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Damn roommates...


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The only way fucking her would be acceptable is if your ultimate goal is to give her a dirty sanchez and post the pix of said sanchez on the interwebz


The only way it would be forgiven is if you were planning on doing something so sexually humiliating that you couldn't look her in the face again. And, whatever that is would have to be recorded by some audio/visual device for proof you were just doing it for humiliation lulz, and not for any sexual satisfaction on your part.

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Black axle grease on the earpiece of cell phone(assuming the phone is black of course. Same black grease on the back side of the car door handle. Or my fav, replacing oil pan drain plug with a candle(this one is courtesy of magley;) )

I have experience with the grease trick, but it was on tool box drawer handles. That own't work so well now that we all wear gloves at work. The candle wax drain pulg would be for the REALLY pissed.

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Besides, I prefer psychological attacks.... no evidence left behind.

So do I but on the other hand you can still get away without leaving evidence behind in a roommate situation, i.e. toothbrush dipped into the toilet.

Although sometimes it's more fun to leave evidence behind because it lets them know that you meant what you did and you don't care.

I threw away a whole box of my old roomate's crap once because she didn't want to help me clean our apartment and I wanted my security deposit back. She called the cops on me but I had already tossed the box into a dumpster down the alley from our building so there was nothing she could prove.

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