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Breaking news: Fort Hood closed amid reports of several killed


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A) if some of these goobers carried rifles around all the time, there would be a lot more lost rifles

B) even when we have rifles, you get the ammo at the range and nowhere else. brass and ammo check after each range.

C) with the army suicide rate as it is, part A and B probably provide for a safer environment altogether.

also, as a side, i personally have ammo for all my weapons systems (rifle, MG, beretta) here in iraq, and i have my 9mm and 2 loaded mags on me at all times. hope this sheds a little light for the non military folks.

Yeah, theft and suicide are much worse than mass murder...Those are 2 things that reveal an underlying problem.


Yah, maybe, but it's all conjecture at this point... we don't even know if it was someone that was in combat... maybe it was a guy mad he wasn't sent to fight?

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Yeah, theft and suicide are much worse than mass murder...Those are 2 things that reveal an underlying problem.

Yah, maybe, but it's all conjecture at this point... we don't even know if it was someone that was in combat... maybe it was a guy mad he wasn't sent to fight?


theft and suicide revealing underlying problems? let me guess, you also think everyone in the military joined because they felt they had a duty to protect their country? they are not revealing anything.

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theft and suicide revealing underlying problems? let me guess, you also think everyone in the military joined because they felt they had a duty to protect their country? they are not revealing anything.

It's not a draft, and no matter what you say about "having" to join, noone is FORCED to join the army.

I understand what you're saying, but the problem isn't to make it HARD to commit suicide, it's to figure out what the problem is and try to prevent/solve it.

The cure for depression is not ignoring it and hoping it goes away. I can understand about not making it EASIER but let's face it... someone who is determined to kill themselves is going to do it... putting a gun in their hand doesn't make them more likely to kill themselves.

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You are correct, BUT look back at that bar shooting... something like >20 shots fired and noone hit?

If 25 people fired upon this shooter, and 1 bullet went stray and hit a bystander then we're looking at 2 people dead.... and 1 person responsible for manslaughter

25 people are fired upon with no defense? 25 people dead... and 1 criminal still running free.

I dont think you can compare the need to conceal on a military base and in a general civilian setting. As far as I know, almost all military are required to go through some type of training (CBT, powerpoint, etc) for hostile situations (domestic and abroad), training which is obsolete in the civilian world. This stuff isnt that uncommon and I can recall several instances where its happened at other bases (Edwards AFB, CA).

Sure in this situation it might have been over relatively quickly, but one has to ask how much more common would it be if everyone was allowed to carry. Its not the people that carry that Im worried about, its the accessibility by others that might not be in the best state of mind. People may hold everyone in the military to high moral/righteous standard, but I dont think theres anybody here that has been in the military that would say theyve never met someone that just wasnt quite right in the head in the service.

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The fine men and women of our armed forces are, by and large, a cross-section of our country, and our culture. Just because someone has been trained on how a weapon works doesn't mean they should all be toting one around freely. And I can tell you personally there are folks in the military that probalbly shouldn't be. Plain and simple. So yeah, there's no need to have them all armed, all the time, same as life outside the fortress walls.

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I hate to ask this, but why the hell are the FBI, ATF, and local police and SWAT there? This is a military base. Shouldn't the military be handling it? I'm not trying to start shit or anything like that. I'm genuinely curious.

I'm going to guess that it has something to do with the two other suspects and the reports of more than one shooter.

Conspiracy gets the FBI into it.

ATF is in if it wasn't a standard GI issue weapon.

The locals and SWAT must just have little else to do.

SWAT does seem kinda silly with real MP's around.

More than one shooter, dare I say sleeper cell?

I'm sure there will be either lots of news about this or it will be a secure issue.

Of course the politicians will go nuts over it.

3, 2, 1, cue the talking heads ....Politicaluzzi!

Sad, prayers for the soldiers and the families.

Eyewitness report:

Milly Land, who works at the base fitness center, said she was headed for the graduation ceremony at 2 p.m. at the Howze Theater when the campus was locked down. She went back to the fitness center. She said she spoke by phone with friends at the soldier processing center, who said a gunman walked in about 1:30, walked to the medical area of the processing center, and started shooting. A second gunman was shooting at the theater next door, she said.

White House quote of the day:

A senior Obama administration official told NBC News that the shootings could have been a criminal matter rather than a terrorism-related attack and that there was no intelligence to suggest a plot against Fort Hood.

Nothing to see here, move along, move along....

Pardon me while I put on my tinfoil hat.

Edited by Strictly Street
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I'm going to guess that it has something to do with the two other suspects and the reports of more than one shooter.

Conspiracy gets the FBI into it.

ATF is in if it wasn't a standard GI issue weapon.

The locals and SWAT must just have little else to do.

SWAT does seem kinda silly with real MP's around.

More than one shooter, dare I say sleeper cell?

I'm sure there will be either lots of news about this or it will be a secure issue.

Of course the politicians will go nuts over it.

3, 2, 1, cue the talking heads ....Politicaluzzi!

Sad, prayers for the soldiers and the families.

Alot of bases arent equipped to deal with large terrorist events. Most of the MPs/SF are deployed down range. Many of the bases are at min manning to support OEF so they work closely with local law enforcement and gov agencies.

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I don't recall saying I thought carrying on base should be compulsory... simply pointing out that noone should be shocked when a "Do Not Carry" zone becomes a target.

Places where people KNOW noone will have a weapon to defend themselves are easy targets, how is an army base any different than VTech?

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. Usually there are MPs everywhere! .
Yeah but they are at gates and driving around. It isn't like there is one with in an arms distance away all the time.
I hate to ask this, but why the hell are the FBI, ATF, and local police and SWAT there? This is a military base. Shouldn't the military be handling it? I'm not trying to start shit or anything like that. I'm genuinely curious.
Something like this probably falls under the federal level, I mean higher than the army. Might also be some form of checks and balances so they army just sweep something under the rug. A second set of eyes if you will.
Doesn't the Army have an investigative unit?

Yeah, Criminal Investigation Unit, CID. I'm sure they are there, whether the papers reported it or not. Anything serious, and CID is there.

The shooter or shooters were US soldiers....:nono:
Pretty sad. It's funny though, I actually felt safer in Iraq than I do walking down alleys in Cbus at night. :lol:

What else is it? He just went crazy and hated his "co-workers"?

"U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas told FOX news: "I do know that he has been known to have told people that he was upset about going (to Iraq)"

He was scared to go probably. It's amazing what some people will do to get out of a deployment. I have never seen someone go this far, but they do come up with some crazy shit.

A) if some of these goobers carried rifles around all the time, there would be a lot more lost rifles

B) even when we have rifles, you get the ammo at the range and nowhere else. brass and ammo check after each range.

C) with the army suicide rate as it is, part A and B probably provide for a safer environment altogether.

also, as a side, i personally have ammo for all my weapons systems (rifle, MG, beretta) here in iraq, and i have my 9mm and 2 loaded mags on me at all times, so theres a stark contrast between a hostile country base and a domestic base. on some of the smaller outposts, you roll with a magazine in the weapon, no round chambered. hope this sheds a little light for the non military folks.


They said he had two handguns. Anyone with their CCW knows how easy it is to conceal a handgun. On army bases you are aloud to have and keep privately owned weapons on base. But, they must be registered and be okayed by the commander ( don't remeber if its base or unit.) You also have to be a certain rank, don't know what rank. I also believe if you go to the range with it, you have to have everything okayed beforehand. How many shots can you get off in 15 seconds? 15 seconds with TWO handguns is a long time. He was also at the processing center where deploying soldier are at. That means there could have many as many as 300 people or more in one small area. So him having loading handguns on base, concealed and be able to kill 12 people before anyone could do anything is not that hard to swallow. It is very sad though. My condolences to the families.

Edited by chevysoldier
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Apparently he was upset that some didnt respect him being muslim and he was having a hard time dealing with hearing stressfull battle stories...........Awe.... poor him....... he was just mis-understood. Maybe when he gets out of the hospital we can give him a goverment job going around teaching us how to be more sensative to the plight of the islamic people. I mean, he's gonna deserve something since he missed out on the 72 virgins.........

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Talked with my friend who is stationed at hood yesterday afternoon. He didn't have much info, not that I think he would be able to give out anyway. He said he had to sit in his room all day with his kevlar vest, and helmet on.

RIP, to survive war abroad, and to come back, and be met with bullets is terrible.

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Apparently he was upset that some didnt respect him being muslim and he was having a hard time dealing with hearing stressfull battle stories...........Awe.... poor him....... he was just mis-understood. Maybe when he gets out of the hospital we can give him a goverment job going around teaching us how to be more sensative to the plight of the islamic people. I mean, he's gonna deserve something since he missed out on the 72 virgins.........

He already got something from US.

His ENTIRE medical education was PAID FOR by the United States Military.

Personally, I say put his head on a stick and parade it around Ft. Hood.

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