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5th Annual DTC Anniversary Ride to New River Gorge, June 12th


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Destination still being discussed, with St. Louis Arch, Milwaukee Bronze Fonz statue, or Great Lake Shipwreck Museum & ride along Lakes Huron & Michigan current possibilities


Destination: New River Gorge Bridge, Fayetteville, WV

Sams, Matt, & myself meating at Marysville McDonalds @ 9:00.... Leaving 9:15 unless we KNOW someone's missing

Columbus meat @10-10:15, Marathon in front of QSL at 270/71.... Leave by 10:30


Just wanted to re-post this as a refresher for this ride......

Squids need not apply! We're NOT dysfunctional in that regard. We all wheelie now & then, and/or sometimes get into a curve too hot. We wouldn't be riding these kinds of bikes if we didn't like to hit it once in awhile. What we don't need or want, is anyone who's gonna stunt in the group/ride over their head trying to show off.....Thereby endangering the safety of the public, &/or our pack, &/or drawing unwanted/unnecessary LEO attention to all of us. If you can't understand the difference between the two....Then we're probably not the group for you

Furthermore....If the group feels you're crossin' any of these lines when you're out with us....Don't be surprised or offended if/when we ask you to ride somewhere else

Like I always say when we're planning a ride......As long as everyone has fun, & returns home in the same shape they left.......I call it a good day

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Ride there is pretty damn boring though. :(

tend to agree, if we took a more interesting route, the 1 way time would greatly increase.

not that I'm complaining about ride time, I can handle anything up to 30 hours one way at a time if properly motivated. :D

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Ride there is pretty damn boring though. :(

Yeah.... That's one of the negatives

not that I'm complaining about ride time, I can handle anything up to 30 hours one way at a time if properly motivated. :D

Braggart :p

Looks like I inadvertently started this thread last night when updating the calandar. Here's the main thread for discussion......


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1 month out folks. Looks like we're gonna steal that WV Valley Gorge route from Silver Fox, but probably do it over 2 days......


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3+ weeks folks

Don't forget people..... This is a qualifying ride for all you "Groupies", etc to earn your "Formal" DTC member status

There's only a couple of these per season usually icon_e_wink.gif

**Also.... Sam & I were talking about this tonight. With the change of venue/destination, & the fact that Fox Racing Guy claims he turned in ~535 mile ride on this route from the Cleveland area.... We may now make this a daytrip

So for you that were whining about an overnighter.... STFU & get your ass out here icon_cool.gif


Tentative Roster:





Duane (Magley)


Beaver Cleaver


BenYen (if he gets shipped home in time)

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Tentative Roster:





Duane "Magley"

Beaver Cleaver

BenYen.... He got home Friday

Mark "Fox Racing Guy"


Todd "1000rrrider"

Ben & Carie

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So I only have to keep track of one open thread, where details are consolidated

DTC board is public, so anyone can read/reply if they want to

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There's a link to Mark's route in the OP, then I also cut/pasted it in post #69......

Here's the basic route Mark uses for this trip, as stated in the first post of his thread I linked to on here. Not to say we won't tweak it for us, but I know some of you are wondering.....

basic overview is OH RT 800 to the river ( maybe we can take 536 down when we got to Woodsfield though) then take the ferry boat over to WV. From this point we ride along the river till reaching WV 16, from here it's S down to 60 and I think everyone can agree that this is a Hella fun road. Ride over to the bridge and take the old road down into the gorge then return home on the same route.

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Just post up when you have details finalized, or open it up to input from Ohio Riders people (without them having to sign up on your site). This is turning into a thou who shalt not be mentioned thread. :lol:

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The details are impossible to find. FYI.

Just post up when you have details finalized, or open it up to input from Ohio Riders people (without them having to sign up on your site). This is turning into a thou who shalt not be mentioned thread. :lol:


When I start tryin' to charge you for usin' the toilet at my condo in FLA.... Then you can compare me to Voldemort

Here are some of the "Final" details as I know them from doin' this the last 4 years.....

We are goin' ridin' on Saturday, June 12

Destination is New River Gorge Bridge, in West Virginia (weather permitting)

Many of your favorite miscreants on here are going

I'm leaving my house at 8:00

We WILL have LOTS of laughs throughout the day

We'll stop ~ every 150 miles for fuel & so Sam can burn his cancer sticks

We will, more than likely, become temporarily directionally challenged several times throughout the day

Do NOT anger the Picture Nazi.... Smile & willingly do as he tells you

We DID bring home "speed limit suggestion" souvenirs last year from New York's finest. No.... We did not "run from the choppa"

I don't think any of us drag knee

We WILL stop for a fine local meal somewhere around halfway. Tall tales, camaraderie & laughs will ensue. If Nick were going, you'd probably spend the whole meal hearing his kinky, fetish stories

I hope to find a banjo player, & fully intend to have my picture taken with him/her, probably while doing my very best Ned Beatty imitation

I do not "change color" if we get off schedule once we're all together. I'm here to relax with friends on my birthday.... Not punch a timeclock

It WILL be a late night for those of us up north. I got home at 6:00am last year.... Suck it up Nancy

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Updated list.....

Tentative Roster:



Likwid + the Fraulein

Duane "Magley"

Beaver Cleaver

BenYen.... He got home Friday

Mark "Fox Racing Guy"

Matt "CMH Sprint"



Todd "1000rrrider"

Ben & Carie


MaxPower Shawn

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