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power wheelies on a k7 gixxer 750


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close this mods... this place is no hlep

We are mocking you because there are alot of variables that make every bike a little different such as gearing, tuning, suspension setup, rider weight and height, etc. It comes down to rider skill in interpreting what the bike wants to do. Getting it up is easy. Keeping it up and not going over or coming down to hard is where experience comes in to play. If you have to ask you are not ready.

Edited by Whitey1
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so... yesterday i went to a big warehouse by where i live and was doing a little practicing.

got it down in my first few tries.and i dont mean inches. i got it up a good few feet and rode them out. shits cake. and was gettin some stoppies as welll.


thats just for all you " you dont know your bike well enough, youll never get it blah blah blah" guys.... LMAO

all the ones who are giving the good advise i was looking for thanks.

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I see this in your future.




Sam, you crack me up. :lol:This thread cracks me up. But like whoever said it, all bikes are different, get a feel for it slowly and you should be okay. I don't even really want to wheelie. I mean why? To show off? I did one once after I had the bike a little while. Went on a backroad where there was no traffic, right off the start I hit WOT and got it up maybe a foot. Sat it back down and said now I know how hard I can throttle it.

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