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To protect and serve?


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What's the point of the OP? Where are you going with this' date=' Matt? I don't want to get into a cop bashing thread..[/quote']

Not cop bashing, just trying to put law enforcement into perspective. A lot of people blindly "trust" police because they are duty bound to uphold the law, but that's not the case in a lot of situations.

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All that chart is good for is bashing cops. That is what this thread is for and will be is the bashing of people who save our asses and put their lives on the line for us every day. Yes I understand that there are corrupt cops and cops that hold the job for the wrong reasons, but I will not let a few corrupt pieces of shit make me hate a group of people that are there for our protection.

Let's not forget how many of the cops that are accused of misconduct are innocent and it is nothing more that useless trash looking for a quick pay day by claiming the big bad officer hit him too hard.

This is my one and only post because I already know this is going be nothing more than cop bashing.

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Not cop bashing, just trying to put law enforcement into perspective. A lot of people blindly "trust" police because they are duty bound to uphold the law, but that's not the case in a lot of situations.

The highest rate was 29.3 in every 1000... thats 2.9%. How is that "a lot of situations"? Even if you look at is by the actual Agency, the highest is STILL only 3.52%. Still FAR from a lot. No, cops are not perfect just like everyone else, but that doesnt mean we need to bash them when they do something wrong or publicize every bad thing they do. Just my opinion....

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this thread is the very reason i have pretty much stopped coming to this forum, cause no matter what anyone says you will always have your dumb-asses that post stupid shit like this. the public is going to believe whatever they want to believe and that goes with bullshit statistics like the aforementioned graphic. so you know what not ftp - fu. ok ive said my peace.

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Follow up to the video posted earlier. I left it out for my own entertainment purposes, worked out for me; I can’t buy that kind of entertainment.

I don't think the taser is that evil, if used properly it's an effective tool. In the scenario above I think it wasn't applied correctly. The grandma deployment from a few months back I thought it was applied correctly. The fat dumb fuck that deployed it above should not have been on the force to begin with, in my opinion. I highly doubt he could pass a PFT, if he was an example of typical law enforcement I don't know how others in the profession can be proud of the profession if that fat dumb fuck can't be culled out it makes the whole lot not seem quite so worthy of respect.

I am respectful of law enforcement but don't hold them with any higher regard than anyone else. I think it's a job I would be able to do quite easily if I wanted to force myself to have daily contact with the masses. I couldn't be a teacher for much of the same reasons plus I wasn't going to be able to make it through a higher education, I barely made it through high school. I have never needed law enforcement in my life and can't picture a scenario where I would. This is not to say I haven't had contact with them. I have gotten tickets and been in accidents where they have been present. The fat dumb fuck from above could have handled these situations; they are not exactly hard tasks to work through. The folks at the water department perform similar tasks while at their jobs. I can defend myself no help needed thanks. If there is a hostage situation with multiple bad guys call in the military. Now those guys are necessary. I am prior military so I am biased; just as I'm sure those in law enforcement are going to be biased with their replies.

I understand that I have simplified the tasks that law enforcement performs. If they had a yearly PFT and fired those who couldn’t cut it that might make them a cut above or if the standards where the same for men and women. (Unions aren’t going to let that happen.)Serving a warrant to commit a violent mental patient is a call that shouldn’t be handled by a fat out of shape old man; it jeopardizes the success of the mission. This is a hard task to get accomplished and one I am thankful we have able bodied law enforcement to perform. Domestic disturbances are something else I am thankful to have law enforcement there for, a woman usually can’t defend herself from a man. This is another necessary task that most can’t accomplish so I see value to having law enforcement. When you have the majority of peoples contact with law enforcement being negative with tasks that can be performed by paper pushers it’s hard to demand respect for the whole lot.

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