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Saturday, March 20th 2010


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Wake up you bastards!

It's gonna be mid 60's on saturday. Who wants to ride?!

Since the weather will be SOOO nice, i'm thinking we can start in Bolivar. Ride down SE, hit 556 and maybe 536 if we're feeling lucky, and etc.

since we're all trying to get the rust off our trombones, it'll be a quick but sane pace, hopefully.

if the weather turns chillier on us, we can do a bitch ride around valley view, i guess.

Edited by jbot
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type in bolivar, oh in google maps.

just in case anyone is wondering, this is definitely a longer ride (300~400 miles depending where you're coming from), and there will be lots of twisties... but for those of us in the NEohio area, it's a long haul to get to the good stuff.

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we'll look at the weather, but i'm guessing around 9~10am? it'll be chilly, so we'll adjust the schedule so no one dies of frostbite to get to the meeting spot.

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Ah damn, I don't think I can make it then. I doubt if I'll be back by then, and I still need to do some work on the bike before it's roadworthy. If you guys go on any other rides down around there between Saturday and next weekend I'm absolutely in though :)

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Hey peeps! I have been riding every single day this week! (Been tearing up chagrin river rd...bad idea I'm gonna get a cop on me one of these days I know it :/ )

But hey I work this saturday til like 2 or 3... And I will be at like w45th in cleveland, and just a tiny shot to the highway....

But so I plan on going riding asap after work and if I can jump out early... If anybody wants to ride let me know!

I only have the internet on my blackberry so its kinda rough checking the forums... So best to just text me or call me, ANYtime works.... 21.6-4..6.6-13.7.7

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anyone late comers who decide to show can post up and we may or may not wait for you. i'm guessing there will be a late start cause it is chillay in teh morning.

see the rest of you bitches there

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Hey peeps! I have been riding every single day this week! (Been tearing up chagrin river rd...bad idea I'm gonna get a cop on me one of these days I know it :/ )

But hey I work this saturday til like 2 or 3... And I will be at like w45th in cleveland, and just a tiny shot to the highway....

But so I plan on going riding asap after work and if I can jump out early... If anybody wants to ride let me know!

I only have the internet on my blackberry so its kinda rough checking the forums... So best to just text me or call me, ANYtime works.... 21.6-4..6.6-13.7.7

Were you on River Rd. yesterday with a friend? The only 2 sport bikes I passed were in the Hunting Valley area around 2pm. Oh and you need to ride with us since the guys I usually ride with are cops. Chances of actually getting a ticket are slim. :D

Edited by TenTwelve
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I thought about you guys today when I rode to Cleve/Akron Honda (or whatever the name is now) and back to Concord. It got pretty freakin chilly after about 15 miles. I remember thinking a ride down south would just be to long unless I could somehow wear two pairs of gloves.

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