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Sorry for the delay's..........


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I just wanted to take a minute to let everyone know a few things that have been going on. A few weeks ago I injured my back while doing absolutley nothing, Im still not sure what the hell i did but the pain was great enough to make me call off work for the first time in several years. Ive been slow to recover and get back to full strength but I have started feeling much better and am able to go at full speed again.

For those of you whom i currentley have projects going on for I will be finishing anything up in my posession within the coming few days. Im currentley stuck in a transition rut ofeither buying a shop or expanding onto what i have. I have a tendency to be a absolute pain in the ass to get ahold of and im slowly working on getting that fixed. Im trying to schedule further out rather than taking whatever i can get in the door.

I just ask that my customers understand one thing. I will do absolutley whatever i can to make you happy and will guaruntee my work. I have by far some of the lowest prices when it comes to paint work and ive seen alot of other work that is not of the same quality. Thanks to those who have truasted in me to take care of thier paint work and i look forward to meeting new customers.

Paul Finn

Edited by attackpainter
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With the quotes i have just sent out Im booking for the first week of feb. Depending on what happens with a few ama superbike teams that could throw a wrench into the mix. Turn around time just depends on what im working on . Hard to quote time sight unseen

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I ment to ask a price for the set of scheme we have been talking about. I'll be ordering the new plastics as soon as I get the bike fixed/confirmed that everything is straight. But if you can PM the price so I can start putting money that direction, it would be great! :D

The new track bike is twisted up?

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heheheheeheee..... been there done that. Its called gettn old....... One day the middle of this year I was shootn a set of tins and all I did was turn aroud and set

the gun down. A near empty guy at that and WHAM.............. took the air outta my lungs and dropped me to one knee. Had a catch in my back for about a week. Hope you get feeln better

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Glad you are feeling better. I've injured my back 3 times where I could barely walk, each time it was a result of doing absolutely nothing.

I'll send you A PM on the work we talked about earlier. I'm in no hurry, being that it's winter time.

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A few weeks ago I injured my back while doing absolutley nothing, Im still not sure what the hell i did but the pain was great enough to make me call off work for the first time in several years. Ive been slow to recover and get back to full strength but I have started feeling much better and am able to go at full speed again.

Seriously, see a doctor. I suffered with off and on back problems for 20 years. Most of my family had back problems so I just assumed it was the family curse. Then one year it got bad enough that I finally went to a doctor. What she did for me was get me to a physical theripist. I went to that once a week for a month and they taught me exercises for my back.

Now I do 10 minutes of exercises for my back twice a day and hardly ever have problems.

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Well man i had a problem getting a hold of you a while back but you where busy as hell and thats understood . What you did for me was awesome and i feel bad i havent brought my skins in to you yet but i got laid off so my projects are kinda in check for a few . I think from what i have seen your work is awesome and personaly i would refer anyone i know to you . keep up the good work bro . And i will be bring skins in when the money situation stablizes . Need anything give me a yell :)

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Hope you feel better. Earlier this year I started to get out of bed and it hurt so much my wife had to help me lay back down. I can't recall doing anything that would have hurt it that much. Pain killers and a heat/massage pad were my friends the rest of the day. Hope you feel better.

Anyways, I have been wanting to talk to you. I am most likely repainting my bike this winter and thinking of going with flat black. Many people have referred me to you for questions as your work is top notch. I am painting it my self but don't know what I should use to clear the flat to keep it from scuffing but also keep the flat-ish finish? If you get a chance check out the thread and let me know if you have any ideas. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=40389 Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

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  • 1 month later...

Glad you're on the mend. I have have spent the majority of this week sleeping on my living room floor thanks to my sciatica flaring up. And I too have hurt my back doing absolutely nothing. Take good care of yourself, and the business will take care of itself.

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