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100 mph vs. 10 mph. Not good.


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Why not have a zero tolerance policy for this type of police behavior? Someone who doesn't follow the laws has no place enforcing them.

Also, "Although police found a small amount of marijuana in the couple's car, a toxicology report found no traces of the drug in their blood, Halloran said." Was it really necessary to mention that? Not that I'd expect news off of 'policeone.com' to be unbiased, but these kids are dead, there is no reason to try to make them look like the bad guys.

Edited by Harb67
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"at one point was travelling more than 70 miles per hour, according to the dashboard camera, as he and Anderson returned to Milford after a mutual aid call in West Haven"

"Mello confirmed that neither Milford cruiser had its light bar or siren on, and that neither officer was being dispatched to another call at the time of the crash."

So they were on their way BACK from a call, without light/sirens, not being dispatched to another call doing 70-94mph? Looks like they were racing to me. Very sad.

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Like what? Manslaughter seems to be about right. Vehicular homicide' date=' maybe.. but certainly not murder.[/quote']

I was thinking they'd tack on a ton just to make the point (if only to drop it at trial)... reckless operation, endangering the public, etc

but I double checked, you're right, seems manslaughter is the par for the course, so I retract my comment...

I still maintain that the wheel of justice will turn slower for an officer than it would for a private citizen.

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It's only illegal if you get caught...

...and you're not a cop, because if you were a cop, you'd be suspended with pay.

Nothing like killing two innocent people and getting paid vacation after. :mad:

If I plowed into someone at an intersection at 100 mph and killed them, you'd damn well expect me to be arrested for those speeds, and charged with the whole damn book.

This shit pisses me the fuck off!

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Nothing like killing two innocent people and getting paid vacation after. :mad:

If I plowed into someone at an intersection at 100 mph and killed them, you'd damn well expect me to be arrested for those speeds, and charged with the whole damn book.

This shit pisses me the fuck off!

Well.... is the person arrested and in custody? I don't know my work policy, but I believe you can continue working until a conviction (and possibly even after... I dunno)

But I agree, if your job is driving, and you can't drive because you murdered 2 people you shouldn't be paid. But if your job is to make phone calls and you're pending conviction for murder but are out on bail/bond I don't necessarily think you should not be able to work....

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Well.... is the person arrested and in custody? I don't know my work policy, but I believe you can continue working until a conviction (and possibly even after... I dunno)

But I agree, if your job is driving, and you can't drive because you murdered 2 people you shouldn't be paid. But if your job is to make phone calls and you're pending conviction for murder but are out on bail/bond I don't necessarily think you should not be able to work....

Your job is not that of an officer of the law. Little different.

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Your job is not that of an officer of the law. Little different.

I didn't phrase my example too well, I 100% agree the police officer shouldn't still be on the road...

imho, he should be in jail, if not in jail, should be suspended without pay. Same principle as if your company suspected you of embezzling money. My comments didn't really apply here too well.

NOW, if the police officer had done this in his personal vehicle while not on the job I'd say he should be put on a desk job if he's not in jail... but that leads to conflicts of interest or some jazz.

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I didn't phrase my example too well, I 100% agree the police officer shouldn't still be on the road...

imho, he should be in jail, if not in jail, should be suspended without pay. Same principle as if your company suspected you of embezzling money. My comments didn't really apply here too well.

NOW, if the police officer had done this in his personal vehicle while not on the job I'd say he should be put on a desk job if he's not in jail... but that leads to conflicts of interest or some jazz.

That makes more sense. :)

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As shitty as it is... I'll have to temper the 'with pay' frustration with the fact that it's the policy of many companies to do that because if a lawsuit happens and the officer is acquitted, he can file suit for his back wages and then some... so it ends up cheaper in the long run to suspend these people WITH pay.

Sad, but it's economics.

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wow...thats sad for the two people killed, and i think both officers should be prosecuted...if this were any other situation, both drivers would be prosecuted for street racing and manslaughter...

i had a cop fly past me like this on 270 like i was sitting still...no lights or anything...i had my fiance in the car, and it was about midnight...i cant imagine if he woulda lost control or something and caused an accident like this...

i feel for the victims families

i also think its low that they felt the need to mention marijuana, and alcohol, yet they had neither of those in their system...low low blow

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As shitty as it is... I'll have to temper the 'with pay' frustration with the fact that it's the policy of many companies to do that because if a lawsuit happens and the officer is acquitted, he can file suit for his back wages and then some... so it ends up cheaper in the long run to suspend these people WITH pay.

Sad, but it's economics.

I get what you're saying there, but it makes little sense to me. If someone get acquitted, they need a procedure in place to make it a simple filing, maybe said wages should be held in escrow?

I see where the argument that driving is not a requirement for the job, BUT the use of one's judgement IS. This is not a simple case of speeding that went wrong, as much as it is a case of bad judgement causing 2 people to die.

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