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What's Going on????


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What’s Going On?

3 November 2009 8 Comments

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes, it will take a thousand words just to describe what’s going on in the picture. Here are a list of pictures, that had us asking, “How the hell did that happen?” Or, “WTF?”

This first picture, for example. How the hell did this happen?


I am assuming this is some sort of college game to see who can sit still the longest with their “wick” lit. However, we’re not sure. Anyone ever play this particular game?


O.k. seriously, WTF? Bondage and sucking a cat off. (We can only assume the cat is alive.)


This one we think we can explain. Cow gets stuck, farmer does his best to free him. But how the hell does he get the cow to stand so calm with a chainsaw throwing wood chips and the tree vibrating. Nicely done, Mr. Farmer.


I don’t even know where to begin with this picture. What the hell is the dude in the KKK looking suit supposed to be? Then the obvious, what the hell are they feeding the kid, that they felt they needed some KKK clown?


What is this? Some sort of Cat orgy? “I got first!”


This at first glance didn’t strike us as odd. However, upon further inspection of the picture, there isn’t a road on either side of the semi. How the hell did it get there? How did it get turned sideways from the tracks. We’ve zoomed in and didn’t see any tracks in the snow in front of it. We are pretty sure it didn’t drive up the hill behind it. Just bizarre.


We are assuming the kid laying on the floor in front of the kid sucking on the gun, has already had his turn and is dead. Why is the parent taking a picture of this?


Edited by justin0469
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The only one I can explain is the kid with the dustbuster on the cat one....Apparently, he was assisting at a vet clinic, and the cat had just been shaved prior to spaying, and the dustbuster is the easiest way to remove all the hair.

The rest, tho....I got nothin, lol.

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