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How to get into track days?


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Actually, Lizard I have done Levels 1&2 with code at VIR though, and never once did they specify a line, and neither was it in the cirriculum. Now I bet it is a different coach crew though, and that could be it. I would be interested what lines they are taking? I know code's style of riding is actually key on the wide in wide out that Mid OH is not really good for. I think there is only 4 corners that you enter from the outside curb.

Code's mentality towards teaching riders is pretty much in the middle. The books and his lessons are good to review and put into action with YOUR own style, but outside the genral design, he tends to make you believe there is only one right way to ride a bike. He doesn't seem to include the fact that if you watch any top 5 riders in any top professional series, they will have totally different riding styles.

What bugs me about Code's approach is that he seems to somehow convince riders otherwise. Students come out feeling as if his way it absolutley correct. It isn't wrong, really, but it isn't the end all...

I challenge ANY rider who is average to above average in ability to take teh Code school and teh Swantz school and report as to which was better. Issue is going to be presentation, I suspect and the fact that Code has done it so long, it may move him up further.

The crew he runs is a good crew. I was going to join the crew and was happy with it until the whole focus of Scientology came around. Where that plays in I have no idea and I am certainly not comfortable in people pushing their religous or life beliefs on others.

Code's school is great for basics. It is a great place to start and maybe a good place to go before track days. However, just like any school, people come out with either a book full of knowledge they feel is 100% gospel, or they come out and when they put that knowledge into action, they understand there are other ways to do things and appreciate the knowledge they recieved, but move forward because they know it was simply a start.

In general, doing a school is a good idea. Any of the top schools is a great place to start. However, track days will be a place to develope skills and one can learn a lot at the track. Especially, if they ask instructors for help. Riding around doing it wrong makes things worse. Getting some insight to possibly help you along is a great thing. I wish track days were as popular when I started racing...

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Actually, Lizard I have done Levels 1&2 with code at VIR though, and never once did they specify a line

Level 1 should have included " Turn points". Level 2 should have included "Changing lines"...

Line choices aren't specific for every track in the lessons, of course. It is the overall and general point of the sweeping line theory he teaches. It isn't "sweeping lines" that I refer to as it is what I describe it to be. Wide out before a turn, apex, wide out.

Works great at speed, but if a GSXR1000 running 1:30 at Mid-Ohio and a DRZ400 running 1:48 are on the same lap, the DRZ has no reason to run wide on teh exit of turn one. His speed doesn't warrant that line choice. All he does is push the GSXR out to teh grass because that's where the GSXR should be. However, DRZ guy went to teh Code school and was taught that was the correct way to do it. When, in fact, it isn't. At a 1:30 lap pace, sure. At 1:48, keeping an awareness of others, he should know that he can be in the middle to outside middle of the track and maintain speed and allow for outside passing to occur from MUCH faster riders on MUCH faster machines.

The issue I get from track days is the amount of rider who ride like the DRZ example. It isn't their fault by any means. They are still learning. However, it is those few I pull aside and try and explain why that is not a good idea to only find them doing it again and again. Seemingly not understanding what I said.

I try and run teh riders on what I call a modified race line. The idea is that they will eventually come up to speed and can understand that big sweeping lines aren't needed. The modified part is where I leave at least 5 feet on either side with exception being the apex. That way, they hopefully understand that allowing space on either side at most points of the track, they allow for passing and the result will be more control of their surroundings and less being spooked by a passing rider which results in imediate changes in their lines and can cause chain reactions to other riders around them.

It all needs to be correctly implimented...

Many riders have a different view of close passing, as well. Allowing that room on either side reduces the feeling they were passed so "closely". What is close to me isn't what is close to others. What happened in a situation with Drew was that a rider got spooked by his pass. He passed 100% cleanly and the passed rider was spooked and tucked the front. In advanced, passing isn't restricted to a set amount of feet. Had that rider allowed more space and controlled his area of comfort, Drew would have not spooked him as much. The spooking comes more from differences in speed than anything, but Drew passed on the outside cleanly. The rider reactions were what caused the crash.

All in all, go up to teh instructors at your track day and TALK to us. Get some ideas and TRY them. We're not telling you how to ride, we are simply trying to make it work for you.

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Yeah I call that the trackday line, as most trackday riders even those who don't go to a school have that mentality till someone tells them and they try different approach. To me it is most evident at turn 6 (left after the back straight) at Mid Oh. You can watch most will carry lower corner speed through 5 so they can setup wide for 6. It is a great passing place, but if you are to late it is a great way to get your front sawed off.

When I can hear a bike behind me I will leave that small buffer on the outside, but I also know my mid corner speeds is average and even most faster guys will just out drive me on the inside after the apex for the pass, or up the inside on the brakes as they are carrying that 5-10 mph more entry speed then I am.

Just do as Lizard says, hit up a coach to review your lines then try his suggestions a couple corners at a time. Don't go out and try to change every line on the track at once. That will make it too much of a change and overload your perception and make things harder on ya.

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I found that earplugs really helped with the spook factor. At first I thought, well if I put earplugs in I wont be able to hear the bikes coming. You can still hear most bikes, and when youre getting passed its sofaking loud youre gonna hear it! I think the volume of the exhaust is what freaks most people out. I remember the first time I got smoked on the back straight doing about 135. A liter bike passed me and I about shit my pants!! :monkeypoo:

I dont think the speed of the passing rider is what scared me, Im pretty sure its just the volume! Thats just my opinion tho, Im a newb at the track. This is my first year out there, but its the best decision I have ever made. It has made me such a better rider. :D

Thanks for all the goods words of advice lizard! You will have to follow me around a few laps on monday and give me some help where you can!

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A loud bike that you ride helps. I had done some races and been in the advanced group for a couple years, and last year at Mid OH I was on my Dad's TL-S running when the Track had dried out and couldn't run my rain tires.

I was coming into the kink in Thunder valley leaving some room on the inside when an expert on a kawi 600 shot past me like I was standing still. It spooked me, but since I have been past close it just spooked my senses since I couldn't hear him coming over the TL-S. My mind jumped and not the bike or my body.

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Code's is a school and is very unique. We see his "students" a lot at teh track and let's just say they have some interesting line choices...

Code's isn't near the top of schools I'd suggest if you are looking for good skills. Look at Swantz, Spencer, or even Penguin's for that...

As far as the free track stuff, I actually got hooked up and almost became an instructor with Code. I interviewed and as soon as the Scientology stuff kicked in, I was out. It's cool you get to do free track time (I worked it in 2003), but it isn't anywhere near the track time we get with STT. It is also not close to the same pace, either...

Tony's your buddy, right? Why doesn't he come to any track day events?

Well, it all started in Summer of 2006 when Tony and I were out riding the streets. It was the end of our country backroad ride and we was heading into town. We was about 5miles away from town. There is one last long stretch of road that is the last resort for speed if you want it. This eclipse with a TURBO hissed at me as Tony and I were sitting at a stop sign waiting to turn on that flat mile long straight road. I pulled out and they hamered it, so I went flying by them. Came up to the next stop sign and I was going the speed limit and Tony decides to drop the hammer on his K5 to catch up to me. Well I wish I could have told him there was a cop hiding between the trees that I just passed. He was trying to catch up to me and the cop nailed him for doing 130mph in a 55mph zone! There was no where to go because we was going the way INTO town. The easy getaway would be if we was heading the opposite towards the country, but we wasn't. So, he got pulled over and went to court in October of 2006 and got all driving privledges REVOKED! Not even to work! That is fucked up too! He's in his 40's and needs to get to work! So he's been without ANY license until this October 2007 he should get them back. I felt so bad for him. He didn't deserve such a punishment. It was just a quick burst he did all probably in a 1/4mile stretch just to DART up to me. He is scared shitless now to ride on the street last I talked to him. I haven't spoke with him for a while. I might just give him a call this weekend and see how he's been doing.

How do you know Tony? :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Code preaches Scientology lizard?! Oh gooooooosh! What a tool! I read pages about that religion and it is soooo SCI-FI! Literally. Us humans were brought here by aliens and other crap...WOW, it's far fetched ..lol

He doesn't teach it, he pushes it onto his instructors and thus, the reason I didn't take the job. Working for Monte at STT has shown that I made the right choice. He's a great guy and a damn smart business man...

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He doesn't teach it, he pushes it onto his instructors and thus, the reason I didn't take the job. Working for Monte at STT has shown that I made the right choice. He's a great guy and a damn smart business man...

Is that your main job or is it a side job Lizard? Just curious how nice you got it..;) I myself think it would be great.

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Code preaches Scientology lizard?! Oh gooooooosh! What a tool! I read pages about that religion and it is soooo SCI-FI! Literally. Us humans were brought here by aliens and other crap...WOW, it's far fetched ..lol

Not to mention it makes no qualms about buying your salvation...

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