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Insane NYC Bike Messengers


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Those assholes are almost as bad around downtown Columbus. It irritates me cause they are supposed

to follow all the same traffic laws as cars, but they don't, the run thru red lights and stops all the time.

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Is there any sympathy at all when these dipshits get squished under a truck that they just cut in front of? None from me, but I was just wondering.

I would also assume that every time they bump another vehicle and scratch the paint, they just ride away. Probably happens daily.

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I see your vid, and raise you:

friggin copyright police already took out the audio track, I have the unadulterated version on my PC somewhere.

ya, that was the original video I saw, and then I fell onto this Yak guy, he's got some screws loose upstairs to be doin the shit he does!

.... then again, I think they ALL have some screws loose.

Oh and ShawnR, ya, I'd be pretty pissed too, but, you gott give them some credit for bein' as good as they are at what they do.... I do like the "sabotage" idea though! :D

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I saw a dude on a bicycle get hit by a taxi in NY, he got up, kicked the cab car, grabbed his bike, and left....

hahahahaha :lol:

Heres a vid of another guy with a slightly different reaction to being hit:


He was more than a little angry! :D

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So who wants to plan a trip to NY to just knock some of these idiots off their bikes??

Whats even worse then the way they ride thru traffic is the tons of pedestrians they

damn near run over in the crosswalks. I think if they did that to me I'd be tempted to

just give em a good shove and maybe knock em down, they say "hey man you ran into me"...


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