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Smoke Alarms. Check Them.


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Just checked the smoke detectors. 1 is good. 1 is bad.

Replaced the battery. Still nada. Hmm. These things just die? :wtf:

Luckily I had a new one stashed. I've never had one go bad like that.

Anyways. Go check yours now before you forget.

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The First Alerts seem to work better and last longer. Less false alarms. I keep a spare also. The last set of batteries installed by apartment maintenance, well, they don't work. Little squeaky sounds when tested. I'll install my own, just bought them.

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The First Alerts seem to work better and last longer. Less false alarms.

Yeah you get what you pay for, and just like gear for your bike, smokes save lives! So don't skimp and buy the $5 specials!

Also if you want less false alarms from cooking/oven issues, look for ones that are PHOTOELECTRIC instead of IONIZATION.

I replaced the ones nearest my kitchen with the photoelectrics for this reason.

BTW, in case some of y'all didn't know, fire alarms is what I do for a livin.

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Yeah you get what you pay for' date=' and just like gear for your bike, smokes save lives! So don't skimp and buy the $5 specials!

Also if you want less false alarms from cooking/oven issues, look for ones that are PHOTOELECTRIC instead of IONIZATION.

I replaced the ones nearest my kitchen with the photoelectrics for this reason.

BTW, in case some of y'all didn't know, fire alarms is what I do for a livin.[/quote']

I has white ones...

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First Alert = Honeywell = good stuff.

Smoke detectors DO have a shelf life and have had some major advances in the last 5 or so years. If yours are much older than 5 or 6 years, you should replace them.

They now have wireless interconnected detectors that are a must in a 2 story house if you dont have hard wired interconnected detectors.

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First Alert = Honeywell = good stuff.

Smoke detectors DO have a shelf life and have had some major advances in the last 5 or so years. If yours are much older than 5 or 6 years, you should replace them.

They now have wireless interconnected detectors that are a must in a 2 story house if you dont have hard wired interconnected detectors.

cool, wireless... I did not know that.

See? I learn something new every day...

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Lots are both. Half of our detectors are carbon monoxide and smoke... allwired together. They also make ones with "explosive gas" detection too.

I was going to get the wireless ones when we bought our house, but it was built in 2006 and already had that fun shit. I like setting one off upstairs and then hearing my wife scream in the basement because she fell asleep.

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I was going to get the wireless ones when we bought our house, but it was built in 2006 and already had that fun shit. I like setting one off upstairs and then hearing my wife scream in the basement because she fell asleep.

You make your wife sleep in the basement? You're my new hero!

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:lol: NO I DIDN'T LOOK!!:o

:nono: Yeah, right..... :rolleyes:

First Alert = Honeywell = good stuff.

Smoke detectors DO have a shelf life and have had some major advances in the last 5 or so years. If yours are much older than 5 or 6 years, you should replace them.

They now have wireless interconnected detectors that are a must in a 2 story house if you dont have hard wired interconnected detectors.

On the news, they were touting 10 years for replacement. I like the 5 years idea though. I need to put some up here, there are a couple NIB ready to go, but I think I migh tlook for some interconnecteds....

I guess I'll be on the hunt for some interconnected alarmage.

Do they have them with carbon monoxide and Ebonics detectors.

Them things be skurry.

Gotz ta got da ebonicz detecto, bro....

Lots are both. Half of our detectors are carbon monoxide and smoke... allwired together. They also make ones with "explosive gas" detection too.

I was going to get the wireless ones when we bought our house, but it was built in 2006 and already had that fun shit. I like setting one off upstairs and then hearing my wife scream in the basement because she fell asleep.

Hmm... I think I might be starting to not dislike you now! :lol:

On the CO (carbon monoxide) detectors. Doesn't CO build up from the ground up, making it important to have them neat the floor? Maybe I'm thinking something else, but I thought that's how it worked....

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Change the batteries every year.

Change the detectors every 5-6 years.

It may safe you and your family!

Here in Chillicothe, there have been a couple children killed in desperate house fires over the last few months. The local Fire Department is giving away detectors.

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