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scorpion exo-400 helmets? anyone have one?


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I've used the EXO-700 and 1000 models and they're great helmets for the value. Scorpion helmets tend to be a little on the heavy side. I think the 400 lacks a few features from the 700 (i.e. venting) but you can't argue with getting a Snell/DOT approved helmet for that price.

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My EXO 400 is my track helmet. Great helmet for the price. I love mine, but I can't speak to comfort beyond 25-30 minutes at a time; I just only wear it at the track... My HJC pulls street duty, and is due for replacement - probably with an EXO 400 or 700.

the EXO 700 is lighter, and has more features. I like that one a lot too.

Look at buying through sportbike track gear. Their deals on scorpions are disgustingly good - you just may have to get last year's design. To me, they all look the same from behind the visor.

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thanks guys, i think i might just rock my hjc for a few weeks longer and save up for an exo-700.

dude, I checkedthe STG site, and if you're not picky about color/style, you can get the 400 for $65, and the 700 for $108.

I need to go work out now, or I WILL buy this for $108...


my favorite of their designs from last year, and now it's on clearance. must resist...

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Yea I have an EXO-400. Love the helmet for the price albeit this is my first one so don't have anything to compare it to. Wind noise is my only complaint but thats because it has some pretty decent ventilation

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I had an EXO 400 on my head when I went down last year. Though my head didn't hit anything real hard, I trust them very much.

Pros: Everything the 700 does, but a bit cheaper (especially the fog free faceshield)

Cons: Loud, shield hardware is of questionable quality (went theough 3 sideplates in a year), heavy compared to a lot of other helmets but not neck killing, the first faceshield detent is way too high (but that can be modded with a dremel)

If you are looking for very dependable protection on a budget, I would recommened one. I have yet to find the 'perfect' helmet, and I have 3 retired Shoeis and currently have an Arai. (The Arai is closest to perfect, FWIW.)

Good luck with the new lid!

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I have both 400 and 700, like wearing a bowling ball on my head and they are loud- road nosie and they wistle. picked up a shoei on ebay for $125 love it!! I wear a 2x if u have any interest in either of my scorpions they are for sale.

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i have had my share of helmets, hjc, scorpion 400 and 700, and finally moved on up to the big time league helmets with my agv. loved them all.

as far as weight, the hjc and scorpions feel the same heavy weight on my head, although this is after im used to my agv. in my hand the hjc are for sure heavier.

also the sound and ventilation are crap in the scorpion and hjc's.

this is our house collection we have too many:


edit: i should add that for the price you pay getting a scorpion helmet for <100 that comes with dot and snell ratings is a good bang for the buck helmet.

Edited by natedogg624
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The Scorpions are good helmets; I have a 700 and have worn a 400. Yes, they are a tad bit heavy, but you can't beat it for that price. The only thing I noticed different between the two was that the 700 does have better venting than the 400-otherwise, they're pretty much the same.

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i'm surprised so many people find their Scorpions to be loud. I've had 3 other helmets:

- some cheap one that I bought when i first started riding

- a GTmax or GTforce? (my exgf bought this for passenger use. I retired it when it fell off my bike at 35mph... a bungy let go...)

- an HJC CL-15 that I still wear on the street, but is due for replacement soonish

- my EXO 400.

the Scorpion is by far the quietest helmet I own, with the GTmax a close second. Both were FAR more snug than my other helmets.

for what the EXO400 and 700 cost, I'll wear ear plugs... the 700 is supposed to be marginally lighter if anyone is concerned about the 400's weight, but I can't find any info on HOW much lighter.

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