since it came out.

Drink coffee you whippersnappers.

:lol: Coffee is just as bad AND it gives kidney stones and so does pop. Water won't though, try it out. I drink water all day and maybe 1 pop a day. Energy drinks on the side of the can say you should not consume more than 2 a day from a 16oz can. Drinking them all day is asking for your centeral nervous system to get over stimulated too and fucking your shit all up. Gaurana is another form of caffeine too. If you drink them constantly I guess it's cheaper than just buying cocaine.

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You know damn well they wanted to name it Monster to begin with and had second thoughts because of another beverage of the same name. So, while probably drunk, the yahoo's came up with Vermonster. Woohoo Vermont's Monster yeah that's no where near close to another drinks name. Idiots.

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I guess opinions vary. The guy lives in Vermont and his brewery is in Vermont. All he did was remove the T and add STER. Knowing nothing about the story, would you have known where his brewery was located based on the name of the beer? That appears to be his only purpose in choosing the name.

Great Lakes Brewing Company, Crooked River Brewing Co, and I'm sure others I'm not aware of do pretty much the same thing. actually, GLBC bottles a "Lake Erie Monster" too, if i'm not mistaken. It shares a name with the our AHL(?) hockey team. I'm not aware of either being in a conflict with Monster Energy.

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