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To protect and serve?


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a group of people that are there for our protection.

police are not here "for our protection". they are here to collect evidence for a prosecutor. its impossible for the police to protect people, and its silly to expect them to.

how many cases are there where police have refused to arrest someone for violating a protection order, or where the police say "sorry he threatened to kill you, but we cant do anything about it"?

in fact, the courts have ruled that police DO NOT have a duty to protect people.

the police CAN NOT be relied upon to protect you. individuals are responsible for their own personal safety, and that of their loved ones. Police protection must be recognized for what it is: only an auxiliary general deterrent

even if they DID have a duty to protect, there is no way they could fulfill that duty with any amount of certainty that you would want to bet your life on.

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in fact, the courts have ruled that police DO NOT have a duty to protect people.

..and that makes sense if you think about it. If they rule the other way it opens the doors to suing the police every time they aren't there to prevent something. I'm not sure that's a precedent anyone would really want set.

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..and that makes sense if you think about it. If they rule the other way it opens the doors to suing the police every time they aren't there to prevent something. I'm not sure that's a precedent anyone would really want set.

Yah, I really don't want the expectation to be that the police will protect people... it's much better to expect them to be able to pull people over, arrest drunk drivers, etc etc than to think they are going to protect people...

I guess ticketing speeders is a form of protection.

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The taser is one of the worst ideas in the history of law enforcement.

they would be, if they were used correctly. only in situations where the use of lethal force would also be permitted. if you would use your gun in that situation, then go ahead and use the taser.

but somehow they got this idea that its ok to use them to gain compliance.

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Yah, I really don't want the expectation to be that the police will protect people... it's much better to expect them to be able to pull people over, arrest drunk drivers, etc etc than to think they are going to protect people...

I guess ticketing speeders is a form of protection.


Come on. If a court ruled it was their duty they would probably get sued out of existence or out of being any worth at all. *can hear the comments now* They would get sued every time some one got robbed, mugged, injured, killed... and police weren't there to stop it.

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..and that makes sense if you think about it. If they rule the other way it opens the doors to suing the police every time they aren't there to prevent something. I'm not sure that's a precedent anyone would really want set.

yeah exactly. so the police dont have a duty to protect us, and they are not able to protect everyone all the time.

so this raises the question: will the police protect you if they have the opportunity? id like to think that most would.

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yeah exactly. so the police dont have a duty to protect us, and they are not able to protect everyone all the time.

so this raises the question: will the police protect you if they have the opportunity? id like to think that most would.

If they are present and don't they can probably be charged with negligence. Now whether or not it sticks is another question.

I'd like to think most would also.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont Post often I like to keep my opinions to myself most times ....But I am a Cop and i found the graph very interesting and informing .........i didnt care for the Video as she was already in cuffs and appeared to be compliant other than verbally which i get paid to take verbal abuse it goes with the job

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  • 4 weeks later...
I dont Post often I like to keep my opinions to myself most times ....But I am a Cop and i found the graph very interesting and informing .........i didnt care for the Video as she was already in cuffs and appeared to be compliant other than verbally which i get paid to take verbal abuse it goes with the job

OMG! I'm impressed. All my years posting in forums and I dont think I've ever seen a cop who didnt 100% defend the action of another cop no matter how abusive they were. I mean, I've seen ridiculously abusive videos and then watched every cop on the board say how justified it was to beat the shit out of grandma.....lol

My hat is off to you sir for being an honest man and apparently a good man!

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I didn't find the stats all that disturbing. Larger citys are chock full of drunks, druggies and mentally ill inhabitants. Ever watch Cops? I'm pretty laid back and I think I would have beaten, tazered, shot and ran over some of the triple class A assholes that were handled with kid gloves by some of those ultra-patient officers. I've seen a few "loose cannons" in action over the years and it is a little disconcerting, but not enough to shake my confidence in law enforcement.

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First of all @Rod, I agree with you, it's very rare to find a cop that will admit fault and/or the fault of another of his brothers.

@UP, that video is a scary one to see... that cop should have dropped the guy (with OC spray or baton) the SECOND he started running at him and challenging him like that. I can't believe the cop let it escalate so far.

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@UP, that video is a scary one to see... that cop should have dropped the guy (with OC spray or baton) the SECOND he started running at him and challenging him like that. I can't believe the cop let it escalate so far.

I completely agree. The cop should have CERTAINLY put him down with something even at the first charge.

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Well, I hate for this to be my first post, but I feel it needs to be brought to people's attention. I could tear that graphic apart. First, notice the graphic is done in red. Red is a color typically associated with violence. Why are they not using different colors for different levels of misconduct? Also, it appears as though the majority of states are the 0-6 category...and how many of those states are 0? It does not specify. Also, These stats cover reported misconduct. Anyone can report misconduct, that doesn't mean the misconduct actually happened. A more accurate graphic would only include convictions, or at least reports which have been affirmed.

Also, to compare the average conviction rate of police officers to the average conviction rates of civilians is kinda funny. Conviction of what? Misconduct? I could go on.

Folks, the point here is, don't believe everything you see. Especially a graphic from a website dedicated to cop bashing which is finded by the NAACP and other such agencies.

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