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Whites Only Basketball League


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There are black only teams, black only colleges, black history month, hispanic only scholarships, and on and on and on. But a white only team is racist? Give me a break. You couldn't have a white only college. That would be racist. But a black only college is okay. Why is one was totally wrong, but the other way is okay?? People are ignorant.

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All the other months in schools who are the HIStory books revolving around?

Another FYI: White kids go to historically black colleges all the time.

Most of the black colleges were set up to give blacks in this country a chance at a higher education, which the white schools wouldn't give.

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Black people play better basket ball

White people make better embezlers

Mexicans make better block layers

Asians make better electronics

Fat people are better cooks

Midgits are better lovers

Itailians make better cars

Stereotypes are usually fairly accurate

I'm not racist,I hate everybody.

Carry on :D

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Interesting question. I suppose he can do whatever he wants in that regard but I think he's going about it the wrong way. In the video it sounds like he's trying to shut out people that play "street ball" or trashy people (keeping the tattoos to a minimum) and his way of doing it is only allowing whites.

I think he'd be safer and less contraversial if he only allowed rich people to join. Maybe run a credit check or something. I think that would be a more effective way to shut out what he wants to shut out. Either way, whatever. I suppose he can do it if he wants to.

Are there really "black only" colleges or are they just primarily black. In a society where you can't even keep a girl from joining the boy scouts legally I can't see how you could have a true "black only" college.

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All the other months in schools who are the HIStory books revolving around?

Another FYI: White kids go to historically black colleges all the time.

Most of the black colleges were set up to give blacks in this country a chance at a higher education, which the white schools wouldn't give.

The history of the country/world? I fail to see your point on the history books. Go start a White History Month, and market it as such. NCAAP will be all over your ass.

Main Entry: rac·ism

Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\

Function: noun

Date: 1933

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

rac·ist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective

It is racist to have a "black only" college. So what? I don't see what is so terrible about racism' date=' except when one race is denied rights because of it. I see nothing wrong with a "black only" college. Just as I see nothing wrong with a "white only" basketball team. (well, besides the whole boring factor)[/quote']

I agree with you. I don't give a crap if there is a white only bball team or a black only college. But for the pot to call the kettle black...

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There is no such thing as a "Black Only College"... I think that the institutions in question are known as HBCUs, an acronym for Historically Black College and University.

These were established (as Looney stated) to give minority students (the ones who were bussed to lower-quality black or "colored" schools) an opportunity to achieve at an institution of higher learning after finishing high school. Historically, students at these institutions have been of a myriad of racial backgrounds, not just African-American... Although African-Americans may make up anywhere from 75-90% of the population.

For the record, George Washington Carver (a man of sheer genius) was sent acceptance letters to many schools, only to have a couple of schools rescind the acceptance status when he showed up to visit the campus and officials noticed that he was black. It was situations like these which established the need for HBCUs.

NOTE: My post has NOTHING to do with basketball. I will say this though (to remain on topic). If someone wants to start a private whites only league with his OWN money... So be it, that's his life, and his cash. Just don't send your kids out sellling fund-raiser chocolate bars for uniform money. LOL

Edited by KruelHouse
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Black people play better basket ball

White people make better embezlers

Mexicans make better block layers

Asians make better electronics

Fat people are better cooks

Midgits are better lovers

Itailians make better cars

Stereotypes are usually fairly accurate

I'm not racist,I hate everybody.

Carry on :D

Gotta find me a short woman. A really short woman. :sex:

Looney is just trying to start shit since afterall he is a white nazi supremisist :D

I met Looney at the food drive at Honda NW a couple of months back. For a white guy he has one hell of a tan! :lol:

reminds me of the tshirt:

Mexican Basketball Association - Inaugural Juan on Juan Tournament.


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I've often used the NBA as my example of why affirmative action is ridiculous.

"12% of the US population is black, therefor only 12% of the NBA should be black. Wouldn't that be 'fair?' Is the NBA discriminating against white people because they're not proportionately represented?"

I'd actually be curious about a racial break-down of the NFL. Quarterbacks and kickers might keep things relatively equal. That's it! I demand that all NFL teams interview a black kicker before they're allowed to hire a white kicker!

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Looney is just trying to start shit since afterall he is a white nazi supremisist

:metal::metal::metal:.......Oh wait....

I met Looney at the food drive at Honda NW a couple of months back. For a white guy he has one hell of a tan! :lol:

I forgot my SPF #40,000,000 my whole life:D

I actually started this thread because of the funny factor, I really don't care what he does with his own money. He can start a bald fat guy league for all I care(once the rest of my hair falls out I'll qualify).

Edited by Looney
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There are black only teams, black only colleges, black history month, hispanic only scholarships, and on and on and on. But a white only team is racist? Give me a break. You couldn't have a white only college. That would be racist. But a black only college is okay. Why is one was totally wrong, but the other way is okay?? People are ignorant.

Please name 1 black only college, and please name 1 black only basketball team. A team comprised of all blacks because the white boys are afraid to join, afraid to try out, or just aren't good enough to make the team does not count.

The history of the country/world? I fail to see your point on the history books. Go start a White History Month, and market it as such. NCAAP will be all over your ass.

I agree with you. I don't give a crap if there is a white only bball team or a black only college. But for the pot to call the kettle black...

NAACP The USA history was written by the whites for the whites. Very little if any black/African-American/Negro/what the fuck ever, is included in those text books. It's no secret that historically this country was/is racist. I respect this guy that created this white only league more than most other racist assholes. Reason being, he's upfront and honest with his racism and stupidity. Others just pretend to tolerate the "minorities" because it's the proper thing to do in public. I bet you my friend are convinced that the only blacks that had any historical contributions are Dr. Martin Luther King, Eli Whitney (cotton gin), and George Washington Carver. Not your fault, it's just the way we teach history in this country, and most are content with never seeking the truth for themselves.

I've often used the NBA as my example of why affirmative action is ridiculous.

"12% of the US population is black, therefor only 12% of the NBA should be black. Wouldn't that be 'fair?' Is the NBA discriminating against white people because they're not proportionately represented?"

I'd actually be curious about a racial break-down of the NFL. Quarterbacks and kickers might keep things relatively equal. That's it! I demand that all NFL teams interview a black kicker before they're allowed to hire a white kicker!

NBA: USA is the only country that calls a person with 1 black parent black/African-American/Negro/ what ever they're fucking called these days. Everywhere else, let's say France, they're still just called French. Point being, not every person you view as black in the NBA considers themselves black per USA standards. If there were a higher percentage of white boys that could ball worth a damn, you would see more of them represented in professional sports such as NFL or NBA.

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There are black only teams, black only colleges

Point one of either out please. I'd like to know. There are historical black colleges i.e Howard, Hampton, Norfolk, Old Dominion, BUT a white person can enroll and attend. I am an alumni from such a school and there were plenty white people there.

People are ignorant.

Go figure

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Point one of either out please. I'd like to know. There are historical black colleges i.e Howard, Hampton, Norfolk, Old Dominion, BUT a white person can enroll and attend. I am an alumni from such a school and there were plenty white people there.

Go figure

Yes yes, that has been established already. My mistake.

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