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Logical debate is the only arena we the people have. It is the last bastion of free and reasoned discussion untainted by the emotional and vindictive ramblings of people who are willing to swallow the talking points of appointed officials whose first concern is to be reelected. We have a president who thinks that policies can be implemented on charisma alone and a gaggle of political vultures who are ever pecking and waiting to pick the bones after he slits his own throat, all the while assuring him that he is doing what is best for the people.

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I'm assuming you are referring to me as one of that "posse."

First, I sit in the middle. Second, I'm pretty sure you have now idea what a logical argument is if you've read this thread and come to that conclusion.

I realize you guys are your typical partisan dip shits that don't care about actual facts, but come one at least put a little thought behind. :D

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Obama never mentioned pulling out of Iraq.

"As a candidate for president, I made clear my support for a timeline of 16 months to carry out this drawdown, while pledging to consult closely with our military commanders upon taking office to ensure that we preserve the gains we’ve made and protect our troops," Obama said. "Those consultations are now complete, and I have chosen a timeline that will remove our combat brigades over the next 18 months.

"Let me say this as plainly as I can: by August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end."

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  Isaac said:

I have argued with several of my "less than conservative" friends who voted for Obama because "he said he was going to end the war". I've heard them say it' date=' but never heard him say it.[/quote']

I think that is the underlying problem with voters today, from both sides of the isle. They hear what they want to hear. Bush never claimed to be fiscally conservative and his record as governor was quite the oposite. but everyone was surprised when he spent money like crazy. But part of the blame falls on MSM, they just report sound bites.

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  Uncle Punk said:
I am disappointed with him only giving 75% of the troops requested. I wish he would be smart enough to take advice from people who are educated in these matters and support them.

Yeah I kind of wish he had just ponied up the 40k (over 12 months) also, but... he is requesting support from other countries. If they can fill the gaps to fulfill the request then it should be all good.

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  chevysoldier said:
Do you know how many times Bush went and visited wounded troops, without cameras present? Not saying he didn't do photo ops, but that is all Obama has done.

Maybe if Bush would have spent more time in the Oval Office the country wouldn't have slipped down the slope of financial ruin.

  max power said:
Gee, another thread where you guys try to use reason and logic on the

Obama :nutswinger:Posse?


It doesnt work. When their president has run this country into foreclosure, these nitwits will still insist he is a great prez.

Give it up.

the country was in foreclosure before Obama took over. I know many would like there to be a magical light switch that the Pres. hits and makes the war go away and financial situation self corrects. Just don't happen that way.

If we just packed our bags and left the sandbox, it would be Viet Nam part deux.

In regards to the military personnel giving the ovation merely as a gesture of respect, No fucking shit morons. That's what we are taught and trained to do. We follow orders and give respect to our higher ranking officers. Obama as the Commander in Chief falls at the top of the food chain. Before these type of events it's common for soldiers to be read the code of conduct expected for the event. No whooping and hollering is always rule 1.

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  AOW said:
Maybe if Bush would have spent more time in the Oval Office the country wouldn't have slipped down the slope of financial ruin.

The only problem I have with Obama supporters is they won't hold Obama to the same standards that they hold Bush. I simply can't stand the hypocrisy.


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  Uncle Punk said:
I am disappointed with him only giving 75% of the troops requested. I wish he would be smart enough to take advice from people who are educated in these matters and support them.

If he did that, the bailout would've been twice the size and we wouldn't even be debating universal healthcare, it would've been in place since 1992.

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  JRMMiii said:
If he did that, the bailout would've been twice the size and we wouldn't even be debating universal healthcare, it would've been in place since 1992.

Fuck you Justin every time I get into a political thread with you it requires way too much of my time to give a response, damn, I swear it's like I'm taking a college class.

Economic philosophy is open for debate; half will see things one way and swear the other is completely the wrong way to go. The same holds true with healthcare, it is debatable with arguments from both sides claiming total damnation if the opposing philosophy is used. Global warming fits into this debating category as well. While I'm sure there is debate among the military leaders on strategy when a decision is made it should be honored by those who control the purse strings, not micro managed. The debate on this strategy is coming from the civilian world that should have no bearing on the decisions made. We can debate weather or not we should be there or try to find out what our objectives are but once the decision has been made to be there how it is to be executed should not be open for debate.

Oh yea, Fuck NATO it's only slightly one step away from being as worthless as the UN.

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im suprised the amount of people that are hating on a "timeline". you act like its going to be this huge secret wehn troops are coming home. ill fuck a sheep if someone can withdraw 150,000 troops and combat equipment from a place the size of texas without anyone noticing...

not to mention that without a timeline, there is no urgency. in my AO right now, nobody (except the very few insurgents) wants us to leave. we provide security, bridges, roads, microgrants to start businesses...you think leaving like a ghost in the night is going to leave them in a good spot when they expect us to come to work in the morning? these motherfuckers are lazy. its coming to a stark reality when were gone and they might actually have to run their own country, so we should leave them off as best we can. how can we do that without giving them an ultimatum?

Edited by Benyen Soljax
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