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Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?


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I have a lot of customers that are indian/arabic and even THEY say Merry Christmas, because they realize its a big part of our culture/religion here in the states. All this PC bull crap is just media manufactured, even the Punjabis and Arabs respect da Christmas!


Do people say "Happy Halloween" on Easter? Maybe "happy birthday" on Labor Day? How about "happy anniversary" on Veteran's Day??

Its CHRISTMAS. Its a holiday that celebrates the birth of Christ. If you don't believe in it, refuse to acknowledge it. Turning it into something it isnt (happy holidays, whatever) is pure bullshit.

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i say both. mainly merry christmas but if i say happy holidays i don't feel like i should have to tell that person "happy (insert holiday)" for any holiday the rest of the year. it saves me time and effort.

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I tell people Merry Christmas, as I was rasied to believe that it was wishing happiness to whomever I said it to, regardless of their faith, and was based on my own. If a Muslim comes up to me and wishes well upon me in the verbiage used by his religion, I see it as a compliment, and a blessing in its intended form. I am appreciative that someone would extend to me the positive tidings of their faith. (Now if they yell "Jihad!" and start doing the tongue thing, I pray to MY God and run the other way.) The only time I use Happy Holidays is when I speak to someone that I won't be seeing between Christmas and New Years, so as to wish them, well happy holiDAYS. I've wished a Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends (hey Matt!!!!) hoping that they will enjoy their holiday, but they also get a Merry Christmas.

So I say to ALL of you, Merry Christmas! May each of you receive countless blesings at this time!

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This is interesting to see what normal people, normal in the sense of not being politicians or media, feel on this subject. I say Christmas because of what I believe in. My wife got yelled at by a customer because she had said "Merry Christmas" to him and he yelled and said that isn't PC anymore. Her boss looked at him and said "Merry Christmas" at him again. If people find Merry Christmas offending, don't say it. But to bark at someone who wants to say it is just as offending IMO.

I(Now if they yell "Jihad!" and start doing the tongue thing, I pray to MY God and run the other way.)

:lol: awesome

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....My wife got yelled at by a customer because she had said "Merry Christmas" to him and he yelled and said that isn't PC anymore. Her boss looked at him and said "Merry Christmas" at him again....

:lol: awesome

Where does your wife work? I'm shopping there!:D

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Ice cream might melt on the trip home...

"My" Kroger said "Merry Christmas" too. Must've received the OK from Corporate...

lol. You might be right, but to have to get an "ok" to say Merry Christmas is sad. This country is turning into a bunch of sue-happy, "you owe me", over the top PC, crybaby fanatics.

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For those that DON'T believe in Christmas, quit writing the date! I never realized it before recently told so, but think about the date. There is a split in time as we know it based on the birth of Christ. Everything before is B.C., or before Christ.

Also, if you don't believe in CHRISTmas, get your ass out to work. Don't take a day off for some that you DON'T believe in.

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I'm surprised by the answers here... but whatever.

I say happy holidays, christmas is just one of about 6 Major holidays being celebrated within the 2 week period in the middle of december. Happy holidays saves me time.

otherwise, to include most everyone I have to say "happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa, merry Winter Solstice, a joyous Yule, a bodacious Boxing Day, and a merry Christmas"

Christmas is just a Hijacked name for Yule anyway, jesus was born in the summertime, (possibly late spring, or early autumn) shepherds didn't tend their flocks by night in winter.

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For those that DON'T believe in Christmas, quit writing the date! I never realized it before recently told so, but think about the date. There is a split in time as we know it based on the birth of Christ. Everything before is B.C., or before Christ.

current dating is common era dating. BCE, and CE

Also, if you don't believe in CHRISTmas, get your ass out to work. Don't take a day off for some that you DON'T believe in.

did you just take ONE DAY off or did you get like 2 weeks for all these end of year holidays like the most of the rest of us do?

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I'm not trying to start an argument here, just stating my observations. If you want to discuss this further, start a thread and I will do some research to support my point. Let's leave it out of the OP's thread.

Since when don't you like to hijack threads? :lol: j/k But I don't really ever recall seeing BCE, CE. And as far as still working, many people don't have that option anyways. Boss says store is closed, its closed. Boss say work, you're working. But I see your point. People that don't believe in something but have no problem reaping the benefits.

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