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other forums are shitty, but not like the shitty we know and love.

Benyen Soljax

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ive been cruising r6-forum.com looking to get ideas or knowledge about my bike, and i have come to realize something: all those forums run by motorcycle.com (GDC, R6 forum, 600rr.net etc...) are shitty. sure, theres probably some people who have some good advice or are good riders etc, but the sheer volume of squids there is astounding. i will provide an example:

i was searching for a good way to find the hole (for cut frame sliders :D), and when searching the "how to" forum, i found probably 20-30 THREADS from people asking how to install NO CUT frame sliders. you know, the ones where you take a bolt out and put another one back in. i mean, ok, so maybe im a bit more mechanically inclined than some people, but then i see that people are posting about their "woodcraft" sliders that are the standard cheapo china-ebay affair. sigh.

And after all this, i start looking at people's signatures (which often use the better part of my screen). this was also depressing when i realized everyone is very proud of their fender eliminator and flushmounts and dubble bubbles. i didnt see one signature that included suspension. one did have brakes on there, but he was way outnumbered. and then i look in one of the picture threads and people are freakin having orgasms about homemade fender eliminators and sweet (stock) wheels. the higher class riders have stabilizers, you know, for when they do all those wheelies.

long story short, thank you Ben for providing us with this place as a haven from all the other crapo out there.

/end rant.

Edited by Benyen Soljax
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The same seems to happen with a lot of "corporate" forums. LS1GTO.com was an amazing site with tons of knowledge about the car, including a few Holden engineers. You could always find the right answer or someone could tell you.

Then it got sold to a company. That combined with the fact that the GTO dropped into the price range of your typical 17 yo with the parents money and it culminated into a shitstorm of internet trolls and BS advertising. All of the knowledgable people left and if you ask a question now you get flamed out of existence.

Thanks for the badass forum Casper. One of the biggest forums I'm on that is still cool.

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vertical-scope (motorcycle.com) bought another forum I frequent (svrider) about a year ago. We haven't had any real issues with the changeover.

Rediculous threads like you described has more to do with the r-tards that buy r6's than troubles caused by VS. :D

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It's a shame... :nono:

Not to disparage this site--It has been interesting so far:

Haven't heard of the Aprilia Forum you have linked above...

...But, apriliaforum.com is actually a wealth of aprilia knowledge run by an excellent group of guys (also known as AF1 Racing) that set the standard by which every other dealer should strive for in terms of customer service.

The site itself is a bit more, shall we say, "cultural" as the participants span the globe, while at the same time a bit more mature (chronologically anyway)...(and if you don't count the euro 125 crowd).

That is also not to say that it does not have it's fair share of deviants, rednecks (much like myself) and twunts...but all in all it is definitely a place I would recommend for anyone who rides an Ape or wants to find out more about them.

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Not to disparage this site--It has been interesting so far:

Haven't heard of the Aprilia Forum you have linked above...

...But, apriliaforum.com is actually a wealth of aprilia knowledge run by an excellent group of guys (also known as AF1 Racing) that set the standard by which every other dealer should strive for in terms of customer service.

The site itself is a bit more, shall we say, "cultural" as the participants span the globe, while at the same time a bit more mature (chronologically anyway)...(and if you don't count the euro 125 crowd).

That is also not to say that it does not have it's fair share of deviants, rednecks (much like myself) and twunts...but all in all it is definitely a place I would recommend for anyone who rides an Ape or wants to find out more about them.

Oh I wasn't saying anything bad about other websites, just listing the one's that sold out and said it's a shame. There are tons of other sites I visit on a regular basis.

www.stromtrooper.com, www.columbusracing.com, www.zx-10r.net (mc.com site, but I still visit it), www.cavemanriders.com, etc...

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+1 on ApriliaForum. AF1 is cool as hell. Yeah, some of the guys on there are a little elitist at times but it's nice.

I frequent all of the privately owned forums way more than I do the commercial ones nowadays. Like BuckeyeGoats, StreetRacingDayton, ApriliaForum, Knights Of Speed.

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:lol: at the tags!

Yes, thanks to Ben for the awesome forum, and the tolerance of sarcasm, and :flingpoo:

A thought on sellout sites, one that I frequented several years ago, and still hit up from time to time seems to still be just OK, but WAY slow. www.thirdgen.org is the site, it's for third generation F-bodies.

There are 2 other bike forums that I hit up, one is ninja250riders, which i don't see very often, and the other is www.vfrworld.com because they have a wealth of older VF and VFR knowledge, and discussion. I have learned quite a bit from there!

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:lol: at the tags!

Yes, thanks to Ben for the awesome forum, and the tolerance of sarcasm, and :flingpoo:

A thought on sellout sites, one that I frequented several years ago, and still hit up from time to time seems to still be just OK, but WAY slow. www.thirdgen.org is the site, it's for third generation F-bodies.

There are 2 other bike forums that I hit up, one is ninja250riders, which i don't see very often, and the other is www.vfrworld.com because they have a wealth of older VF and VFR knowledge, and discussion. I have learned quite a bit from there!

cofba used to be an awesome local f-body website. I'm not sure if they are still around or not though. I've been out of f-bodies for a while.

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I used to be on kos and srd. A bunch of cr guys used to go down there to play.

I'm sure at one point both of those sites used to be nice. But for the most part (mainly SRD) they are just filled with brokedick ricers talking shit and being idiots. It's a damn good time waster though, I talk so much shit on SRD and really couldnt care. You're a good member on there if you have the most neg rep. It's so backwards. lol

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cofba used to be an awesome local f-body website. I'm not sure if they are still around or not though. I've been out of f-bodies for a while.

I've spent very little time with my Camaro since I got the first bike... Poor thing is being neglected! I'm talking no more then 3 or 4 hours of working on and dirving. Maybe 50 miles this summer! Damn bikes......

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+1 on ApriliaForum. AF1 is cool as hell. Yeah, some of the guys on there are a little elitist at times but it's nice.

I frequent all of the privately owned forums way more than I do the commercial ones nowadays. Like BuckeyeGoats, StreetRacingDayton, ApriliaForum, Knights Of Speed.

streetracingdayton was a whole lot cooler about 5 years ago. We had huge meets of 6-800 cars and was a total blast. I belive the last srdayton meet i went too, i drove a good hour to get there, and there were maybe 5 cars there. :confused: ohwell.

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