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Warning to Riders in North Ridgeville!


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Be on the look out for an all black '09-'10 Ford Explorer XLT w/ the chrome pkg (i.e. chrome wheels, grill, and other accents) and a bigger bald guy driving.

I went out for a little ride, about an hour or so. I was heading west bound on I480. I'm driving with the speed of traffic, MAYBE a little faster...about 75-80mph. I get near the exit of RT83 and I happened to be in the fast lane passing some slower cars. I needed to get over so I just rolled on the throttle, execute my pass on 2 cars and made the exit. Nothing major, didn't down shift and hammer it, nothing. Next thing I see is the grill of this Explorer all over my ass, I'm thinking WTF! You got passed and now you're all pissed...fuck off! Well I stopped at the end of the exit ramp and he's inches from me. I look back and I see a uniform....and by uniform, yes an officers uniform.

So I make my right turn and here he comes right up on my ass again, so this time I stopped a little quicker and short of the car in front of me. Now the cocksucker puts his front bumper right next to me on my right. Now I'm pissed, I turn around and he pulls up a little more and HE SAYS TO ME, "Slow it down a little." I opened my visor and promptly said, "How about you stop following vehicles so closely." About this time I'm also looking for a name on the uniform, city, etc. I couldn't quickly identify a name, but the city was Brooklyn (maybe Brooklyn Heights). So he then pulls right up next to me and again repeats, "Slow it down before you hurt somebody." Now he's not yelling or anything and neither did I.

So I then made the obvious look down as if to say, what the hell are you doing pulling up next to me as close as you are. So now the car in front of me made the turn and as I start to ask him if he'd like to pull over and discuss this further he just pulls away and turns right. Now I was half temped to follow him and get his plate number and drive right on down to the N.R. PD and file a report. But then again, what's to say he didn't drive down there and talk to some Ridgetucky cock friend of his and tell them. So I turned the other way.

Needless to say, keep an eye out for an off duty Brooklyn (Heights) cop in a newer black Ford Explorer trying to be Charles Bronson. I can see it's going to be one of those years already.

For crying out fucking loud.

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I have noticed a huge increase in police the past few days....both local and some odd looking/colored patrol cars. I have been assuming they may be in town for the officers funerals....

More than likely, but never under estimate the possibility that the asshat lives in N.R.

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Hold on there with your little leftist self. You probably would have gotten off your bike and asked him if he needed a blowjob.

Only if he voted Obama (I am an Obama fanboy afterall */sarcasm). :rolleyes:

But, given your age description of him, I doubt he was a big Obama fan. :D:p

More than likely, but never under estimate the possibility that the asshat lives in N.R.

I think we can agree on that :cheers: lulz

Edited by JRMMiii
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Wow, and I thought the Ridgeville cops were gigantic assholes.

Something similar happened to me about 10 years ago, I was driving the cage to work in N. Olmsted on 480W when I get behind some asshole in a Lumina doing 70 in the fast lane inching (and I do mean inching) past a semi truck in the middle lane. After waiting for-fucking-ever, I pass him and shoot him the bird, then proceed to get off at the Great Northern exit where I have the 5 minute red light at the top of the hill. Asshole is behind me, gets out of his car and start screaming at me, saying I was speeding and flashes a badge saying he's going to contact the NOPD and file a complaint. Nothing happened, but I really wish my older, wiser self would have been in that situation to give him whut-fer.

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I'm in that area a lot and I haven't seen him. I suspect he is out here for the funeral. I can't get home because of the crowd. I have never seen so many people at the funeral home. I go by it every day on my way to Grafton. There are so many people there that they are parking across the street in the church parking lot. The traffic really started to suck when they put Wal-Mart in so the intersection has been improved some in its ability to handle a larger volume of traffic.

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Ridgeville is notorious for police that like to follow LOOKING for something. Today was fun... getting my FZ1 titled, was using my Buell plates...thought I was done for when I was followed ALL THE WAY THROUGH TOWN. But I was safe.

There are plenty of idiots in this town, if you aren't on an HD, you are a piece of crap. Had a shouting match with a redneck in a white Dodge Ram with stacks, cause I pulled along side him to turn right at a red light. He was going straight, no turn signal... Easy peasy...plenty of room. Well, he took offense to this, turned and followed my REALLY closely the next mile. But as soon as I pulled over to the shoulder on Bagley, he passed and took off. Showing me that his truck is awesome...with all the black smoke billowing out of it. Idiots.

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