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Officially offering photography


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Wrong.. Any event merchandise which includes pics of said event is considered owned by the event. This is not a public event and therefore the pics are not public domain. If you come in and take pics, you are effectively trespassing and stealing.

If I tried to use another photographers pics then I'm stealing. The fact that it's a private event doesn't mean anything in this regard. All it means is I might be restricted in how I use the photos I've taken, but they still remain my property.

Let's say someone had their camera (slr, p&s, doesn't matter) out there taking a few pics in between sessions and happen to get catch a pretty decent shot. Cool right? Guess what happens if STT finds that photo and tries to use it on their site or on material without permission because they think they own it? They can end up on the bad side of a copyright violation law suit.

Since it's a private event they can say you can't shoot or to stop shooting, but the photos don't become their property. It doesn't work like that. It only limits how those photos can be used.

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Just an FYI. If you plan on shooting pics and selling for money at an event like STT, you need to contact them first as they hire specific photogs for the event. Not to mention that all pictures taken of said event are the property of the event organizer unless otherwise stated and permission is granted.

This is the difference between licensing and copyright. And event can restrict licensing but they in NO way own the copyright on the pictures.

If someone here wants specific pictures of themselves and more post processing than the normal track photos in Ohio they are well within all their rights to do that.

Additionally, I haven't seen any waivers from the local tracks... do they include model releases?

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Additionally, I haven't seen any waivers from the local tracks... do they include model releases?

I didn't want to bring that up. If the understanding of basic copyright laws is difficult I feared a discussion of usage and releases might cause heads to explode. :lol:

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Because dSLR's are cheap and everyone wants to be a photographer. Even worse is the number of them that actually believe they are good enough to charge. Photography has become 80% marketing, 18% gear, and 2% skill.

People don't give a shit about quality anymore as long as it's cheap/free and good enough.

Here's the big problem, of all the careers, professionals, colleagues, workers I've been around, photographers are very high on the list of "my shit don't stink".... and "I'm a REAL professional you're not".

Photography itself is not any breakdown of skill and equipment versus creativity. It's the end result. If someone likes the picture, there you go. You can walk around all day looking at pictures and saying "That's not art", "that's shitty comp", "wow this guy sucks".... but guess what, that doesn't mean shit if 1 person says "Oh, I like this", to that person it's good.

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Photography itself is not any breakdown of skill and equipment versus creativity. It's the end result. If someone likes the picture, there you go. You can walk around all day looking at pictures and saying "That's not art", "that's shitty comp", "wow this guy sucks".... but guess what, that doesn't mean shit if 1 person says "Oh, I like this", to that person it's good.

That's bull.

A shitty picture is a shitty picture.

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Here's the big problem, of all the careers, professionals, colleagues, workers I've been around, photographers are very high on the list of "my shit don't stink".... and "I'm a REAL professional you're not".

Photography itself is not any breakdown of skill and equipment versus creativity. It's the end result. If someone likes the picture, there you go. You can walk around all day looking at pictures and saying "That's not art", "that's shitty comp", "wow this guy sucks".... but guess what, that doesn't mean shit if 1 person says "Oh, I like this", to that person it's good.

Art is subjective, but not all photography is art. There is still a right or wrong way shoot a lot of subjects.

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Those are at less than track speed and much closer. The still shots look much better. Keep practicin bro.

Yeah, these shots are in a much easier environment than at an actual track at speeds. They're not horrible, but not at a level for charging money for them. The biggest thing that stands out to me is the focus is off on the action shots. Work on opening up your aperture and getting the subject in better focus. You should be following the subject, not "catching" it when it comes by. I'd also like to see better control of the out of focus areas in the still shots.

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there may be a right and a wrong, but if someone takes a picture of me and I like it that's all that matters.

Look at all the people that go apeshit bananas over anything sepia...

:lol: I'm not sure I can form an argument against that. Two things I have really started to hate are the over use of sepia toning and selective coloring.

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Yeah, these shots are in a much easier environment than at an actual track at speeds. They're not horrible, but not at a level for charging money for them. The biggest thing that stands out to me is the focus is off on the action shots. Work on opening up your aperture and getting the subject in better focus. You should be following the subject, not "catching" it when it comes by. I'd also like to see better control of the out of focus areas in the still shots.

appreciate the cc for sure. the shots Bad posted were with the kit lens so it was a bit hard to play around with the DOF. As for the panning, I was in a bad spot because of the lack of zoom so it was very hard to pan, but I agree, the focus should be reversed

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I think the only way to settle this pissing match is to post up your best shot of your significant others' in the nude, or an ORDN member in the nude.

Any of the ladies willing to volunteer for the sake of art, Mj, Gsxrgirl, ChickOn2?

I agree, you first.

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If you have a track day and you want someone covering your races I'm officially offering to be your press coverage :)

Just PM me with the date and track. Then we'll meet up before the race so I can introduce myself and go over the shot list. We can discuss monies, it's all negotiable and I'll trade for anything MC, guns, or camera related.

inb4 trolling ...

hopefully SOMEONE is interested

Why don't you do a day at Mid Ohio for free for my buddies and I and we'll see if its worth the money...AND u can use them to advertise for future reference! :)

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Why don't you do a day at Mid Ohio for free for my buddies and I and we'll see if its worth the money...AND u can use them to advertise for future reference! :)

I was going to use the Beaver to build up some portfolio shots but I'm sure I can make it down there for you guys :) Just let me know the date.

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@snodgrass23 - I just checked out your site. You have some great stuff in there.

Thanks. I haven't gotten around to updating the site for a while. I haven't actually done much "personal" shooting recently either, mostly senior and family portraits. The wife keeps me busy taking shots of her new cake decorating hobby, too.

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I was going to use the Beaver to build up some portfolio shots but I'm sure I can make it down there for you guys :) Just let me know the date.

Heck, I would even throw a few dollars your way if they came out good.. ID just hate to pay someone before I knew what I was getting!

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Thanks. I haven't gotten around to updating the site for a while. I haven't actually done much "personal" shooting recently either, mostly senior and family portraits. The wife keeps me busy taking shots of her new cake decorating hobby, too.

mmmm I'd trade photos for cake too :)

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Depth of field is not hard to control, even on kit lenses. Wide open will always be shallow. Always. Closed down will always have the greatest. Always. The difference in DoF between f2.8 and f4 isn't monumental. In good light, it would barely be perceptable.

I shoot high end weddings, and have done so since 1992, working with medium format film (Hasselblad) and did large format (Sinar) commercial work. I closed my business two years ago, as my expertise wasn't what the market demanded anymore. Hate to say it, but I'm a dinosaur. But I'm shooting weddings now for another Pro (Kimberly Potterf) who's a photoshop genius. Who knows, maybe I decide to push it again. Part of being an artist is burning out. Lol!

I haven't really taken to track photography. I took my gear to a track day, and couldn't be bothered to get it out. Way more interesting things happening. Like me riding!

Likwid- your work was missing the key thing. Focus where the subject is. No amount of sharpening the edges will help. Pre-judge where the action will be. Set your focusing point there. It will not be the middle, judging by your shots your friend set up. That's perfect, just make sure focus corresponds with the subject. The stills. You understand composition, which is good. The use of selective focus too. You have a good starting point. Action is much different though. Take your camera out and practice with a moving subject. A hint. You can't pan with a subject coming at you. Switch your vantage point.

As for questions regarding legalities of where, or who, one is shooting, www.asmp.org can answer it all. Good references for Ohioans are the PPO, and in Columbus, the PPCO.

And now Gixxie. You set the ISO off your menu button. Scroll down the left side until you get to the green camera. From there, arrow to the right and scroll down until you get to the ISO sensitivity settings. It can be changed to any ISO, or "film speed" from 200 to 3200, with stops both lower and higher too. The higher the ISO, the less light is needed- or the faster the shutter speed can be too. 400 should be fine for a nice track day. Try using the S setting then, or shutter priority. If you want to freeze action, set it at 1/1000. To pan, get a point from the side, and set the shutter speed to around 1/40. Just use those as starting points.

I taught photography for two years too, and now manage a Cord. If anyone needs help, don't be affraid to ask.

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I taught photography for two years too, and now manage a Cord. If anyone needs help, don't be afraid to ask.

Dang it, re-open your Cleveland stores. We need you up here. One would be enough. Since we are sharing photo collections...here are my favorites of mine:


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