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Need some help, home CAT5 wiring


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Cat6 cable is not nearly as expensive as you'd think. I bought a 1000' roll off ebay for $36 Shipped. Some builder had leftovers and put it up for no reserve, free shipping :p his loss!

Wired the whole house for under $60 haha. ( I borrowed the crimper and line tester from work )

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I have 11 jacks in my house that run up from the basement, it's a ranch and not all are patched to my switch. I went off where the cable went up and where the cold air returns came down to find the middle of the walls.

Gigabit is the way to go, I get about 200 Mbps when transferring movies to my media PC.


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Cat6 cable is not nearly as expensive as you'd think. I bought a 1000' roll off ebay for $36 Shipped. Some builder had leftovers and put it up for no reserve, free shipping :p his loss!

Wired the whole house for under $60 haha. ( I borrowed the crimper and line tester from work )

... damn, that is a good deal... do you have 900' left? lol

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Interior walls with insulation?? :wtf:

Try to get in front of the plastic covering the insulation. If you can, it is easy, if you cant, try to get between the insulation and drywall. good luck.

Yeah the original buyer of the house wanted all walls to be insulated. He ended up not buying the house because the builder couldn't finish it in time. So a friend of mine ended up buying for a really nice price.

This isn't my first rodeo wall fishing, I work for a cable company and have done quite a few of them in the 5 years I was in the field. It'll take me a little longer than it used to because I haven't done one in awhile. But, I'll get it done.

Likwid, if you were a little closer I'd come do it for you. I have everything to do it except the cable and the connectors.

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Yeah the original buyer of the house wanted all walls to be insulated. He ended up not buying the house because the builder couldn't finish it in time. So a friend of mine ended up buying for a really nice price.

This isn't my first rodeo wall fishing, I work for a cable company and have done quite a few of them in the 5 years I was in the field. It'll take me a little longer than it used to because I haven't done one in awhile. But, I'll get it done.

Likwid, if you were a little closer I'd come do it for you. I have everything to do it except the cable and the connectors.

Yeah, I'm kind of a shlep for everyone.

Where in NEO are you exactly, thats a big area. I can grab a fish from work and give you a hand if your close.

Macedonia -ish

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Glow rods are a lot easier to use than fish tape when your not pulling cable through conduit. If you can find someone with a set it will make things much easier.

+ 100. Fish tape is for conduit. It absolutely sucks for fishing walls.

A glow rod with some pull string attached and a hook to grab the string with make it easy.

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Glow rods are a lot easier to use than fish tape when your not pulling cable through conduit. If you can find someone with a set it will make things much easier.

I'm ignorant on this... but I assume this is different than the glow sticks at the club right?

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Glow rods are a lot easier to use than fish tape when your not pulling cable through conduit. If you can find someone with a set it will make things much easier.

I've hear those are the shiznit! I've never used them though. In fact, I haven't done much wall fishing at all, thankfully! :lol:

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I'm tempted to just disconnect the cable in the attic, attach a light chain pull it down from the basement, then attach the cat5 and cable to the chain and pull it back up...

Is this a bad idea?

Is the wire original to the house? If it was installed during construction, it is stapled down. Chain isnt necessary though, just use pull string or kite string. Be sure to tape it on well. If you lose it, it sucks.

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Is the wire original to the house? If it was installed during construction, it is stapled down. Chain isnt necessary though, just use pull string or kite string. Be sure to tape it on well. If you lose it, it sucks.

Oh shit yah, it's original wiring. Everything in the basement is stapled too so I'd assume it's the same way throughout...

I wish there was an easy way to see if the whole is straight to the basement.... I'm going to try a weight on some fishing line and see if it goes straight down...

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Oh shit yah, it's original wiring. Everything in the basement is stapled too so I'd assume it's the same way throughout...

I wish there was an easy way to see if the whole is straight to the basement.... I'm going to try a weight on some fishing line and see if it goes straight down...

There ya go, just make sure you wear gloves if you are pulling wire with fishing line and tape it up good.

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hay man i am cleaning out my garage so let me know what you need and ill get it to ya i have hubbel cat se jacks and some siemon cat 6 jacks and faceplates . I am a technologie foreman for the union and seem to have acquired a shit load of junk . hee heee. i should be finishing the garage this weekend and will know better what i have send me a message on material list

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hay man i am cleaning out my garage so let me know what you need and ill get it to ya i have hubbel cat se jacks and some siemon cat 6 jacks and faceplates . I am a technologie foreman for the union and seem to have acquired a shit load of junk . hee heee. i should be finishing the garage this weekend and will know better what i have send me a message on material list

PM sent, thanks a ton.

Kahooli, let me take a look tonight and see if I can get the straight line to the basement, if that's the case then I'll know how much cable I need. If the straight line doesn't work I'll hold off for someone with a fish, if it's not a straight shot down I may have to stick with wireless....

Or could always feed the cable down through the heating vent :-D I know how much people love seeing that.

Edit: I looked a little into running some cable through the cold air return... building code aside (and OMG YOU'LL BURN THE HOUSE DOWN).... why not do it this way? Seems like an easy solution if the fish doesn't go straight through.

Edited by Likwid
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Hay man got the garage about half done and found some old cat 5e (185') got a few more partial boxs . Also for a couple of hubbel cat 6 bags ( 50 count) so i have you covered on the jacks . I probably wont get back out till sat but im sure i have the faceplates and all . Give me a call when you get time and we can figure out how to get them to you . Rick 614-403-3179

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Likwid, like meanie, I've done this several times. Like you said, the expense comes from the expertise and required tools. You could probably rent everything you need (glo-rods, longer drill bits) from home depot.

Check this out too:


Feel free to PM me with any specific questions you may have. I'd be there to help you knock this out if I was closer.

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Hay man got the garage about half done and found some old cat 5e (185') got a few more partial boxs . Also for a couple of hubbel cat 6 bags ( 50 count) so i have you covered on the jacks . I probably wont get back out till sat but im sure i have the faceplates and all . Give me a call when you get time and we can figure out how to get them to you .

Thanks a ton man, I'll give you a call after new years sometime this weekend. You're the man.

Likwid, like meanie, I've done this several times. Like you said, the expense comes from the expertise and required tools. You could probably rent everything you need (glo-rods, longer drill bits) from home depot.

Check this out too:


Feel free to PM me with any specific questions you may have. I'd be there to help you knock this out if I was closer.

That's an awesome website! Should prove helpful for sure. Although I'm thinking cold air return is going to prove to be the best bet, I have a register that seems to go right into that part of the basement so it should be very easy pop a quick hole and connect it up.

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Although I'm thinking cold air return is going to prove to be the best bet, I have a register that seems to go right into that part of the basement so it should be very easy pop a quick hole and connect it up.

I would only do that as a last resort. Its a very hillbilly way of running wire.

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I would only do that as a last resort. Its a very hillbilly way of running wire.

hehe, perfect for me! I'd pop the cable in from above and down at the bottom so at least it wouldn't be exposed lol

When I had the cable jack moved in the master they wanted to run it under the carpet.... I said not a chance in hell.

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