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Severe weather


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I find it funny that when we have any severe weather that the news people have to prove to us. So like today, I'm watching some dopey newscaster standing on the side of the road looking like some Eskimo telling me that its snowing and if I don't need to go out don't.:rolleyes:

It gets better... since I live in the snowbelt we should be used to this right? No the next couple stories we have to hear about is how to drive in the snow and interview people who act like they have never seen this white stuff before in their life.

Maybe I need to just get some more coffee :wtf:

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I'm glad I wasn't in town for the first snow of the year. It seems like even people who are used to snow forget how to drive in it for the first few snow-falls. I liked the radio guy who reminded people with 4wd, "that doesn't help you STOP any faster."

Every time they interview someone who hit "black ice," I want to yell at the TV. "your car wants to go straight." If you're not turning the wheel, smashing the gas, or locking the brakes for some retarded reason, your car simply goes straight. how about leaving more room to stop and maybe slowing down 5mph? <eyeroll>

One of my coworkers called in sick today "because her car is rear wheel drive." My first thought: "bitch, I drive a 2wd ford ranger with the bigger V6... Your BMW 530 has traction control, and more weight over the rear wheels." My second thought: "you know, there was a time (quite a LONG time) that front-wheel drive didn't exist. People still got to and from places in the winter.

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I like when it snows. people all crash their cars and are off the road for a little while. I will never understand why the people scared of snow driving will go out and drive in it for a mall trip or something stupid. STAY HOME! Also slow is NOT always the solution to snow driving. Some of us can drive in it and we dont need you going less than 5mph down a icy hill.

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slow is NOT always the solution to snow driving. Some of us can drive in it and we dont need you going less than 5mph down a icy hill.

I agree that slow isn't always the solution, and 5mph is a bit of an extreme example, but by my house, there's a "<--->" sign at the bottom of a hill. The speed limit is 20 there (park and school near by), and that sign gets taken out no less than 3 times every winter. There are tire marks on the tree-lawn several times a week from people who narrowly avoid the sign.

I crest the hill at 10mph max, so I'm sure I can stop in time. And this isn't a steep grade.

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I like running a train in the snow. Good times. Especially when the douchebags are flying up to the crossing and then slam on the brakes at the last minute, sliding right in front of me..............BAM! :lol:

Have you ever hit anyone? I know train accidents are on the decline but I'm interested to know (if you can even say)

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