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Quiting Smoking..... This sucks!!


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When I quit, I just flat out quit. I felt bad all the time, i had a terriable cough, and I was a good pack a day, sometimes alil more. It was hard, but i kept telling myself it was mental. That i didnt need it.

After the first 2weeks it is only mental, you have to want to quit, and you need to be strongwilled enough to stick to it.

I smoked for many years then just quit, no patches, no gum, just didn't smoke anymore.

But if you need any help, I know someone ** cough ** cough ** here on this board that sells electronic cigarettes :eek:, and that someone may be me ;)

I won't post the url here but if you visit my website listed below you "may" be able to get there :D

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I told the wife if I continue to not smoke that I should be aloud to spend the money on my bike.. She :lol: ....damn :mad:

My wife woulda let me buy a Real Doll, a Hummer, and a penis pump if it helped me quit. I saved her the $ and storage space and just bought a bike.

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YOooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu cann doooooooooooo it! Actually you had better do it, cause I'm sure as hell not gonna stop this summer for you to take a smoke break!

Don't worry even if I had to stop, I would still catch up to your slow bike anyways... OHHHH SNAPPP DOG...... I found a smiley for you, it is what I think your bike is :scooter: LMAO

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Don't worry even if I had to stop, I would still catch up to your slow bike anyways... OHHHH SNAPPP DOG...... I found a smiley for you, it is what I think your bike is :scooter: LMAO

Ohhhhhhhh Mr. FunnyGuy are you?....

WELLLLLL.... Even IF my bike is slower than yours, it's not like you have the skills to actually ride yours...hell I'd be willing to bet you have 2" chicken strips on your rear tire!!

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Ohhhhhhhh Mr. FunnyGuy are you?....

WELLLLLL.... Even IF my bike is slower than yours, it's not like you have the skills to actually ride yours...hell I'd be willing to bet you have 2" chicken strips on your rear tire!!

Sounds like I got some one fired up LMAO.. and it isn't 2" chicken strips it is 1" potato wedges :lol:

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wtf... potatoe wedges?

-side note...potatoe wedges sound fawkin glorious! wow I want some!-

On a more important note....

My bike-126hp *stock*which it is far from

Your bike- 125hp stock-bwhahahahah!

So when you say "far from" you mean your bike has less horsepower??? Why would you tell me that, now I will feel terrible beating you. It is like someone in a stock Honda Civic vs a Toyota Supra Twin Turbo... LMAO

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60degree weather, nothing but sun...and somewhere between Cleveland and Pittsburgh- BE THERE OR BE SQUARE MOFO!:beating:

AWWWEE your too cute :lol:

Anyways today is start #2 of not smoking, only wanted a cig once yesterday and that was because of the weather and traffic was terrible. I usually when I smoke like 3 or 4 when people piss me off in traffic. The patch seems to be doing what it is made for so YEAHHH!!!

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I quit when I was 25 (i'm now 35). I was smoking 1 1/2 packs per day back then. The patch and wellbutrin failed me back then but I used a bunch of prayer and will power. Then about a year ago some things in my life started to fall apart around me (and most of my acquaintences at that time where smokers) and I picked up the habit again. :( I was SHOCKED at the prices of cigs. It has been a bumpy road but I haven't smoked since beginning of november (I believe). I started out with wellbutrin 150mg ER once daily and ended up on 300mg ER daily. It took about 3 weeks to completely stop and not desire the cigs anymore. One way to help is to figure out WHY you smoke. The James has a smoking cessation program that has you fill out questionaires and helps you figure out the reasoning behind smoking. Then they can help individualize a plan for you. Everyone is right though...you have to WANT to quit or it's not going to work. I do have to say that it's nice to not smell like a chimney anymore and I don't have to be embarrassed with a cigarette hanging from my mouth anymore. Plus now maybe I'll be around to see my kids grow up (if I ever have any of my own...lol). There are soooo many cancer associated with smoking not to mention cardiovascular disease.

The wellbutrin my not be for you b/c there are side effects for every drug. You may have to try a couple of things b/f you find something that works just for you but DON'T give up!!!! You can do this IF you really want to. :)

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Well I am on day 3 so far and no cigs at all. Hasn't been to bad, a few times here and there I wanted one but I resisted the temptation. Feeling pretty good as well after being away from smoking, maybe in a few weeks I can start running again.

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