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You know you're from Ohio...


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I hope this isn't a repost, I know this list, or variations of, have been around for a while. If it is, a mod can feel free to delete it.

The fact that the German Village Oktoberfest is in September (and not in German Village ) seems perfectly normal.

You beam with pride that we're the hometown of Wendy's, White Castle , Rax Roast Beef, and Bob Evans & Donatos. But you wonder why we're the 8th fattest city in America .

You remember very vividly City Center & Northland.

You know how to pronounce " Scioto " and "Olentangy".

You see nothing unusual about a street being called East North Broadway.

You live in the suburbs but your backyard was actually a cornfield last year.

That complex on the corner, with the CVS, Blockbuster's and Kroger, that was a cornfield last year, too!

As you lament the loss of all those cornfields, you see the infinite wisdom of Dublin City Council, who spent over $60,000 on a field of 10' concrete corn ears.

You don't even notice new buildings being built because a new building goes up every single day.

You know all the 4 seasons: Winter, Still Winter, Almost Winter, and Construction.

You drive 3 hours to see Red White & Boom for 15 minutes, an d 4 hours back. But you live 10 minutes away.

You know what a real buckeye is, and have a recipe for candy ones.

You know screaming O-H anytime, anywhere, will get a reply from a stranger saying I-O!

The local paper covers national and international headlines on one page but requires 6 pages for sports.

You consider going to the zoo in winter VERY normal.

You have a buckeye necklace.

You think 45 degree weather is PERFECT for washing your car!

You call it POP. Soda is for weirdos.

You get chills when you hear 'Carmen Ohio'.

You know Wyandot Lake is NOT a body of water, and Mad River Mountain is not really a mountain.

You say Kroger's. It's really Kroger.

You remember Big Bear, but now it's gone

You can see a building downtown but you can't get to it, due to 500 million one way streets!

Monday - 30 degrees, Tuesday - 70 degrees, Wednesday - 45 and humid, Thursday - -10 wind-chill and Friday 80 degrees and sunny is normal for you.

One out of every 5 cars has something BUCKEYE on it.

You remember Flippo.

You remember Lucy's Toy Shop

Your big Christmas event was visiting Santa at Downtown Lazarus

You were surprised that there is ANOTHER Hoover Dam in the Country

People drive 10 mph with the first dusting of snow and 65 mph with 2 feet of snow

You know businesses close on Ohio State Football game day.

You know all the haunted places in Columbus . ( Mirror Lake , OSU Library, Palace Theater, etc etc)

You know what 'The Hospital Curve' is.

You think the standard protocol for a tornado warning is to grab lawn chairs and head for the front porch.

You drive down 670 with your windows open to smell the fresh bread from the Wonder Bread Factory and the cinnamon rolls from the Kroger bakery.

You think there's nothing strange about the city of Westerville being Northeast of Columbus.

You think that ' Columbus ' always needs to be followed by ' Ohio '.

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you also measure distance in time not miles.

I was going to post that lol.... we were in PA for a wedding and someone asked how far we drove to get there...

My wife looks up and says "It wasn't bad at all, about 1 and a half hours".... the person looked at her with this puzzled look... so I chimed in "it was about 100 miles"

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Lol Go ahead and throw "You eat a strange substance that looks gross called Goetta" in there...We went to Florida a few years ago and go into this restaurant for breakfast and my buddy look at the waitress and he says...without looking at the menu..."uh...could I have some goetta please?" I can't even describe the look on th lady's face, she looked at him like he was foreign to earth ...needless to say it was pretty funny...Aw yeah if you dont like goetta you can GTFO.

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OK I'll bite. WTF is goetta?

lol Didnt really know how to explain it so i went ahead and googled the word goetta second option was " Goetta Cincinnati" but heres Wikipedias Definition:

Goetta is a peasant food of German origin that is popular in the greater Cincinnati area. It is primarily composed of ground meat and oats. Pronounced gétt-aa, ged-da or get-uh.

FUN FACT: Goetta was originally a peasant dish, meant to stretch out servings of meat over several meals to conserve money.

The modern popularity of goetta in Cincinnati has led to it being called "Cincinnati Caviar". <<<Definitely needs to make the " Your'e from Ohio list"

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lol Didnt really know how to explain it so i went ahead and googled the word goetta second option was " Goetta Cincinnati" but heres Wikipedias Definition:

Goetta is a peasant food of German origin that is popular in the greater Cincinnati area. It is primarily composed of ground meat and oats. Pronounced gétt-aa, ged-da or get-uh.

FUN FACT: Goetta was originally a peasant dish, meant to stretch out servings of meat over several meals to conserve money.

The modern popularity of goetta in Cincinnati has led to it being called "Cincinnati Caviar". <<<Definitely needs to make the " Your'e from Ohio list"

Sounds like something that Cinci can keep all to itself.... Just sayin'.

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lol Didnt really know how to explain it so i went ahead and googled the word goetta second option was " Goetta Cincinnati" but heres Wikipedias Definition:

Goetta is a peasant food of German origin that is popular in the greater Cincinnati area. It is primarily composed of ground meat and oats. Pronounced gétt-aa, ged-da or get-uh.

FUN FACT: Goetta was originally a peasant dish, meant to stretch out servings of meat over several meals to conserve money.

The modern popularity of goetta in Cincinnati has led to it being called "Cincinnati Caviar". <<<Definitely needs to make the " Your'e from Ohio list"

I thought it was like "go etta the hell outta here." Like "what are you eating under there?"" Under where?" Didn't know it was a real food. lol

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lol Didnt really know how to explain it so i went ahead and googled the word goetta second option was " Goetta Cincinnati" but heres Wikipedias Definition:

Goetta is a peasant food of German origin that is popular in the greater Cincinnati area. It is primarily composed of ground meat and oats. Pronounced gétt-aa, ged-da or get-uh.

FUN FACT: Goetta was originally a peasant dish, meant to stretch out servings of meat over several meals to conserve money.

The modern popularity of goetta in Cincinnati has led to it being called "Cincinnati Caviar". <<<Definitely needs to make the " Your'e from Ohio list"

Never heard of it. :dunno:

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