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Pet Hedgehogs - anyone seen them?


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And there's nothing wrong with single guys with cats :)


I can leave for a week, come back, and there isn't shit and piss all over the house.... can't do that with a dog.

Thats because dogs are trained to shit and piss OUTSIDE. Cats shit and piss in a box and make you house reek of ammonia.

I only know of one person who I couldnt tell they had a cat as soon as I hit the door and he is on the board. He had a very fancy shit eradication contraption that resembles a cement mixer. :D

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I would strongly suggest getting a Southern Flying Squirrel instead of a hedgehog. I had one when I was in college and it went everywhere with me. He slept most of the time when I had him in class with me, but he would wake up and sit on my shoulder when I was walking outside. They are really soft and cuddly but they are a bit temperamental sometimes. And if you get one, get a very secure cage. Mine got out and disappeared... at least that's what my sister's ex boyfriend said when he was watching him when I was out of town.. :(

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Have you considered sugargliders? If you want a pet that not everyone has, these are cool. You have to keep them in pairs, or they get depressed. My sister had a couple they are neat. And are easy to get friendly. http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4TSHB_enUS241US241&q=sugargliders&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=1HpSS_3yOZXOlAe8oomvCg&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBQQsAQwAA

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they ar so quite but not realistic for anyrthign turn them loose t]let them freee tlet them run free like ancin with qolwlwwolves and just let them freee, no sesn si in keeing them . thenm they need freedom . freedoim from captivity. no more breeding of human just stpo and let them eb them

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they ar so quite but not realistic for anyrthign turn them loose t]let them freee tlet them run free like ancin with qolwlwwolves and just let them freee, no sesn si in keeing them . thenm they need freedom . freedoim from captivity. no more breeding of human just stpo and let them eb them

Yeah, what he said!:wtf:

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they ar so quite but not realistic for anyrthign turn them loose t]let them freee tlet them run free like ancin with qolwlwwolves and just let them freee, no sesn si in keeing them . thenm they need freedom . freedoim from captivity. no more breeding of human just stpo and let them eb them

Typing with beer goggles can also be a dangerous pastime.

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