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does anyone here jog?


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my knees are alittle sore this evening. I assume that will eventually go away over time.

I'm the same height as Justin, but a BIT heavier & older ;) His times are WAY out of my league, & I've been running on & off for almost 30 years now. At my best, & lowest weight in college, I could do 6 miles without stopping. Can't remember my times anymore, but even then, I don't think they were as fast as Justin's.

As far as your knees go.... I too get all those aches & pains that come with not being a kid anymore, & am prone to shinsplints when I push too much. I usually take some ibuprofen about a half hour before I intend to head out. Seems to help. I also drink ~64oz of water mixed with some Crystal Lite on those days.... Sometimes more, as I've always been plagued with cramping. I dilute the CL though 2:1 with those single serve 16.9oz stix in a 32oz bottle.... Just enough to give me a little flavor. Now I like to disolve a potassium pill in my water bottle too, so I ingest it over time.

I was just talking with my doctor about this very subject on Wednesday. He's a big time runner.... Currently training for next year's Chicago Marathon, & aiming to finish in top 25% so he earns qualification for Boston. I've been trying to get back in the groove & consistently run 2-3 times a week since this past spring. Some weeks I'm only able to get 1 run in.

At this point in life, I run for time in a different way. I now loosely keep track of my lap time, but worry more about my overall time.... i.e I usually go for 45-50 minutes. I also pay close attention to my heartrate now. My concern, & what I was talking to my doctor about, is I don't feel I'm making any progress. My times are about the same, and I still need to stop & walk periodically. He advised me to dial down my runs for now, to 30 minutes, and increase them each week by 10%. He also said the 10% doesn't need to be split up over each run, but I could do two 30's during the week, then a longer 45 minute one on the weekend. I ran a 30 today, after a week off due to inflamation in my big toe & dropping 14lbs in 36 hours over Thanksgiving from the Rx prescribed.... And my pace was definitely quicker with longer runs/less walk

Also.... I run outdoors. We have a treadmill, & I hardly ever use it. It bores me to tears. One of my favorite things in life is running during a nice heavy snow. The ground is soft, & everything is quiet, peaceful & beautiful. Running around the reservoir is also a favorite. I've also found over the years that, while running on asphalt is harder on your joints.... When I run on gravel or grass, it takes more out of my legs quicker. Not that I have much stamina to begin with, but I have even less on those surfaces, i.e when I'm running around the resevoir or the high school practice track

As far as shoes go.... This is really going to be personal preference. Nike's are known for being narrow in the toebox/ball/forefoot area. My feet are a little wider, but not special width, so I generally like Adidas, though my latest pair is New Balance, which seem wide even for me, but very well built with plenty of padding/cushion. I had a pair of Asics & Saucony I liked in college too. I have had several pairs of Nikes over the years, but it's a rare occasion they fit me better than the others I just mentioned. Reeboks seem to fit me well also, but I think they've kind of phased out of the running shoe arena.

If you want to talk more privately, shoot me a mail

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+1 on the New Balance, but get the catalog to see the types and styles. They have specific types that fit up to specific types of feet. Confusing but the catalog explains it.

I wear combat boots when I walk/jog/run. Reports I've read indicate that combat boots are the least likely to cause leg and foot damage when running. I don't like jogging, I prefer sprints. Run as far as you can as fast as you can. Especially broken field running like through the woods. Best I've ever done is two miles. I'm happy with that. Yeah, first time I tried I got less than a half block. Just keep doing it every day. Get your respiration up and running for cardio, breath deeply...

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I DO NOT avoid pain meds. But I'm not taking them for pain;)

When I did run, I had a 6 minute mile. Used to run 6 miles every day. Now, after numerous accidents, my body is too old for any type of running. Eliptical is ok, but no treadmill and nothing on pavement.

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.... I try to avoid taking pain medicine. it just masks the pain... your body is telling you something is wrong... my opinion though.

Pain is the body's way of healing itself. Masking the pain doesn't promote good healing. Don't know if it's true or not, it's just what I think is true...

edit: I mean think about it, why should the body heal up if it's not in pain?

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OH, and good form is important for trying to go long distances.... try not to hunch over. You want to be as upright as possible (lets the air in better too). your arms should be relaxed, but not flopping... in CC we used to tie a rope around our body at our elbows to practice keeping good form and not crossing our arms across our body. Also, if your stomach starts to cramp up, instead of stopping, try taking in deeeeep breaths and expanding your stomach as much as possible and exhale then suck it back in. Moving your muscles around like that sometimes helps get rid of the cramp without stopping

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.... I try to avoid taking pain medicine. it just masks the pain... your body is telling you something is wrong... my opinion though.

Pain is the body's way of healing itself. Masking the pain doesn't promote good healing. Don't know if it's true or not, it's just what I think is true...

edit: I mean think about it, why should the body heal up if it's not in pain?

I'm talking general little minor aches & pains guys.... Not "Oh shit I've torn my achilles or have a high ankle sprain/torn ACL" kind of pain

The only way to heal is rest. If I rested for every little ache & pain I have, I'd still be sitting on the couch

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I manage to get in 9-12 miles per week. Either on the mill or outside. My best advise, other than what everyone else has already said is this. Dont try to determine what kind of runner you are an buy shoes off the shelf.I made that mistake, bought a very expensive pair of Mizuno Nirvana wave runners. Great shoe, but not for my running style. They were for an overpronator, and I caused myself a serious case of shin splints. took me several months to heal up. Go to Fleet Feet. They will have you stand on a mat and get an impression of your arches, they will run you in your socks, and in your shoes, then fit you up in the right pair. The shoes cost no more than what they do at Dicks, and they are all RUNNING shoes. I wear Asics GT2450's and can run 5K pain free. Change your shoes every 6 months. I am 5'7" 205 built like a fireplug....best 5k 30:27

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thanks for the good info fonz! I am only 23, and am pretty active but I havent done any sort of training or running or anything of that nature in a few years. I am 5.7-5.8 and about 185 lbs. At one point i was 180 lbs with 7% body fat, but that was my sophmore year in hs. I then progressed all the way up 220 lbs, and have managed to loose that weight just by cutting regular soda out of my diet.

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I manage to get in 9-12 miles per week. Either on the mill or outside. My best advise, other than what everyone else has already said is this. Dont try to determine what kind of runner you are an buy shoes off the shelf.I made that mistake, bought a very expensive pair of Mizuno Nirvana wave runners. Great shoe, but not for my running style. They were for an overpronator, and I caused myself a serious case of shin splints. took me several months to heal up. Go to Fleet Feet. They will have you stand on a mat and get an impression of your arches, they will run you in your socks, and in your shoes, then fit you up in the right pair. The shoes cost no more than what they do at Dicks, and they are all RUNNING shoes. I wear Asics GT2450's and can run 5K pain free. Change your shoes every 6 months. I am 5'7" 205 built like a fireplug....best 5k 30:27

fleet feet.. ill have to look that up. thanks!

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Wow! Lot's of good info here! I've never been a runner, actually hating it. After reading through this thread, and about the c25k plan, I might actually give it a try! I think what I've always hated was the pain I would suffer from trying. I am out of shape, pretty much always have been, and realize I NEED to do something. I think I'm going to download the podrunner intervals and give it a try. The doc says I need to do something, my cholesterol is a little high, and this can't hurt!

I guess I've just been looking for a little guidance, and the c25k sounds like what I need.

Wish me luck!

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thanks for the good info fonz! I am only 23, and am pretty active but I havent done any sort of training or running or anything of that nature in a few years. I am 5.7-5.8 and about 185 lbs. At one point i was 180 lbs with 7% body fat, but that was my sophmore year in hs. I then progressed all the way up 220 lbs, and have managed to loose that weight just by cutting regular soda out of my diet.

Your welcome bud! Thought you were older than that based on your screen name & few things you mentioned

I've always been pretty active athletically too, whatever weight I'm at.... Weekend sports warrior the last 20 years.... Hence all the wear 'n tear and aches & pains now ;)

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..... they will run you in your socks, and in your shoes, then fit you up in the right pair.

Good advice. I always am a dork & do a few laps around the store just to get an idea of how my prospective new shoes feel when I'm running in them.... Are they comfortable, is the heal sliding/do they feel sloppy, do my toes bang the front/have enough room, how's the arch feel, enough cushion in the heel, do they feel supportive, do they feel too heavy, etc

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I have thought about going the jump rope route as alittle warm up before my run.. Fonz my screen name comes from a truck i built a few years back. It was a black flat s10, with a v8 and red wheels and wide white walls. I wanted it to look like a modern 50s hot rod. All my other user names are oldschoolsdime also so it was just easier to make this one the same too! haha. I feel more prepared about getting into running and I am actually getting into it.

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I'm talking general little minor aches & pains guys.... Not "Oh shit I've torn my achilles or have a high ankle sprain/torn ACL" kind of pain

The only way to heal is rest. If I rested for every little ache & pain I have, I'd still be sitting on the couch

hmm.... yeah, I'm talking aches and pains too. Its just what I do, and isn't necessarily what other should do. I messed my hip up in high school and it was just a series of minor aches until one day "pop" and then it was BAD. It took me a couple years to get rid of the pain.

Good advice. I always am a dork & do a few laps around the store just to get an idea of how my prospective new shoes feel when I'm running in them....

I would giggle at you then think "that's a good idea" :D

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combat boots while running? no thanks. those things are about the hardest thing aside from my co...rock. ill take my running shoes designed for me to run in.

ive never been big on the distance. the army wants me to run 2 miles so thats about all i do. sometimes ill go 4-5 miles if i feel good. i was never a runner, and then i HAD to run. running is just one of those things you gotta get out and do, and a lot of people have already posted some good plans to do that.

oh and if you need shoes, i would go to a specialized running store. in columbus theres a store called "frontrunner" on lane ave. running shoes are something you dont want to be cheap on if youre logging a bunch of miles, you need shoes that fit your foot style.

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holy cow. I only see 545am when i'm going to bed late. I dont think time of day matters, i think its all about what you prefer. I have a friend who only feels motivated to run at 11pm (??? idk why).... I used to go after work just bc it was convenient.... I like to excersice on a mostly empty stomach though, dont know if that's good for your or not, but i feel sluggish if i eat within a couple hours of jogging....

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i agree, i have to eat extremely light. I have to be at work by 7. So i get up at 545 make my coffee, get dressed. and then leave by 630.So i am going to be running after work. Three days a week. On the days I am not running, when I get home i will be doing a series of sit ups and push ups, and maybe alittle rope jumping.

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i agree, i have to eat extremely light. I have to be at work by 7. So i get up at 545 make my coffee, get dressed. and then leave by 630.

THAT SUX!!! I have a tough time with getting going before 8am!

So i am going to be running after work. Three days a week. On the days I am not running, when I get home i will be doing a series of sit ups and push ups, and maybe alittle rope jumping.

Sounds about like what I should be doing. I may have to copycat!

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