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Anyone want to throw darts? (Central Ohio)


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If any of you like to throw steel-tip darts and are in the Columbus area, the league I throw in on Thursday nights is in need of some arms to fill out 1 or two teams.

If you have a team (4 or more people), great. If you don't have a team but would like to throw, we can match you with other 'team-less' people.

The league's winter season starts next Thursday, the 14th, 8 P.M., at Zuey's Roundback Bar, Morse and High, behind (roundback) the Tee-Jaye's.

Format is:

501 (dido) - 2 games doubles, 4 games singles

Cricket - 2 games doubles, 4 games singles

Team game - chosen randomly each week, either 801, Shanghai, or Burma Road

The emphasis is on fun, not on trying to become the next world champion. The ability levels range from 'darn-near beginner' to 'ranked in the top 100 in the U.S.'.

Very nice mix of people; young, old, white, black, boys, girls, drunks, 1 asshat, you get the idea.

$20/person for 11 weeks of play, 2 weeks of playoffs, then an end-of-season party with lotsa food and FREE BEER (well, 3 or 4, then you pay for the rest)

I'll be there tonight by 8 if you want to stop by and drink a few/throw a few.

PS: The bartenders (Keri and Lori) are very easy on the eyes....

Edited by jblosser
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