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Hell has frozen - NESBA @ Mid-Ohio


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you forget,you cant pass anytime instructor,and you cant make inside pass and that is stupid.

i DID forget those rules. Thanks.

I don't mind not being allowed to pass control riders. I've never been 'stuck' behind one for more than a couple of turns before they waved me by, or asked me to watch what they were doing. If they do "hold you up" on purpose, it's probably because there's a cluster-fuck of people ahead of you, and they're trying to create some distance between you and the group so you're not part of the log-jam. As the log-jam spreads out, it's safer and easier for you to get through.

I LOVE that inside passes aren't allowed. Sure it makes it a bit hard to get around some people, but the bottom line is that people rarely take you out from the outside. disallowing inside passing means I never have to worry about someone low-siding underneath me.

if you time it right, you can maintain your corner-speed and be gaining on them through the turn, so the pass coming out is easy anyway.

I passed an FZ1 on my 600 this way - If you're faster, you're faster. there is always a way to get around someone without breaking the rules.

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