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You bitches up for some indoor riding at Ray's?


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Got the rig ready for indoors at Ray's Mountain Bike Park. For anyone that doesn't know, it is the COOLEST and SICKEST park out there...

Here's a linky:


If you have a Dirt Jumper styled bike or BMX bike, you are set. If you also have a Mountain Bike, they work really well there, too. They have a LOOOOONG indoor XC style path. We used to take our mountain bikes up, but I bought a DJ just for this...


If anyone is interested in going up, we try and do Wednesdays during the week when available and obviously the weekends...

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  yotaman88210 said:
OMG. That place looks intense!! I wish I could afford to get a bike and go! Man, just looking at those pictures is giving me arm pump!! and maybe just a little chubby

They rent, as well. Which, is actually the best way to do it... Drive up the car and ride their stuff...

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Whoa cooool. I guess I would of realized that if I read more on the site. I was just immediately drawn to the pics. Man Ive never been on a course like this, but Ill try anything. I use to do some bmx in the dirt but that was many many years ago.

Holy goat testicles. This place is a good 3 hours away too :(

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Hmm. I dunno, i am usually off fridays and always on weekends. I just figure it will be crowded on weekends and thats more people for me to get in the way of. Lets give it a few days and see if other peeps want to try this out...

Anyone else wanna go?

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^ i found their youtube videos when i was shopping for a road bike (never did buy one), and i've wanted to go for a while now.

my old Giant "boulder" was the only bike i've ever owned that wasn't a huffy :-p Not that it was a bad bike. lighter than anything else i've ever owned.

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  yotaman88210 said:
5.. um I see at least 6 :D Damn dude. :eek:

I don't think I would want to ride my old Cannondale Crash "A" terium (criterium) road bike at Rays. It's 1989 vintage with 6 speed Campagnolo Record components, it even has the old school tubular tires, these are tires that have the tubes sewn into tire casing and you glue them onto the wheel.

I do have 1 more road bike but it's a fixed gear Cinelli from I use to live in San Diego and they had a velodrome that I use to ride & race on.

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