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NE spring meet


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I'm upset that I couldn't go on the group ride:mad::mad::mad: It was cool to meet everyone that I did meet.. Everyone was pretty cool:cheers:

Was nice meeting you too, next time you'll need to be riding but you get 1 time we'll let it slide ;)

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A new person. Huh. I'm starting to think someone like to cause drama. Oh jeez. I wasn't even going to say anything to cbr guy (don't feel like finding your name) but since he was there when I was looking at the bikes, I chose to. It was meant to 1. reinforce what I said at the riders meeting- 2. To protect the group. Like I said you want to do that on your own fine go ahead. But not around other riders who may not be expecting it and know how to handle it. Respect that's all.

Get as pissy as you want dude, I have better things to do than argue with you. Like take care of my family at home and ride another day. You maybe be a American and pay taxes but you don't get to choose whether someone crashes, gets injured, or dies. You lost all respect in anyway when you argued that point.

If you want to find those good roads in Ohio they'll never match what you had in California. You might want to think about going back. If you need to stay on the east coast go to Wv, Tn, NC, NGA, maybe upstate N.Y. There's some other places also.

Your friend and Dike bike rider,

Lost1888 (Mike)

Back to getting these pictures up.

Thanks for all the thanks everyone!

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So being the new guy around here and all I have to ask......whats with many of the riders today feeling the need to bang the engines off of the rev limiter when pulling through Winking Lizards Restaurant? I was wishing I was a turtle who could have crawled inside of his shell.

Not trying to be Mr Goodie Goodie here but damn was I embarrassed to be part of that.

Maybe I am just getting (got) old...... :cool:

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Does anyone know who the guy in this picture is?


The guy looking back in the black shift jacket & shoei helmet.

I don't ever get into to many pointless arguments but your lucky I had my daughter with me. Next time you come racing up next to me then cut in on at a light making a left hand turn almost clipping my front wheel I will reach over & kick your skinny ass off your bike. I don't have a problem with someone being an ass clown but I had my daughter with me. I like to be an ass clown too sometimes but I damn skippy make sure I don't almost fuck some1 else up in the process.

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Other then that rant I'm sorry I had a good time & so did the kid. It was fun meeting everyone. THere was a nice variety of bikes to see also. Lost always leads a good ride. For those people thinking the ride wasn't too "technical" you out to go on a small ride with him and try to keep up.

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Other then that rant I'm sorry I had a good time & so did the kid. It was fun meeting everyone. THere was a nice variety of bikes to see also. Lost always leads a good ride. For those people thinking the ride wasn't too "technical" you out to go on a small ride with him and try to keep up.

It was very nice talking to you as well. I rode behind you for quite a while and your daughter was looking like the perfect passenger. Just sitting there and watching the scenery. Memories of her dad she will hold forever.

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I think drumbtz just got caught out. He was towards the back of the back and for what ever reason I guess he wanted to be closer to the front. He was out in the right lane passing us when we all hit the left turn lane. I saw him hit his blinker and check his mirror and look back before getting in front of you. I don't think he realized at all that it was close or that he did anything wrong.

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I am not hostile. It's just that he should have been smarter then that.

My daughter is a great passenger. She can ride all day with no problems. She is a good passenger. Only habit I can't break is she likes to move her feet around which causes the bike to shift to one side or the other which isn't a big deal because she doesn't weigh that much. Plus she has rode horses since she was young so it's second nature for her.

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On to the pictures. These are some of the best. There's more here- http://www.ohio-riders.com/album.php?albumid=944

This is the North-easterners meet up in Mayfield for our little ride down rt. 174 and the parks to Qsl.



Then we all met up at Qsl. I think there were 25 bikes. Some didn't go on the ride. Some did for a short time.





There is also some of everyone's bike in the album link above.

Then the train stop

Get on the bike Koz! Move it or loose it!



Then for a break in Peninsula.


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After these we got seperated due to my uncontrollable need to go fast. Sorry everyone. I felt like crap. Wasn't a big deal I know but it was my fault and I apoligize. Anyways last two just because I took them.

On the way home-



So when the next ride?

Edited by Lost1888
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:lol: are you retarded? seriously? no, no they haven't.

Not to go too far off-topic but my '08 CBR1000's owner's manual says "Hurricane 1000" on the front cover with Hurricane in the old-school font from the late '80s. The "Hurricane" doesn't appear anywhere on the bike but it looks like a new Honda designation for the 1000RRs.

Ride safe,


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Sucks that I missed the ride and the little bit of drama. I'll definitely be at the next one.

Drama was minor for as many people that we had. We need to do it again but maybe break up into a few groups with a few different ride leaders.

We could have the A's for the really fast guys. The B's for the quick and the C's for the guys who want to smell the roses.

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Other then that rant I'm sorry I had a good time & so did the kid. It was fun meeting everyone. THere was a nice variety of bikes to see also. Lost always leads a good ride. For those people thinking the ride wasn't too "technical" you out to go on a small ride with him and try to keep up.

Sush you! I'll keep my roads to myself and some others. They know who they are. Not that there great or anything but in my humble little world there mine. Mostly because everyone I talk to says there's no where to ride around here. If they say that it's a lie. There's places to ride but there are also better places to ride. I just try to make the best out of what I have in front of me. Like my dike bike and sissy roads.:D (I was told it like 5 times in 5 minutes today so it kind of stuck. Sorry if it's getting old.)

I've only been riding road for going on my 4th. year. No very long and have a hell of a lot to learn. Although I do seem to know every pot hole and tar snake in and around the area I ride. I've never been the nerd but sure do like to study the road surface of where I like to ride. ;)

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Not to go too far off-topic but my '08 CBR1000's owner's manual says "Hurricane 1000" on the front cover with Hurricane in the old-school font from the late '80s. The "Hurricane" doesn't appear anywhere on the bike but it looks like a new Honda designation for the 1000RRs.

Ride safe,


interesting, all I found were a couple pictures big enough that you could read it on the bike...






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As nostalgic as all this Hurricane talk is... I've never heard such a thing... Post pics of your manual or I'm waving the bullshit flag.

The CBR1000RR and the CBR1000F,H,a few other letter designations throughout the years were always two totally different bikes. One racing focused, one touring focused. I've never heard them ever go back to the old 'Hurricane' designation. It's always been called the Fireblade.

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So back on subject...... I want to give another huge thanks to Lost1888 for putting together a great route. It was really great getting to meet everyone. The turn out was much bigger than I ever expected. It just goes to show that NEO does have a lot of riders who are hungry for more rides and events. I am still a newbie here but it seems like in years past there were not to many "group" rides and "stuff". Maybe this year we can all jump in and make more events happen.

yes thanks lost1888, i had lots of fun guys thanks for making us feel welcome. This lady is Happy for keeping up with you guys. It was surely a learning experience. Thanks Kosmo...makes me feel good to know i have supporters. :) When we doing that again????

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